A Hot Glue Glue Gun With Hot Glue Works the Best.
Got Me Out Of A Lot Of Bad Situations
2007-03-12 11:32:20
answer #1
answered by immortal_mario66 2
If you want to drink out of it and not end up drinking Bisphenol A, the lovely estrogen-emulating chemical...then use good old fashioned Sodium Silicate. Epoxy leaches Bisphenol A, in addition to any stinky polyamines. These aren't things I'd want me or my loved ones to ingest. Epoxy is for fixing things that DON'T go into your body.
Sodium Silicate can be bought in some of the more complete drug stores. The brand name is Homedco. It is a syrupy, pale yellow liquid. You paint it on the two surfaces just like you would any other glue. If you blow on the joint, the CO2 in your breath with catalyze the bonding process. Soduim silicate is nontoxic, and once bonded (max 24 hours) is as strong as the base glass or ceramic. Just make sure the joint is clean prior to bonding.
2007-03-12 11:00:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
i've got no longer heard of epoxy getting used. Superglue is the desirable. be sure you do a attempt run to place the factors at the same time, then merely glue one area of the ceramic and restoration and carry firmly in place for a jiffy, activity carried out. i don't be attentive to what impact the nail polish could have if any, i think as quickly as the glue has hardened it is going to likely be impervious to the acetylene interior the polish.
2016-12-14 17:24:19
answer #3
answered by sherburne 4
I reglued a huge coffee cup with super glue ( the thick don't run kind) and a super glue accelerator and you can barely tell it. Holds hot coffee just fine. I have used epoxy before on china and it works good but you must hold it with clamps or something until it sets up.
2007-03-17 14:14:18
answer #4
answered by pilot 5
Alene's tacky craft glue.. it does not adhere immediately, and there is a "fast grab" in a purple bottle...
put some glue on both surfaces wait 5 seconds, and then put the two surfaces together..
i made many a model in design school with this stuff..
2007-03-12 10:58:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Super glue work well, but the piece should only be used decoratively after gluing, as it will no longer be dinnerware safe.
Do NOT use gorilla glue- it bubbles up.
2007-03-12 10:52:56
answer #6
answered by christine_ 4
lock tite super glue my window got cracked this winter and did a temp. fix with just glue it's holding great
2007-03-12 10:54:37
answer #7
answered by Larry m 6
You should use super glue. It is the most stickiest kind, I hear. But don't get it on yourself.
2007-03-12 10:57:06
answer #8
answered by Yueqing 2
lock tight liquid glue get it at the dollar store $1.08w/tax
2007-03-12 10:52:32
answer #9
answered by kitty 6
product called "Gorilla Glue" it's excellent , good luck Les the painter
2007-03-12 11:14:06
answer #10
answered by Les the painter 4