Why add injury to insult?
2007-03-12 08:20:56
answer #1
answered by maxnull 4
As I see it, the main concern is that a motorcycle has no reverse gear, but a reliant robin does. I've driven Reliant's on a motorbike licence for many years and it took some getting used to the width, gears and everything else which I had to teach myself - it is nothing like riding a motorbike which I passed my test on. Oddly though, they're nothing like driving a car either - they're in a class of their own! It's one of those little quirks of the law that will probably be closed before too long, but it's a quirk I happened to like. It kept me dry in the rain and allowed us to go on family days out which we couldn't on a motorbike. I wouldn't begrudge anybody the same opportunity I had to drive them on a motorbike licence. They're an extremely economic car, cheap to tax and very easy to maintain.
2007-03-12 08:32:33
answer #2
answered by Mental Mickey 6
2 and a nil.5 miles according to hour ?. The reliant Robin is incredibly much certainly the worst dealing with excuse for a motor vehicle made interior the final 60 years. i myself owned a precise to new one many some years decrease back - for an hour! Took it decrease back to the dealership after driving it for an hour and advised them it replaced into no longer a motor vehicle yet a bad humorous tale. particularly (by way of todays standards) they allowed me to cancel the deal devoid of penalty.
2016-10-02 00:17:31
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Only if the law is changed.There are enough vindictive people in this country.Let the poor saps keep dry in the winter,bless um!
2007-03-12 08:25:47
answer #4
answered by ? 5
No, why?It is just like a 3-wheeler motorbike, but with a wheel and a cover.
SJJOSEY - you are talking rubbish, that's the whole point, you ARE allowed to drive them with a motorbike licence
2007-03-12 08:19:36
answer #5
answered by spiegy2000 6
No, I've seen bigger motorcycle's than those things!!!! Besides have you ever driven one?!!? It's like a badly put together cosy coupe!!!!!!!!
2007-03-12 12:33:47
answer #6
answered by Bealzebub 4
Robin Relients cannot be driven on a motocycle licence. So those who are driving a relient on a mototcycle licence are breaking the law
2007-03-12 09:05:45
answer #7
answered by sjjosey 2