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pls answer this question asap! needing a bit of last-min research lol. thanks.

2007-03-12 06:47:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Other - Social Science

kill them? i need more detailed answers pls.. like say, stoned to death by an angry mob, perhaps?

2007-03-12 06:52:34 · update #1

& yes, it's in an indian caste society. gosh i gotta take care of all the details next time before posting a question. kinda in a rush though, so oh well. ><

2007-03-12 06:58:31 · update #2

3 answers

Today, nothing if it is a legally "inoffensive" touching.
If it is legally offensive or threatening, there may be a criminal charge for assault and/or battery.
The perceived castes of the parties is irrelevant under Indian law today [although some Dalit politicians and "activists" make political hay out of their previous status]. If the touching is truly accidental and not as a result of negligence with harm resulting, nothing happens to the Dalit [the real name for the people who used to be called "pariah" and "untouchable."]

India is one of the hippest, most progressive countries in the world - concern about caste is mostly limited to the most backward, rural areas of the country.

2007-03-12 13:29:24 · answer #1 · answered by Prof. Cochise 7 · 5 1

they get cooties? Sorry LOL. I think the untouchable person become defiled or dirtied in some way, temporarily at least, if touched by an untouchable & the untouchable gets horribly refbuffed & is further reviled. I presume you are talking about a caste system.

2007-03-12 06:52:46 · answer #2 · answered by napqueen 6 · 0 6

they use to kill them

2007-03-12 06:50:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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