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Fourteen primary schools are taking part in a £600,000 Government funded research project, 'No Outsiders', aimed at familiarising children with gay and lesbian relationships.

Homosexual fairy stories are being used to illustrate the normailty of such relationships.

Personally I feel this is 'SICK' and amounts to ths active promotion of homosexuality within schools, and the corruption of a minor. I am beginning to question whether the promoters of gay and hetro promiscuity get some kind of sexual sick kick by corrupting our children.

2007-03-11 21:31:37 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

36 answers

Children ages 4 should NOT be taught anything about sex, gay or straight.

At age 4 a child should be learning how to tell the time and doing "The cat sat on the mat", etc for the first time.

Childhood, our only innocent time, should be protected at all costs. Children must be allowed to be children and not turned into three feet high adults.

2007-03-11 21:39:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 16 1

With you all the way on this one. At one time I was a total homophobic but have, I suppose by the continual brainwashing, come to accept it as part of modern life. My main objection is the way that some gay people flaunt what they do. Julian Clarey is a prime example. When introducing a BBC holiday programme a few years ago he made innuendos towards an interviewee on the programme that were disgusting. I do not think that the way they have sex is natural as that particular aperture was meant for another body function. I now know some gay men and they are very nice people and kind with it but I can never get to grips with what they do. This and all sex education should start in the family and for the very young a totally unnecessary part of their formal education.

2007-03-11 22:55:22 · answer #2 · answered by ANF 7 · 3 0

No because they are not. There is a huge difference between teaching respect for differences and brainwashing them into thinking that something like this is normal. Also, as many others have stated, it is wrong to be teaching children that young anything to do with sex.
On the political side of things, this is opinionated propaganda and therefore should not be funded or co-ordinated by any government. They are supposed to represent the people and most people, in my opinion, would resent such use of government funds and power.

2007-03-11 21:43:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

With the media drowning us with sexual images everywhere from sitcoms to commercials and going about your daily life leads you into contact with every sort of person...its ridiculous to assume that 4 is too young to know about such a thing. 4 is when kids ask questions about everything. If your 4 year old happens to see 2 guys kissing in public and ask why are 2 guys kissing then your 4 year old is ready for an answer. Also, with pedophiles lurking everywhere and starting on kids from a very young age, your 4 year old needs some basic sexual understanding in order to realize that certain kinds of touching just aren't acceptable. Would you rather your kid learn that love is blind and brings two people together to share lives with each other or that love is disgusting and perverted and should be hidden and shameful? Your choice.

2007-03-11 21:58:51 · answer #4 · answered by coolred38 5 · 4 3

I dont think we should even be discussing sex or sexual relationships with children aged 4!! I mean if people want to be politically correct and all that, fine. But I dont think the subject was broached with me until I was atleast six, and in that, I was given a picture book called "Where did I come from" which was euphemised so I wouldnt become disturbed. I think this is a heavy and loaded social issue and should be broached, if at all, with children old enough to think for themselves and to be able to sleep without a night light!

2007-03-11 21:37:09 · answer #5 · answered by Ms_S 5 · 11 0

"Normal" is a social standard that is based on culture and religion. The schools shouldn't be teaching is either "normal" or "abnormal".

The schools should be telling children that it exists, at the same time they tell children about other sexual relationships. And the schools should be telling children that most species of mammals exhibit the behavior, since that's objective science.

It's then up to the parents whether the children should be taught to be tolerant of others, or prejudiced against others.

2007-03-11 22:08:51 · answer #6 · answered by coragryph 7 · 4 1

Nobody should be taught that same sex relationships are normal because they are not.
While there is a strong case for lowering the age of consent for heterosexual relationships to reflect the physical maturity of adolescents, any decision to take the left hand path of same sex relationships should be deferred until eighteen. The education system has no role in familiarising children with the existence or detail of such deviant behaviour.
I wonder how long this answer will live before the 'gay'(?) mob submit their complaints?

2007-03-11 21:44:28 · answer #7 · answered by Clive 6 · 9 3

Personally, I don't feel children under the age of 12 should be familiarized with ANY sexual relationships. Let them stay innocent!

2007-03-11 22:36:39 · answer #8 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 2 0

im sure the government can spend that money on something worthwhile.What the hell does a 4 year old need to know about sex anyway,its about time children should be allowed to be children and not made to try and be little adults.

2007-03-11 22:08:56 · answer #9 · answered by lou 3 · 6 0

You used the phrase " aimed at FAMILIARIZING children with gay and lesbian relationships". As far as I know, this just means that the group will be letting the youngsters know that such relationships exist and that the participants are as nornal as any other adult. They are of all races, social classes, and religions. They are different only in their choices in life partners.
Like it or not, such relationships exist and I don't believe the participants are going to end their relationships or mask their feelings for their partners just because you don't approve of it or don't want your children to see it. I think what this group is going to teach youngsters is that this is a lifestyle choice that some people make and not go into whether it is right or wrong. I don't think this group is out to convert children into gays and lesbians. Most gays and lesbians can accept that not everyone will be like them.
I think you have proven that this program can be beneficial. Your question indicates that you lack the objectivity needed to approach this subject with your children. You would probably teach your children to hate and harrass gays and lesbians for nothing more than their choice of a lifestyle. By doing this, you would be cheating them out of some wonderful friendships. I am not gay but I have gay friends and a cousin as a result of marriage who is gay. I am grateful for these relationships in my life and all because I had parents who did not teach me to hate.

2007-03-11 22:04:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

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