I think people just rush into marriage too quickly now, before they can realize enough about the person their marrying. It seems like more and more people are getting married in their very early 20's, when there is still alot of improvement to be made, still more maturing, and still arent involved in a career, which all leads to problems for newlyweds.
2007-03-12 08:48:29
answer #1
answered by spiritofjosh 3
no. i'm never going to get married. Even if i meet that one person i think i might be able to grow old with. I'll ovbiously have a relationship with them but i don't think a marriage will be necessary. Everyone i know has been divorced or has some sort of warped marriage i would never ever want. My parents are what i have always considered picture perfect... and now they're seperating. People change.. and so do their emotions. How do you know if the feelings you have for someone will still be there 10, or 5 years from now?
2007-03-12 16:32:08
answer #2
answered by Catalyst 2
I think yes marriage is still a great way to gain trust and form an agreement between two persons. Both persons should commit and put in all to risk and hope nothing goes wrong. Its like court house they would not let u suite a person without proof of anything, marriage is that proof to a family. The laws on marriage should be more strict and firm if you want people to take them seriously.
2007-03-12 16:18:40
answer #3
answered by chewy 1
I've been married 20 years and it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I love my wife with all my heart, so I am in favor of marriage. Many people get married for the wrong reasons and many do not take the commitment of marriage seriously as you say, but it can be good if you work at it.
2007-03-12 15:47:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Marriage is not a waste of time!!! When the thought of divorce enters your mind before the marriage happens, in my opinion you did not want to be married in the first place. The problem with today's view of marriage is that it's a joke!! When things get a little tough nobody wants to fight for love. I think marriage is a beautiful thing. There is nothing like coming home to your true love everyday.
2007-03-12 16:00:07
answer #5
answered by vicki_blue_07 2
I take my marriage vows very seriously. And there have been times during my 18 year marriage when I might not have stayed if it weren't for the committment that I had made when we were married. Before you marry someone, make sure that they believe that you must work through any difficulties that arise. If you both agree to do this, then marriage really can last.
2007-03-12 15:47:12
answer #6
answered by hotgramma 2
i was 19 when i got married 8 years ago. my husband and i both take our vows seriously for this reason. we got so tired of hearing how we'd never make it so young or how marriage is a joke anymore. its not been easy but we have defied the odds against us. marriage only lasts if both parties are willing to make it work. its to easy to quit and divorce. i prefer the challenge of making it work out.
in answer to your question yes i do think couples in love should marry. i think kids deserve a chance to grow up with a complete family and a happy one at that tho i think single parenting works just fine. we're losing morals and values in society cause to many just give up and quit. we deserve something that lasts, something that we have worked our butts off for and at the end of the day to know it was all worth while.
2007-03-12 15:56:29
answer #7
answered by Ashley H 2
Amazing you ask this. I've been thinking the same thing lately. I would stand by my husband through thick and thin, and fight hard for my marriage. However, he keeps telling me if my 20-year-old son moves back home (his step son) he will move out and leave me. To me, that's not a true commitment. He seems to not like anything out of "whack" and if things aren't perfect, he isn't happy. I wish I had known that about him before we got married!
2007-03-12 15:46:20
answer #8
answered by bina64davis 6
I wonder that myself. Ever since the 70's divorse has become popular. I myself am one my second marriage. I am lucky thus far. everything is going great. Look at all the kids growing up in a single parent home. they see that they don't need a life long partner. and will fall in the same rut.
2007-03-12 16:16:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i have been married for five years and i could never imagine not having him, my kids, my life, my house etc. i think some people actually think things through before the ring goes on, but only about 45% of people. I believe marriage is sacred. FOR BETTER OR WORSE!
2007-03-12 15:52:21
answer #10
answered by tara b 2