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16 answers

the average room tempreture is 21C

2007-03-12 10:40:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2007-03-12 17:38:53 · answer #2 · answered by briggs 5 · 0 0

The best temperature to have your house at is what makes you feel comfortable without making you go broke.

A good temperature to everyone else does not mean it's the best temp for you.

2007-03-12 17:50:29 · answer #3 · answered by Obsean 5 · 0 0

Generally the same all year round. Design temperatures are 21C for living areas, 19C for bedrooms. It will either take more or less energy to heat the house if it is warmer or colder outside. Obviously the colder outside, the quicker the building loses its heat...

2007-03-12 18:44:34 · answer #4 · answered by Richard G 1 · 0 0

Where I live it is 92 degrees today so it is warm, around 80 in the house. I am cheap, I turned on the fans and it is what it is.

2007-03-12 18:10:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depends what suits you and your family!
All you have to do is make sure that you have enough heat to ensure that no pipes get frozen!
The rest of the temperature is for you!!!

2007-03-14 16:00:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How old are you? How mobile are you? My house thermostat is set at 18 Deg c, but my parents who are not as mobile as us and are both in their eighties is set at 21. The question is how warm do you want it to be?, and how much can you afford to spend on heating bills?

2007-03-13 14:42:59 · answer #7 · answered by SIMON M 3 · 0 0

About the temperature to keep you warm........but not a temperature that'll leave you cold!

2007-03-12 17:39:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would said 20 c

2007-03-12 17:39:52 · answer #9 · answered by wisdom king 2 · 0 0

When we aren't home, we keep our house at 58... after work, I turn it up to 65. Its a bit chilly, but otherwise your gas bill could get to be really expensive.

2007-03-12 17:43:15 · answer #10 · answered by gigglegigglesnortgirl 3 · 0 0

I like to keep mine between 68-72 all year round.

2007-03-12 17:42:39 · answer #11 · answered by nic h 3 · 0 0

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