Is this a friend? It really depends on how much time you will be doing things for them at their house. I imagine you are just watering plants and picking up the mail. if it's a friend I wouldn't charge them, but if not then probbaly no more than 10 bucks a day.
2007-03-12 09:27:26
answer #1
answered by FormatLife 3
It all depends on how far they live away from you? on if they will have to use gas money or any type of transportation. I would say you shouldn't charge them very much depending on the type of house....or if you are house sitting for them I would just charge them the cost that you are loosing (if any) or gas etc. I'd say a good $15 a week....if your keeping up matinence a little bit's not really a tough job and all....hope I helped.
2007-03-12 09:26:24
answer #2
answered by Brittany G 1
A home cooked dinner or a night of cards?? I "house sit" alot and I never charge anything since it is allways for my friends and family I don't feel rite charging them for it. Some times I have to go out of my way but I don't look at it as wasting gas to get there, I look at it as helping them out.
2007-03-12 09:33:24
answer #3
answered by candy w 4
Well it depends on how many kids you have too. If you're taking the kids with or just don't have any kids, then I would charge about... well make a deal and say if it's like 5 days, say $70 or something affordable and make sure you trust that person and stuff.
2007-03-12 09:25:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
depends, do you have to stay there, or just stop in from time to time. If you stay charge $200/week. if not, just like $75. This is assuming that you have a job and only go there at night and stay all night.
2007-03-12 09:25:44
answer #5
answered by Skuya!!! 4
for how long,will you be staying there for a friend I would not charge but 99.9% of the time they will offer you cash or a gift certifacate take it but it is allways good to help a friend
2007-03-12 09:27:09
answer #6
answered by Fergie 4