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i consider myself to be a very fun person. i'm always laughing it up with my friends, and i'm usually the life of the party... but whenever my friends decide to throw men into the mix, i totally freeze up. i become anti-social, i won't talk to anyone except my friends, and i just kind of fade into the back ground until no one notices me, then i reappear when the guys leave... my friends notice it, i notice it... and i think the guys do to... i love to be with my friends but i hate to be around guys... what the hell is wrong with me?

2007-03-11 21:33:32 · 5 answers · asked by afreaknqueen 1 in Social Science Psychology

5 answers

There are probably very deep seated reasons for your reactions. You don't say if your friends are men and women, just women or just men, but assume a high percentage of your friends are women.
This does NOT mean you are homosexual or asexual. I really wish people wouldn't throw uneducated answers out there and further confuse those in need of real help!!!
You are probably shy. You may have had freightening experiences with men growing up, I have no way of knowing. However, there are Emotional and Mental Health Clinics in ALL towns and cities of any size, or go to the city in your area that provides these services. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE "CRAZY" -- do not think that or let anyone tell you that you are !!!!
Our minds are very fragile -- think of how fragile an egg is! Our brains, souls, and spirits are VERY FRAGILE. Sometimes something happens to us in life that hurts us emotionally and since we are not trained in how to deal with it we hide and or build walls to protect ourselves from being hurt or scared again.
Psychologists are doctors for our minds, spirits and souls (many psycologists are also priests or ministers). Psycologists treat the mind for damage that has been done to it just as a medical doctor treats damage that is done to our bodies. You wouldn't walk around for weeks, months or years with a broken arm or other body damage would you??? The same goes for the mind and spirit -- dont walk around with a wound to your your mind and spirit -- go to see a licensed psychologist. Go on to your search engine and type in PSYCOLOGICAL HELP or something to that effect, when you find a sight try to see if they have a list of highly reknownded doctors in or for your area. Make an appointment and get yourself the help you need and deserve!!!!
Also, if you dont have a lot of money, most communities have FREE Mental health Clinics or they charge on a sliding scale according to your income. Mental Health is just what it says: HEALTH FOR YOUR MIND & SPIRIT !!! (Just as Physical Health is for your body! It is NOTHING to be ashamed of -- by the way, most people have emotional and/or mental health problems of some kind -- as we are ALL human & we are ALL FRAGILE !!!!! Most are just not BRAVE enough to admit it !!!!! You are brave to ask for help -- NOW GO GET IT !!! )
I just opened my phone book to yellow pages under MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES and there are 10 help centers !!!! One called: CROSSROADS BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, DAVID LAWRENCE CENTER MENTAL HEALTH OF COLLIER COUNTY, and there's even one for spanish speakers! So there's NO EXCUSE for you to not get help!
Dont carry a 'broken arm (spirit)' around with you for 30 years and then look back some day and say, "I coulda had a wonderful life, if I'd just taken care of my (mental) health !!!!!! (Ask people you know and trust to reccommend a good help center too. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY LIFE !!! Barbie

2007-03-11 22:15:03 · answer #1 · answered by BARBIE 5 · 0 0

You are comfortable with your friends, when new people, mostly guys it seems, come around you fade away because you are shy, that causes you to be anti-social. this is not a bad thing, my advice would be to focus on one of the new guys only (preferably one that is quite also), imagine you are alone in the room with him. your self-confidence will return.

2007-03-11 21:46:05 · answer #2 · answered by roman 1 · 0 0

Since your handle is "A freak queen" and you're straight, I assume you're a girl.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. You're just shy. Try to be friendly with a guy or two next time and in time you'd get use to them.

2007-03-11 21:57:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

r u a guy or a girl? if u are a girl, then it sounds like low self esteem. if u are a guy, then maybe u are not straight.

2007-03-11 21:41:28 · answer #4 · answered by braille 5 · 0 0

Maybe you are asexual - http://www.asexuality.org/home/

2007-03-11 21:43:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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