Ye mean the leprechaun's crock of gold, matey!
It comes from the end of the rainbow, didn't ye ken?
If ye don't find it at one end, then go look at the other!
Simon Templar
2007-03-12 05:12:08
answer #1
answered by In Memory of Simon Templar 5
Ireland. My understanding it came from the Irish putting unwanted gold pieces or fake gold peices in a pot and setting them outside so the shoe maker can use them to fix shoes....or you can believe this story
Legend tells us the wee Irish folk called leprechauns make fairy shoes for a living. They are said to stash their gold in a pot at the end of a rainbow. The best way to find a leprechaun is to follow the tap of a shoemaker’s hammer. If you catch him, he must take you to his treasure if you can keep him in sight. If the leprechaun can trick you into looking away, he will vanish and so will hopes for finding the leprechaun’s treasure.
Legend of the Irish Pot of Gold included.
2007-03-12 05:14:17
answer #2
answered by Spring loaded horsie 5
From Lucky Charms?
2007-03-12 05:08:51
answer #3
answered by GRUMPY1LUVS2EAT 5
The Leprechauns, I wish I had one.
2007-03-12 05:07:55
answer #4
answered by Pantherempress 7
under the rainbow.
2007-03-12 05:10:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous