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whats that cheat for like no blerr for your sims please help

2007-03-12 08:05:58 · 5 answers · asked by im awsome 2 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

for the p.c.

2007-03-12 08:15:11 · update #1

5 answers

***The Sims 2 & The Sims 2 University***
There is a cheat that only works in the unexpanded game and the University expansion pack. This cheat is disabled once the Nightlife expansion pack is installed (see below). Here's the cheat

1. Open the Cheat Console by pressing [Cntrl+Shft+C]
2a. Type "intProp censorGridSize 0" (without the quotes) to get rid of the censor blur
2b. Note: you can restore the censor blur by typing (again without the quotes) "intProp censorGridSize 8"
3. Press [Enter] after cheat is entered

NOTE: The sims look like Barbie dolls underneath the blur. If you wish to remedy this, see the last part of my Answer instead of using this (or the following) cheat.

***The Sims 2 Nightlife & Later Expansions***
The cheat to remove the censor blur does not work in Nightlife or any expansion thereafter. Because of this, you will need to download the No Blur Patch from SimPE (see my sources). Note that there are different versions of the patch depending on your most recently installed expansion pack.

NOTE: As with the cheat above, the sims look like Barbie dolls underneath the blur. If you wish to remedy this, see the following part of my Answer instead of using this patch.

***Nude Patch***
If you want your sims to be, er, *anatomically correct* under the blur, download the Nude Patch from The Sims Warehouse (see my sources).

NOTE: I won't list the sites that take sim nudity to a more *adult* level, as this is not the website to list such things. For these sites, a simple Yahoo! or Google search of "Sims 2 Nude Patch" should suffice.

Happy Simming!

2007-03-12 08:22:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

cntrl shft c motherlode = 50,000 kaching = 1000 forcetwins = to have twins... might desire to do it while lady in 1st of 2d trimester.... my sim has 8 instruments of twins... lol... if u desire extra... or extra effective yet.... while u use the administration shift c tpye help and it will all seem for you.....

2016-10-18 05:06:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What console are you using:
Nintendo DS

2007-03-12 08:09:20 · answer #3 · answered by ஐ♥PinkBoo - TTC #1♥ஐ 5 · 0 0

go to www.gamefaq.com

2007-03-12 08:09:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


2007-03-12 08:20:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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