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We just got a brand new house which we love. We haven't moved in yet but we went over there to get some ideas on where we want to put all of our furniture. When I was in the house, I saw 3 wasps inside. There are many wasp nests outside the back door and front door. I don't know if they came in when we went in the front door or if they somehow came in through the vents. Is it possible for them to come in through the A/C vents? Also, we went out into the backyard, when we did, we saw a LONG black snake that stood straight up and then ran away. My hubby said it was just a harmless snake, but we have a 1 year old and a 5 year old and the thought of a snake in the backyard horrifies me. These things wouldn't typically bother me, but we have kids!

Is there any thing a pest control man can do to keep wasps from making nests outside of our house? Also, is there anything we can do to keep the snakes OUT of our yard?

I was excited to move in, but now I'm totally creeped out. :(

2007-03-12 09:09:12 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

1 answers

Black snakes eat mice and rats! I have never heard of one attacking anyone, and I lived in the country all my life, I've got one in the back that's huge and been there for years and never harmed a thing with my cats and dog. The snake will move away when you move in your new home because they don't like company.
There are products at the box stores that will be helpful in getting rid of wasps. Usually, they will put up a little papery nests easily identifiable becaue they'll have a few wasps on them. Then you just spray and run like hell. hee hee. I really think theres a product that is entirely safe. I use a wasp spray in my outbuildings and there's nests all over, I just don't let them bother me.

2007-03-12 09:20:13 · answer #1 · answered by telwidit 5 · 1 0

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