it can be done to any nucleated organism
2007-03-12 08:37:51
answer #1
answered by the vet 4
No, theoretically the methods used currently can work on any nucleated organism as has been said. That is, we take the nucleus of an egg out, put in new genetic material (of the organism we want to clone) and trick the egg into thinking it's been fertilized.
However in practice many animals (all primates for instance -humans are primates) have at least two problems which currently prevent their successful cloning.
One problem involves the removal of proteins necessary for successful cell division when the original nucleus is removed. This will most likely be overcome with further experimentation.
The more daunting problem at the moment is that some adult genes (in the replacement genetic material) are permanently de-activated therefore not expressing in the cloned cell line and adversly affecting the development of the cloned organism.
2007-03-12 13:12:06
answer #2
answered by audionaut 3
No! because human beings have been cloned, what scientist does not realize is that; the cloning which happen in the human body is more difficult to achieve by artificial means do to the limitation of knowledge of the human genetic code; the human body in nature is a cloning mechanism of complicated atoms, molecules, telemeres, chromosomes, genes, and DNA-RNA replicatons. In science they understand only the physical, but the information "before" the genes is the key to the cultivation of consciousness, this information is the person talking the driver of the vessel itself, when there are twins nature does the cloning, because of the vibrations of the sperm that are of smilar frequency to the egg or ovum, this vibration cannot be seen by the eyes, it is a type of energy field, when one can minipulate this energy in the coding they can merge the sperm and egg, other things that happen in the body are; once the movement of the tail of the sperm helps in to move this in turn helps it to its destination; some scientist tend to not think of this energy knowing that it is there, but without it genetics would be impossible; there are laws governing human cloning; to exchange the nucleus of the cell is the way to create a clone, first the cell must be starved slitghtly enough to make the nucleus retrievable in the cell after the membrane is weakened, then the same thing to the next cell, and after that exchange of the nucleus from both cells, then administer cell food something that the is a protein-like substance that will strengthen the cell membrane, after that, the scientist have something that shoots a small spark to lively-up the cell, after that they lodge in the uterus to the wall of the uterus then, nature does its job, the only difference is that the purpose and destiny of the cell is alter, and also it physical capabilities.
2007-03-12 09:27:29
answer #3
answered by Kaneka Majii 3
Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy which possesses the same characteristics of the original one.It can take place in any living organism.Even humans can also be cloned but that creates lot of genetic problems in the cloned .As we know the cloned animal and the mother are very identical in every ascepct.
2007-03-14 22:48:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No.... Cloning can be done to any thing having nucleus. But there is one disadvantage of remaking of identical human beings. That is one can make a identical to a human being without missing even finger prints. But in our society, some family relations are maintained among ourselves. The cloned human being doesn't have such love and there may be a danger that he could turn into a evil spirit in society. And one thing is that scientists thought of remaking great scientists who are still alive to make another scientist like them but, they can't make such persons because, if we take India's present president Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, we should create his parents and the environment under which he was grown. But, for creating his parents, we should create their parents and this chain continues into a longer one because, this list will include his relatives, friends, mentors, persons who inspired him to become a such great scientist. It is practically impossible because, we have to wait until they grow up and marry etc. One more thing is if we create identical to an infant, there would be a problem if a crime is committed by one person because, there would be no difference between them including moles, finger prints. If Human Cloning do happens in all the parts of world, every person loses his own identity and there a confusion arises, who are real men and who are cloned men. In animals there are not this much of problems because, they have no knowledge of thinking like a man. They are brought by parent animals until they can earn their food on their own. So cloning can be possible in them.
2007-03-12 16:35:14
answer #5
answered by ♥ ΛDIƬΥΛ ♥ ııllllııllıı 6
In USA and lots of other countries it is against the law to clone Humans.
Some of the members of the scientific community consider it unethical also.
From time to time, you get reports of this having achieved in other countries or tried unsuccessfully in other countries but nothing is confirmed yet.
Humans are mammals and it is a done deal already, as far as mammals go(Dolly, the sheep).
I do believe that it is possible, just matter of doing it, need a very healthy human so the defects do not get magnified(miootoo's Hypothesis).
2007-03-12 09:25:58
answer #6
answered by minootoo 7
I dont see some thing incorrect with eating cloned meat. i imagine that's stupid for everyone to make any such vast deal out of it. All cloning is a genetic reproduction, so what's the version in case you eating meat from an animal that replaced into no longer cloned as adverse to eating its reproduction? Its all a similar issue! I recommend, i'm no longer an animal activist, yet when i replaced into, the in undemanding words problem i'd see is that the beef market is cloning animals for meat production on my own, yet then what's the version between that and BREEDING animals for meat production? the in undemanding words distinction I see which to me is unquestionably a earnings to those those who devour meat is that you'll be able to take an animal who's genetically acceptable and reproduce that to make more beneficial of a similar guaranteed perfection as adverse to breeding which genetically may be altered, and no assure of turning out to be yet another acceptable animal because of genetic transformations between dad and mom.
2016-12-01 21:37:48
answer #7
answered by ? 4
yes, at this time there have been attempts to try and clone humans but the government has step in. Maybe at a later date they will try to clone humans in the united states.
2007-03-18 09:27:00
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It's legal only to clone animals. Human beings are not tried yet.
2007-03-12 09:02:50
answer #9
answered by Smile- conquers the world 6
Cloning in plants has been going on for many years - just cut a stem or leaf from a plant, place it in some soil and it grows into a new plant which is genetically identical to the original plant
2007-03-12 08:43:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
scientists are researching about cloning of human beings.but then wouldn't it be dangerous if human beings are cloned?
2007-03-12 17:42:36
answer #11
answered by coolkitten 1