Well I had this guy who worked for me that was a real good worker. One day he asked me to come over and see his new hunting dog. I knocked on the door and he let me in his house. As I went into the Kitchen, there sat a garbage can that still had the hides and guts of 4 or 5 rabbits he had shoot about a week ago. The blow flies were everywhere. He ask me if I wanted a cup of coffee and as I looked over at the coffee pot, I could see maggots crawing on the kitchen counter top. Really gross. I didn't have coffee and I left as soon as I got the chance. This was worse than any home I had been in when I was in Veitnam, Japan or Okinawa and this home was in a good area of Ohio.
2007-03-12 07:24:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
i replaced into in Chinatown in Manilla having dinner at a really fantastic chinese language resturant with the relatives. you know the kind with stay seafood tanks and the waiters all dressed like penguins. I had basically finished eating a huge and very fantastic meal at the same time as this Philippino sitting on the table next to us basically became his head and spit some thing out onto the floor about 2 inches from my shoe. My jaw dropped in disbelief ! He wasn't inebriated and acted like it replaced into no vast deal. i must have called that slob each call in the e book and called the headwaiter over. after I submit a fuss they were given someone over to freshen up the mess and eject that jerk. If I were eating at a roadside calderita i might want to understand/tolerate it. yet at between the nicest resturants in Chinatown ?
2016-12-01 21:30:19
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Friends Season 1 on DVD
2007-03-12 07:43:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I knew a kid who lived with a bunch of friends in his moms basement. I went over there one time and almost puked because of the smell...there was dog feces everywhere, dirty clothes, moldy food, cigarrettes, and who knows what else. I think they may have found a cure for cancer if they looked hard enough. That place was horrible!
2007-03-12 07:16:13
answer #4
answered by megadethbabe86 2
A woman smashed a cockroach with her finger then used the same finger 5 minutes later to pick her teeth.
2007-03-12 07:15:48
answer #5
answered by bubba23111 3
A baby eating a hot dog off of what should have been the floor. We couldn't see the floor. We called Social Services.
2007-03-12 07:15:35
answer #6
answered by s_y 1
A baby running around with a loose diaper and a turd on the carpet. Ick
2007-03-12 07:14:22
answer #7
answered by wackadoo 5
It's a tie:
1. Excrement smeared on the toilet seat. Ugh.
2. Dried ferret poop EVERYwhere -- I had no idea what it was! It looked like burnt-up, dried Cheetos. Double Ugh.
2007-03-12 07:14:52
answer #8
answered by napqueen 6
I went over to my friend's house one night and I looked over in the kitchen and her cat's were crawling all over the kitchen counter and the kitchen table licking themselves --- that was disgusting to me -- I haven't been back and I would never eat any food they served !
2007-03-12 07:21:50
answer #9
answered by bye bye 5
Dog mess everywhere. (Behind the sofa, in the kitchen)
I nearly puked and never went back.
2007-03-12 07:14:52
answer #10
answered by Obtuse Triangle Fan 4