meaningless sexual relationships...... self love of gratification... you mean.... selfishness .....lust is a strong pull of Satan's
2007-03-12 06:45:56
answer #1
answered by zee zee 6
Your version of love is not the only one in the universe. I have experienced true and deep feelings for the women that have been in my life. How is this meaningless? Lets compare. In your relationship that you deem to be the only meaningful one I'm sure some of these things are present: trust, loyalty, honesty, sharing, love, intimacy, fun, laughter, friendship. Am I correct? Well these are the same things that same sex couples experience. If I was to have a relationship with a man to appease people of your nature, then that would be meaningless. I wish there was a way to open the minds and (this is gonna be cheesy) hearts of people such as yourself, but there doesn't seem to be one. You make me sad.
BTW, I don't think it is fair for you to say you "honestly" want to know the answer to a question when your mind is so obviously made up about the topic. You answered one of my questions before (in a somewhat rude fashion), and I have seen other answers and questions you have posted that follow the same theme. Why do you have to come on here and cut us down and try to hurt us when, once again, you have already formed your opinions on the subject? Can you please just live and let live?
2007-03-12 20:40:57
answer #2
answered by T 4
The same point for a heterosexual relationship. To have companionship and intimacy.
Why would you think we are doomed to a lifetime of meaningless relationships? It is extremely bigoted of you to say that certain relationships are meaningless simply because they don't fit in with your narrow minded view of the world.
2007-03-12 10:22:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Why is a gay relationship doomed to be a lifetime of meaningless relationships?!? You obviously are very uneducated about homosexual relationships. If you haven't been in one or know someone who has then you are just thinking of the same ole stereotypical blabber! You need to stop being so close minded and learn a little. Its 2007 for goodness sakes- grow up!
2007-03-12 06:47:57
answer #4
answered by ItalianPrincess 4
Obviously, either you're not gay... or has not had a decent long-term relationship...
I really can't explain why I fall in love with a woman... It's not like I planned it. And yeah, I tried to be straight, but to quote you, it feels like I'm being "doomed to a lifetime of meaningless relationships. why would someone want that?"
I have a girlfriend... We've been together for eight years. Now that may not be a lifetime, but it's been the most productive, fruitful, wonderful and amazing eight years of my life.
What's the point of any relationship anyway? We just long for it and crave it, and when we find people who complement and enrich us, we feel blessed and somehow the world seems like a better place.
2007-03-12 06:42:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Before I go off on your bigotry, let me answer your question this way - what is the point of any relationship?
To give and receive love from another
To feel more complete or "whole" with the presence of another
To have help and consolation for all the troubles and trials of the day
In this way LGBT relationships are no different than straight relationships.
Who are you to say that all LGBT relationships are "meaningless?" Are you somehow implying that all straight relationships are fraught with more import and importance?
There are just as many "one-night-stands" in the straight world - where the term originated - as in the LGBT world. Who are you to say that a straight relationship's love is any different than people in an LGBT relationship?
I hope you are not saying that an LGBT relationship cannot produce children, and is therefore "meaningless." A few points -
1) LGBT people can and do produce children every day. Come into the 1980s with IVF and sperm donation.
2) Does this mean that straight couples who cannot or who choose not to have children are therefore "meaningless"? What a horrible and cruel insinuation!
EDIT - psst to "sarge" - Hate Speech is not covered by the 1st amendment and is prosecutable, since its only intent is to harm others. Please don't throw around terms you don't understand.
2007-03-12 06:25:29
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You answered your own question.
"from my point of view"
You aren't us, you can't know us, you don't want to know us, you can't begin to understand us, yet you ask a question that you will never accept the answer too, so why try to answer it?
I'm sorry to sound harsh but we've seen some of your other posts and you have zero intention of listening to what we have to say so please, just don't ask anymore.
If you want proof of what I mean, here it is: your own words "being gay means being doomed to a lifetime of meaningless relationships!". You've already made your mind up so why the dishonesty of the question. As I said, please, just leave us alone, you have no respect for us and you never will, so please try to show some respect and don't ask these insulting questions. I know I don't ask such things of you.
Edit: I see sarge is at it again. Funny, he probably longs for the days when gays were hidden, women were beaten, blacks were lynched and rape was something you did for kicks......well sarge, it ain't the 50's anymore so you best get used to us because we are not going away and we certainly aren't going to roll over just because you have a problem.
2007-03-12 07:07:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The point of a gay relationship is the same as a straight relationship:
To fall in love
To have fun together
To have someone to support you when you need it
Why do you believe that gay relationships are meaningless? Have you not noticed that there are gay couples all over in all walks of life that have been together and happy for years?
2007-03-12 06:51:45
answer #8
answered by Emily H 3
Honestly, people reach out and want to have someone who be there to listen to them and hold them at the end of the day. If you are a man and that person happens to be a man or if you are a woman and that person happens to be a woman there is nothing meaningless about that. Gay relationships and straight relationships are still relationships and at the end of the day you just want to form a connection with another human being.
2007-03-12 06:51:15
answer #9
answered by Lisa m 1
I am not in a meaningless gay relationship I met my partner about two year ago and we went through a Civil Partnership and are living a great life together.
2007-03-12 07:30:22
answer #10
answered by THOMAS S 2
I agree to the question why would someone want to be in a meaningless relationship, but that goes for heterosexuals as well. I'm in a current 2 year relationship, 100% monagamous & loyal to eachother. She is my bestfriend and the perfect match for me. She compliments me in every way and we continue to complete eachother daily. I have never felt love as deep as i do with her and even if it all ended tomorrow, it will NEVER prove to be meaningless. She has shown me the TRUE definiton of love fully reciprocated. And oh yea, we are lesbians.
2007-03-12 06:54:08
answer #11
answered by Raynebow_Diva 6