2007-03-12 06:19:05
answer #1
answered by mymy8040 1
Is it too late to do a nuchal fold test? This carries no miscarriage risk. Also, have you been given your odds of a chromasonal problem? They should do a test, add your wifes age etc, and come up with a odd for the child being impaired. If the odds pop up as 1/100 then you might want to risk the amniocentesis, if they are something like 1/700 then you might want to hedge your bets.
Looking at your wifes age, you do fall into the high risk catergory, so it might be better to look at it this way, if this baby has downs syndrome what would you do? Spend a few hours imagining the baby DOES have it, and then from your feelings you will know. If you feel you will keep it anyway, then it is pointless taking the risk. I believe it's less than 1% risk of miscarriage with amniocentesis, but you might want to consider that this is a blanket percent, and does not take into account the fact it's an IVF pregnancy, you lost a baby already in this pregnancy, and your wifes age.
I really don't know what I would do, if you would like to terminate on the basis of the child being disabled then you should do it, if you would not terminate on this basis, then why bother?
2007-03-12 06:31:24
answer #2
answered by CHARISMA 5
An amniocentesis is not done to merely determine if you want to abort if there is a problem (which some posters have implied). The baby may have medical issues that require specialized care or a specialized delivery (scheduled C-section, a cardiac team standing by after delivery, special medication before delivery, specialized monitoring, etc.). That is one of the reasons for an amnio. Studies conducted recently have suggested that the supposed risk of amnio and miscarriage are much lower than have been previously stated. I am 38 and took my OB's recommendation to have the amnio. It's a quick, almost entirely painless test that brings peace of mind, little risk and important information. Good luck.
2007-03-12 14:34:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ok, there is a test they can do with an ultrasound if you are between 11 and 13 weeks pregnant. It is called Nuchal Translucency. I had it done just for the heck of it. It looks at the neck of the baby to tell if it has downs. But if the pregnancy is later along, and your wife is the age that she is, I'd recommend doing the amnio because there's only a slight risk of miscarriage. I think the odds are in your favor. But the Nuchal test is very new to doctors right now so I recommend going to an imaging center. They do it a lot now. My doctor fought me tooth and nail to get this test. But I succeeded and I'm happier because of it.
2007-03-12 06:37:27
answer #4
answered by Amanda D 3
At your wifes age, I would have it done simply because the older we women get the more issues we are likely to have. I think it would be a good idea. If there is an issue you will have time to come up with a plan. God Bless your wife for being pregnant at 42...I don't think I could do it. Congrats and good luck.
2007-03-12 06:41:47
answer #5
answered by proud2btysmom 4
first of all, congratulations on your baby! Honestly when I was pregnant with my first son, they suspected down's syndrome and wanted to do an amnio, which I refused. I love my son more than anything in the world, why put him at risk to find out something that you can't change anyway. If you found out something was wrong you would be upset and stressed for the rest of your pregnancy not good for the baby! If you found out nothing was wrong, but it compromised your pregnancy it would definitely not be worth it. God gave you the baby you were meant to have! Good Luck with everything
2007-03-12 06:25:26
answer #6
answered by Kelly D 1
If you had the blood tests at 13 weeks to determine if at high risk for downs did they tell you then what your % was?
if it was low then baby should be ok so if you dont want to take the chance with the amnio test i wouldnt, as your going to love the baby no matter what right?
good luck
2007-03-12 09:55:58
answer #7
answered by ♥♥™Tia™♥♥ 6
My first baby was born with Down's Syndrome. He is 5 and cute as he can be. Anyway with our second we decided to have the amnio. I would definitely have one. Not that it would change your feelings about whether or not to continue with the pregnancy but if it was Downs or some other problem, it might tell your doctors whether or not you needed a specialized delivery. or if the baby needed a (for example) heart doctor there if it had heart related complications. I had one to personally ease my mind so I wouldn't worry for the rest of my pregnancy
2007-03-12 06:24:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hi, My cousin decided not to have it, she didnt want to know and didnt care. I however, would probably have it just so that I could be prepared, should anything be wrong with the child. I dont mean I would abort or anything like that, i just mean it would give me more time to read up on the possible conditions or disabilities and help me know more about what my child may be born with. It would help me help my child if you see what I mean? Its completely up to the both of you, i can certainly see both sides. Cause if there was something that showed up, she might worry throughout the pregnancy which wouldnt be fair on her.
2007-03-12 08:15:10
answer #9
answered by brunelscooby 4
if you find out that the baby has a problem will you abort it??? it sounds like you have been trying for this child really hard and will love and take care of it no matter what so why have a greater risk of miscarrying (esp. since you have been having a hard time) if you will love and take care of the baby no matter what then i see no reason to
another thing to consider is would your wife blame herself if she was to miscarry bc it does have a higher risk of miscarriage i would blame myself so maybe to spare her feelings and yours it might be better left alone
2007-03-12 06:24:34
answer #10
answered by momma 4
I had two amnios with my two children - just to reassure myself. Thankfully they were both OK. You must seriously condsider what you will do if there are abnormalities detected, before you get the amnio done. Have a chat with your midwife or consultant. Best of luck.
2007-03-12 06:22:16
answer #11
answered by Roxy 6