I was watching this movie online yesterday and for some unfortunate reason it wasnt complete...
anyway, I just wanna know what happens in the end...
I stopped watching when the gay cowboys separate and the blond one (heath Ledger) get married.
on that moment the video ended...
Also, if you know of any site where the movie is complete let me know (dont tell me Nabolister because it's not complete in there)
AND ALSO IF YOU FEEL like discussing today tell me what did you think of the movie, whether you AGREE with their love or not, what scene had the more impact on you.
Sincerely, I was shocked by the scene inside the tent, because I didnt expect it, they just started to... you know, I know it would happen but I just didnt expect it.
Thank you for your answer, I'll apreciate it...
5 answers
asked by
Abbey Road
Entertainment & Music
➔ Movies
OH DEAR GOD!!! he dies??? They loved each other so much!!!
I cant believe the blond's wife sees them making out!!! Poor of her too, I would die if I see my husband or boyfriend with another guy, but that's the way love is.. It cant be denied or stopped...it's so romantic.... keep answering people!!!
09:15:00 ·
update #1
I can't believe the people who answered even watched the same movie...
Here is what happened.
Yes, they did carry on an affair but it lasted for 20 years after they initally met on B.B. Mount.
They would try to meet there every year for a few days/weeks.
Ennis and his wife divorced.
Ennis could not bring himself to get a cabin with Jack and live their lives out that way, together. Jack was fully willing to leave his family and move away with Ennis but Ennis couldn't do it. He was afraid they would be found out and killed for it.
Jack continued to have affairs with both men and women behind his wife's back.
Finally, Ennis had sent a postcard to Jack to see if they were still going to meet on B.B.M. but the card came back to him with "deceased" written across it. He called Jacks home, and Jack's wife informed him that Jack had died. As she was relaying the information, there was a scene playing and it showed what really happened to Jack..he had been beaten and left by the side of the road to die. So, clearly he had tried to pick up the wrong guy and they guy went apeshit and killed him for it.
Jack's wife said that she knew he was a good 'friend' of Jack's and that Jack had always talked about Ennis and how he looked so forward to their get togethers every year so this gives you an idea that she knew what the deal was even though it was never said out loud in their marraige. Clearly she knew he was seeing other people by her attitude when relaying the information about Jack's death.
She told him he could contact Jack's parents to see if they would like Jack's ashes scattered on B.B.M. and that he could maybe see if they wanted him to do that.
Ennis went to visit Jack's parents in Texas, and they are very religious and clearly knew about their son's orientation, but again, no one mentions it outright. Ennis merely says he and Jack were "very close friends"...Jack's mother seems to get the drift and says he can go up to Jack's room and have a look around. She obviously knows what he will find.
He goes to Jack's room and in Jack's closet he finds the two shirts they were each wearing when they had the fight on B.B.M. twenty years earlier at the end of the season. Ennis' shirt is on the hanger, and Jack's shirt is over top of it, like it's hugging Ennis' shirt. Remember, when Ennis was leaving, he said he couldn't find his shirt? Well, Jack took it to remember him by.
So, when Ennis leaves the parent's place, he takes the shirts and Jack's mother even gives him a bag for it, knowing that he was going to take the shirts. She clearly sees that they loved one another. Jacks father refuses to let any of Jack's ashes be taken and scattered on B.B.M. and it is apparent that he is disgusted by the whole state of affairs. Again, no one comes right out and says anything about it.
Then, we find Ennis in a small, barely furnished trailer. All alone. His daughter is now 19 and has come to see him. She tells him she is getting married and he asks if the boy loves her and if she loves the boy. She says yes and it's then that the audience realizes that Ennis realizes that love is all that matters and it doesn't matter who you love, it's that you DO love someone and that love is love, no matter who it is between. You see the hurt and sadness in Ennis' eye as his daughter leaves. She has forgotten her sweater and so he goes to hang it in his small closet. When he opens the door, there is a photo of B.B.M. taped to the inside and hanging on the hook are the two shirts of his and Jacks that he had taken from Jack's room. But now, Jack's shirt is on the hanger, and Ennis' shirt is covering it..like he is forever hugging Jack...
That is the ending..Ennis does say something but I forget exactly what..something like "What am I going to do with you Jack?" something like that..and he's crying.
I thought the whole movie was beautiful from start to finish. It was shot in Alberta, Canada and the scenery is incredible.
I liked the scene in the tent, by the way. I thought every scene was very true to life. Guys behave that way..they are not like women. It stands to reason it would be like that the first time because Ennis never wants to admit he's gay or that he is attracted to men. If you missed it, the only way Ennis could ever make love to his wife was to turn her over and do it from the back, so you know he was always fantasizing about Jack when he did it.
Just a bit of trivia for you, Heath Ledger, the one who played Ennis, is married in real life to the woman who played his wife in the movie. They met on the set and got married and had a baby together.
Hope that answers your question.
Rent the movie to see it again completely...you will be surprised at how beautiful it is..
2007-03-12 09:43:01
answer #1
answered by tigerlily01ca 2
This Site Might Help You.
Brokeback Mountain???
I was watching this movie online yesterday and for some unfortunate reason it wasnt complete...
anyway, I just wanna know what happens in the end...
I stopped watching when the gay cowboys separate and the blond one (heath Ledger) get married.
on that moment the video ended...
2015-08-18 07:21:51
answer #2
answered by Kimberlyn 1
Just saw it last week! The two guy were separated for four years, both of them got married, and both were still in love with each other! After these 4 years, the non blond guy wrote a letter to the blond one telling him he would be around his place and wanted to see him again! the blond guy's wife saw the two cowboy kissing during the first visit of the 'friends', they kept meeting for years, and finally the non blond died in a car accident. At that time the film show lots of scenes not previously seen in the film revealing the strength of their relation. The kiss is the scene I like the most. And no I was not shocked by the tent scene, but I really think it should be more romantic or sensual instead of just another f*****g scene! :-( I like this film a lot because it shows men CAN be sensitive... this is so rare!!! Please rent it!!
2007-03-12 09:04:31
answer #3
answered by Topaps 3
Ow. Damn. And I haven't even seen the movie yet. For making me rethink some of the lines from my favorite Clint Eastwood westerns, you should be shot, but it WAS a damned funny way to make me rethink them, so for that, you get a STAR!
2016-03-15 00:36:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
In the end, Jack and Ennis separate. After not seeing each other for a while, Ennis tries to contact Jack, only to find out that he has died. He goes to the home of Jack's parents and asks to keep his old denim jacket. The final scene has Ennis getting a visit from his college-age daughter. After she leaves, he goes inside and opens the closet, where Jack's coat hangs neatly on a hanger. Ennis gets teary and says, "Jack, I swear." Fade out.
LOVE that movie.
2007-03-12 08:54:08
answer #5
answered by Film Jedi 7
lots of things happen but basically the dark haired guy comes back and they start having a secret love affair behind their wives backs. in the end the dark haired guy dies. i don't care to watch two men going at it but i thought it was a good love story. they both wanted someone they couldn't have and loved each other until the end. i thought the scene in the tent was weird too. i thought there would be more between them before they went there. it was just all of the sudden in your face.
2007-03-12 08:53:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I Broke my Back trying to Climb that Mountain and never went to go see the movie.
2007-03-12 08:49:37
answer #7
answered by What gives? 5
i really liked the movie, it should have recived the oscar, everyone expected it.i think heath leger was great in the role .you should do something to see the movie, the end is really good.
2007-03-12 09:05:17
answer #8
answered by io 4