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Am I supposed to support my son and her new fiance' when she abducted my son to a foreign country, is forced to return him by her own courts, tries to get custody surprisingly in two failed attempts...lies to him, to me, to courts, to police, to family, friends, lawyers, two counselors...I bet she has lied to her fiance'...denies me visitation several times...even nightly phone calls...prearranged vacation time that she renigs on one week before ...and I am supposed to support all of this when my son doesn't like the guy - for HIS reasons, doesn't want the situation...AFTER all of this... I am supposed to support my son...and her...and this new relationship that is upsetting my son?

2007-03-12 07:32:49 · 7 answers · asked by RealEYES 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Starls C....I pay child support...she garnished my wages just out of spite when I paid directly for almost 3 years...demands curbside pickup (before the new guy comes out of the woodwork) in a home that was my second home where we all participated in events...even sharing his birthday after the divorce...now the new guy and all is cut off...there is no domestic violence...my son complained in counseling, "It is upsetting to see how my mom is treating my did"...I tried to convince her this was going to harm him...I asked her if she met someone knew to be honest and let me know...she is denied custody twice and then the guy magically appears two weeks later...after the second attempt..but I was barred from even approching the front door...the same home I practically lived in for 2 years...we shared two homes...with our son...during this time...and then all of a sudden...she wont talk or explain...bars me from her life...inhibits mine...takes legal action...all the above...all of a sudden

2007-03-12 07:46:25 · update #1

7 answers

keep paying the support you don't wont to look like the bad guy and that's what it would look like to the court system if you don't pay and do everything you can to get custody even if it takes setting her up. I cant tell you how to do that but there are allot of ways

2007-03-12 07:48:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Welcome to the psycho ex club! I know it isn't a club of choice, but at least you know you are not alone. My suggestion is to talk to your attorney and file for full custody of your son. If necessary, you can have your son testify. We decided not to put our (my 2 stepsons) through that when they were about the age of your son (8 right?), because we thought it would be too dramatic of a situation with cross examination....but we wish we had of now, so give it serious thought. You can also have your attorney order an in home evaluation of your ex's, which they would probably do one at your home as well, but if your son has legitimate complaints, the court &/or people doing the evaluation will pay attention to the complaints. Make sure to document everything, and I mean everything, that goes on. Phone conversations (record if allowed in your state) if not write it down, what crap she pulls, things your son says that bothers you either about his mom or fiance, times you didnt get to see him, lies told, school issues (if any), just anything that pertains to your son in any way...write it down, keep it in a file for later. Now this one might sound a little weird...but stick with me...take pics of your son, when you have him, having a good time, also have people take pics of the 2 of you having a good time. Put the pics in a photo album designated for just the 2 of you and the fun you have. If you end up in court, you will have documented files, done at different times, so no a lot of mumbo jumbo written in one day, and you will also have pics of the time you spend together & showing your son "happy" when he is with his dad. It will disprove some of her crap, and will benefit you in the end. You still need to keep up with your support payments while you do all of this other stuff. It could be a long process unless she does something crazy that will allow immediate emergency custody, which doesnt sound like she has yet. In the meantime...mind your p's & q's, prepare prepare prepare, let your son know that you support him (not financially but metally), that he can tell you anything, try to take his mind off of the adult crud, and teach him patience. I trully know how you feel, and you probably get a little obsessed, depressed, and just plain crazy at times, but focus on going forward, fighting for your son, and doing what is best for him...no matter what. Take care and good luck!!

2007-03-12 07:59:29 · answer #2 · answered by MrsJ S 2 · 0 0

Unfortunately, yes. Trust me I agree whole heartily that this system that is in place SUCKS!!! I think that "child support" is a joke and should be eradicated! One parent should not be allowed to raise the child while the father only pays and never has any real rights to his own child.
I can only hope that every person that came up with and helped pass into law all that is used in the "family" courts have to endure all the evil that they have perpetuated in their own private hell.
Good Luck to you Sweetie... What goes around comes around and hers will come around ten fold!

2007-03-12 07:53:57 · answer #3 · answered by littlemama_rules 2 · 0 0

actuality examine time... you have not got any say over who your ex receives in contact with. she will date and marry whoever she needs. because the custodial figure, she is the single which makes a decision about who receives to be in the relatives and also you lost your say over the count number once you acquire divorced. exceedingly problematical to swallow, yet that's existence. Now the actuality is that in spite of in case you get to fulfill this guy (and that relies upon completely on the sturdy will of your ex), and also you don't like him, what are you going to do? no longer that the guy is a criminal or a pedophile, yet you basically don't like him. Or he's a distinct faith. Or a distinct race? Do you drag your youngster right into a foul courtroom conflict over it? I study your posting very intently and how you're phraseology issues is exceedingly telling... "imposing his beliefs on my son". What beliefs? And as for her rebuffing your demands to fulfill her fiance, she does no longer ought to introduce you. in case you both at the prompt are not on sturdy words and also you're stressful particularly than asking then i do not blame her. that's humorous, at the same time as my brother divorced, he were given right into a severe relationship and remarried exceedingly early on, yet at the same time as my ex-sister-in-regulation all started courting, my brother began to get disenchanted that yet another guy replaced into going to be round his little ones. i'm telling you a similar issue I informed him... if raising your infant interior a similar relatives meant a lot, then per chance divorcing wasn't the right issue to do. existence strikes on, and until eventually you've some style of information that this guy is a actual chance for your little ones, you do not get a lot of say over stuff like this.

2016-12-01 21:32:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What a difficult situation, but in spite of it all, your son is priority. As frustrating as it may be, time will tell all. Be his rock, his support, his guidance......everything he needs right now. You will come out ahead in this - it will just take some time. Disregard your wife and her fiance.....focus everything you have on making your son's life a happy one.

2007-03-12 08:04:28 · answer #5 · answered by Tangled Web 5 · 0 0

Yes! You must support your SON no matter what and paying child support is part of that.

2007-03-12 07:37:24 · answer #6 · answered by Starla_C 7 · 0 0

well she can be charged with purgery for lying to get custody talk to a lawyer about what you can do to get your son in your custody!

2007-03-12 07:49:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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