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I am on a forum trying to get help for various sleep related disorders (primarily sleepapnea and periodic limb disorder)that have lead to many syptoms like depession and about 15 other things

When I went to the site about two weeks ago for the first time and was contemp[lating suicide (I am OK now) due to this and a number of other things, people were helpful. I started a thred about people sharing what they have learned from alternative and natural therapies that people might want to research, try, or use to compliment their treatment.

I immediately started getting attacked but about 5 people, When they started criticising my intelligence, spelling, character traits and tons of things in a very cruel and mean way, I stuck up for myself and now they seem madder than ever in their vigilence to attack me.

I eventually told them I was very vulnerable, dealing with a lot of personal problems, crying from their posts,. and essentially begging them to stop and if they didn't

2007-03-11 20:26:45 · 5 answers · asked by janie 7 in Social Science Psychology

believe in natural health to please go to any of the thousands of other threads and stop harassing me or go to the 1999 thast don't discuss this topi if it bothers them. A few are only posting on my thread and one even is personal messaging his hateful talk.

I would like advice on what is behind this, how to get it too stop and how to gwet the thread back on topic. Also how to help myself not respond which I am attempting to do but it's hard and not let it get to me. I have learned more in 2 weeks on this website than in 15 years and my doctors and for the first time I feel real ho[pe I may get some of these disorders that have ruined mtyy life for about 25 years so I don't want to leave. I feel like they are trying to chase me away and upset me though they turn it around and say they weren't bashing just before they bash or say essentially leave if you don't like it--we will continue.

Advice badly needed as it is REALLY starting to get me down as it triggers memories of the

2007-03-11 20:27:42 · update #1

of the constant criticism my family gives and I even found myself thinking..maybe they are all right and I am an awful person. I know I am not being told I have a heart or gold and am nice by hundreds of people but the fact I even thought that scared me to see how much I am letting them affect me. people initiaslly told me how understanding and nice people on there were (there are a lot of people on it)

2007-03-11 20:28:25 · update #2

what is with people who kick opeople when they are already down?

2007-03-11 20:30:33 · update #3

sorry for spelling errors..typing too fast.

2007-03-11 20:36:39 · update #4

5 answers

If you are learning from and getting real help from this site then you need it, and so you need to find a way to use that without being hurt by the negative stuff.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of mean, emotionally ugly people in this world and it seems like most of them have internet access. Also, they're even meaner on the internet because it takes zero courage to be nasty when you don't have to look the other person in the face. Maybe they're people with depressive problems like yourself, trying to make themselves feel better, bringing themselves up by tearing other people down.

The 'easy' answer is to just ignore them. They're obviously not good people, and what they think of you has nothing to do with you and isn't important. But I've been depressed before in my life and I know how impossible it can be not to feel pushed down by other people's negativity when you're feeling so much negativity of your own.

You need to absolutely forbid yourself from answering them. Even if they hurt you, don't say anything to them either in posts or in PMs. That's the first step. There's no need or reason to defend yourself, and it seems that the more you do the worse they get.

Does the board have a way to block/censor specific users? Have you complained to the moderators? If not, is there anyway to get a friend, parent, significant other, someone to (if it wouldn't bother your sense of privacy) read the board before you do and maybe cut and paste the good stuff into documents for you and leave the bad stuff out where you never have to see it or know it exists?

I hope you can find a solution soon. They're not worth your pain, you deserve support and help, and it's totally part of your healing process to learn to walk past the nasty people on your way to what's good for you. Even though that's easier said than done, it will get done. Hang in there.

2007-03-11 21:01:16 · answer #1 · answered by ceci9293 5 · 1 0

Try to exercise until you are really tired it worked for me. Our society as a whole has become very me me me and has become very callous and uncaring everything is money to the so called professionals that haunt out daily lives. Find a good bible based church and get spiritual healing from the Lord. He can truly help you. Hope this helps you God Bless

2007-03-12 01:07:48 · answer #2 · answered by L J 4 · 0 0

The only thing better than lighting a match to all the loud mouth MF****** out there talking **** about you, is to really get their goat even more by telling them to bring it on.

When my ex kicked me out.... she went to each of, called, & probably wrote to all my relatives talking ALL KINDS of **** about me to them. Anything to make me look like the bad guy in everyone's eyes, while she appears to be an angel in white. HA.....
So Far from the truth.... that is.
God & my family know just exactly what a little succubus from hell she really is...... THE truth will always prevail.
SO, whenever these ignorant, no good crackpipes start talking about you.......let them rant on. They know it bothers you, that's why they continue to do it..... if you let it bother you.... they will continue to do it. DON'T SINK TO THEIR LEVEL OF LOWER INTELLIGENCE & HUMANITY.
Stand up to them, & show them you are tough. If you have to hit them in their ********** (mouth) to shut them up, then do it. It will feel good. You've earned it.

2007-03-11 20:51:08 · answer #3 · answered by ccchevydude 3 · 1 0

don't let stupid people bother you, they get on the Internet to vent steam these people are either 12 or have no life and are siting in there 90 year old mom's basement, just ignore them remember that they cant really hurt you. good luck trying to sleep, you know a "Joint" and a twinke worked for me,,,,until my job started drug testing!

2007-03-11 20:33:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Can you just create a new account/name for yourself? And just ignore completely any posts to the previous name.

2007-03-11 20:41:50 · answer #5 · answered by concernedjean 5 · 1 0

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