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Ok, Im soon to get married to a verrrrry special girl, and it wasn't easy for me to get her. Anyways, we are both virgins (and yes, im sure).

I made a commitment to myself and my mom that I will be the best husband in the world.

How do I live up to that name? the girl is special enough for me do do anything for her (so motivation to please her should be ok)

As a kid, I used to get angry fast, but I also made a commitment to control that, and Im doing pretty good so far. any advice for that?

How do I make her feel like a princess or the most special girl in the world (living in heaven on earth), to a point where she wouldn't want to take her hands off of me.

question applies for in the bedroom and outside the bedroom


2007-03-11 20:30:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

13 answers

"I made a commitment to myself and my MOM that I will be the best husband in the world"

Ok, that just sounds all around disturbing. Your MOM has nothing to do with your marriage. It really is time for you to cut the apron strings. Big time.

"As a kid, I used to get angry fast, but I also made a commitment to control that, and Im doing pretty good so far. any advice for that"?

My advice? Deal with your 'mother-hang up". Cut the apron strings and pull away from your mommy's control. Second of all, your new wife is not a "princess", she is a human being who you need to view realistically instead of idealizing her. The longer you keep up this 'act' the faster you'll slide to the very bottom of that slipperly slope you're now in the process of plunging down.

"How do I make her feel like a princess or the most special girl in the world (living in heaven on earth), to a point where she wouldn't want to take her hands off of me"

The only reason you want to "make her feel special" is because you want to be assured that she "won't be able to take her hands off of you". This isn't about love, is about control. You are concerned about your needs, not hers. It's obvious. Futhermore, her needs have nothing to do with wanting to feel like a 'princess'.

2007-03-11 22:27:25 · answer #1 · answered by Rain 3 · 1 0

Aiming to be the best husband in the world is very daft. How about being the person she married. You can do this by:

1/ May be start by marrying a woman not a girl. As far as I know it is illegal to marry a girl. So treat her for the real person she is.

2/ It is not making her a princess and creating an unreal world that makes a woman become a joy to be with.

I have found that it is communications that is so impotent. We have 2 ears and 1 mouth - use them in that proportion.

Touch is so impotent - learn how to speak with your hands.

In sex - the 2 most impotent organs are the brain and the skin. Joy for both is when both engage them.

The most impotent thing is to discover who you really are. What you really want. 'This above all, be true to yourself and as night follows day you can be false to no other.'

2007-03-12 01:47:47 · answer #2 · answered by Freethinking Liberal 7 · 1 0

Outside the Bedroom: Don't make fun of her, teasing is okay, but even fun teasing can get out of hand if you are in front of friends and stuff. When she is sick, wait on her hand and food. When you are doing something important, and she asks to cuddle, drop whatever you are doing, there is nothing more important than her (sounds stupid, but really it is meaningful), First thing you do when you get home, go straight for her as if you have missed her terribly (even if she was pmsing when you left and you totally did not miss her!)

Inside the Bedroom: Don't push, don't forget foreplay, but don't overdo the foreplay. Always make her feel beautiful, and make sure she knows when she is pleasing you. It gives a weird sense of accomplishment, but one that feels way better than getting 100% on a test lol. Let her try new things, but don't push her to try new things if she is resistant to them, she may think you don't like sex the way it is. Always be open with her. Teach her what makes you feel good. I had to be taught some things but now I have learned and I love it now.

2007-03-11 20:38:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One word: listen.

Take time out to hear what she has to say, and if necessary get her to explain exactly what she means, rather than interpret. If you do something wrong, ask again and figure out what caused you to go wrong. Ultimately though, this is a relationship, it's not all one way, so she will have to learn to listen to you too (although girls are usually better at this than guys).

Same applies to sex - the best lovers learn to listen to their partner's needs, rather than just taking what they want and finishing first. U don't know what you really like yet, but this doesn't matter - you've got the joy of finding out together to come.

Great communication is key to great relationships, and once you listen to each other and come to respect each other, you're set for a very happy life.

Enjoy it!

2007-03-11 20:57:07 · answer #4 · answered by Dogstarrr 4 · 0 0

Every woman is different, so I will just tell you how I would personally answer this question. Don't spoil her. After a while, she will get used to it and expect it. This will be very tiring and a drain on you. Stay faithful. As a woman, this is one of THE most important things to me. And, as a personal pet peeve of mine about my own significant other, don't compare her to other women. Don't elaborate for too long on another woman's looks. I can't begin to tell you what that would do to her self esteem. Let her know that you think she is the most beautful woman in the world, and try to focus more on her positive aspects than any negative things that may arise. Tell her you love her, and mean it.
Good luck, and conratulations.

2007-03-11 20:55:00 · answer #5 · answered by Rena 1 · 1 0

"it wasn't easy for me to get her" you could rethink about that my friend. Sorry but in order to truly "have" something you have to learn to let it go. In other words you have to see her as more than something you've "gotten". I'm in no manner to bring offense to you but the first thing that came to mind was that she was an object.

"to a point where she wouldn't want to take her hands off of me. "
That is another place where you're kind of offset. For you to get her to the point where she wouldn't want to take her hands off of you would kind of be like you loving yourself. If you psychologically and sociopathically change her into that mindset it wouldn't be genuine. It would kind of be you loving yourself. Because she shouldn't need you to make that decision. It merely depends on her.

If she truly loves you and understands, she will learn that you are the best husband in the world by being the only "stranger" in her life. Everyone else can be so predictable but for you to be unpredictable, to be the only one that gives her true freedom and forgiveness would be ultimate.
If you love her it doesn't necessarily mean that she has to love you back. It's more of a one way honor to render towards eachother. She the same to you. But again this is just one of my opinions.

The best of luck my friend.

2007-03-11 21:21:56 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Allow her to be her own person and be very sensitive to her needs. Make her your best friend but keep your other friends too. You need to be best friends b4 marriage. Be able to talk about anything with her and her with you. Have other interests separately so you don't smother each other but still do common things together often. Also in the kitchen....cook meals together, play games, and just enjoy each others company. Remember it works both ways. Hope you'll have a long and happy marriage.

2007-03-11 22:00:22 · answer #7 · answered by kiddo 4 · 1 0

Probably the number 1 thing I can think of in a good husband is to listen. Really listen. Women tend to be good listeners - men not so much. Be her best friend - the one she wants to talk to. Don't try to control her and don't be jealous of her. Those are the things that broke up my marriage. Good luck, it sounds like you're going to be a great husband.

2007-03-11 20:53:36 · answer #8 · answered by Ruby Rose 2 · 1 0

u could start with looking for the magic lamp, then summon the genie & "poof" i guess he would also fail, tough luck. i know ur intetions are genuine, but ask a man who is married to a woman he loves , he should be married to her atleast for 10 years, maybe he could help
all the best

2007-03-11 20:37:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Treat her like a little gurl but without beeing demeaning. Do not take stuff she says too serious. Girls are all on the lookout for their daddy.

2007-03-12 03:30:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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