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benifits themselves????????????????/

2007-03-11 22:19:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

10 answers

You mean like you can't sue a member of Congress for being corrupt or making a law that screws the little guy or not making a law that protects us like the abuse of Eminent Domain that turns your home into Lowes and the local government say what the value of your property is so they can sell it for less than they took it for to benefit a developer that made a campaign contribution. You mean like giving themselves a $5000 a year raise every year. They have to struggle to get by on $180,000 a year plus perks Is that what you mean? Harry Reid Sen. from Nevada that just got his hand slapped for a real estate deal he did so he could make a few hundred thousmillion. I just want to make sure before I answer.

2007-03-11 22:27:10 · answer #1 · answered by ohbrother 7 · 3 1

BOY. This brought out all the "top contributors".
I'm sure there is some of that going on but I wouldn't use the word "only". That's a bit naive.
By and large they try to do good, but as with every thing else, we only hear about the bad apples.
Now we have a President that I believe is trying to do the right thing, but he is being badgered by the opposition on everything he tries. When did you ever hear that George Bush did something correctly? What are the chances that a person could fail to do anything right? I know this will inspire responses of "No he's always wrong" but name something that someone said "good job George" You see. Not Republicans, not Democrats, not the Press, nobody.
What are the odds?

2007-03-11 22:40:09 · answer #2 · answered by H.C.Will 3 · 1 1

They pass ones that favor themselves and know that the complacent American public wont do anything about it.
Been involved in politics, both parties, saw how they disgustingly operated once elected; so I got out. They would say anything to get elected and do whatever they could for themselves once they got in.

For example, simple solution to Social Security..... put them on it and see how much it improves. The government needs to turn it over to the people; let us vote on all major issues.
These so called educated idio.. can't even balance a budget
....and they talk about women balancing a checkbook.

You should see the email going around about NBA or NFL..
It shows all the criminal offenses politicians had; drug charges, adultry, DWI, etc., etc. and it was worse than those on the NBA or NFL. Thanks to our illustrious ???? politicians
we are know as the 'ugly American', etc. etc.

2007-03-11 22:43:38 · answer #3 · answered by lisamisc 3 · 0 0

Most of the time all the politicians worry about, especially in the House of Representatives, is getting reelected. They will do almost anything to get pork barrel legislation passed for their districts so they can go home and tell the voters what they did for their communities. But, I blame voters for most of the problems. If voters are ill informed, either because they don't want to know the facts or because they don't care, that's what we'll be getting in return--the same old politics as usual. If voters want change, the only way to do it is through casting their votes.

2007-03-11 22:25:53 · answer #4 · answered by gone 6 · 0 1

that either benefit themselves directly or will beneift their reelection.
most definitely.

Why do you think no one wants to do what should be done, and move to cut fundingaltogether from this war on IRAQ.
Democrats do, but the key players wont allow it, thats why democrats have split amongst themselves .. Pelosi is trying to get somethign passed that will dent bush' capability, but because only about 75 dems want a full defunding of the war, she cant.

Because for one, she doesnt have the numbers, and two, if she did they could spin it against her in the next election

You dont get into politics if you want to help people
you get into politics when you want a long political career

2007-03-11 22:27:53 · answer #5 · answered by writersbIock2006 5 · 1 1

Ultimately government is little more than a criminal extortion enterprise disguised as public service.

The little bit of good that it does is just a cover for its criminal activities.

Love and blessings Don

2007-03-12 03:34:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Congressmen are said to pass laws beneficial to them or their business partners because their salaries are not that high but they strive to become lawmakers. They tend to benefit from lobby groups which they favor and to protect their businesses.

2007-03-11 22:24:24 · answer #7 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 1

Only? No. Mostly? Yes. But they have to throw us a bone every now and again to keep us placated.

2007-03-11 23:12:00 · answer #8 · answered by seattleogre 3 · 0 0

Yes but for some reason the people still trust them with so much power.

2007-03-11 22:26:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes democrats republicans are all the same corrupt and greedy.

2007-03-11 22:23:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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