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4 answers

He eventually died after his New Jersey past came back to haunt him a bit - but he died a "good guy."

2007-03-11 19:36:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

He was shot and killed

2007-03-12 02:31:48 · answer #2 · answered by jrsygrl 7 · 1 0

thanks to myview now i know the ending.

2007-03-12 03:50:46 · answer #3 · answered by sillygirl 2 · 0 1

Everyone has nightmares, some worse than others. But Keppler is plagued with them these days, and tonight is no exception. He dreams of himself as a young man shooting another man who pleads for his life. Gun in hand, Keppler morphs into his present form and approaches Amy McCarty on the sidewalk. A gentle smile on her face, the girl encourages him to reach inside her chest and pull out her heart, which he does.

With that, Michael jerks awake, sobbing.

At a diner for breakfast, Keppler runs into Wendy, who off-handedly asks him out. He misses the hint and Wendy departs, having given it her best shot. Whatever thoughts Keppler might have had about the conversation are wiped away when he finds Frank McCarty waiting for him in a booth. He wants to know why Keppler hasn't returned his calls, or why he missed Amy's annual memorial mass. But there's more to Frank's visit--he needs a favor from Keppler. The CSI turns him down. "I can't do it this time, Frank." There's deep history between these two.

Keppler makes his way to the first crime scene of the day, working with Nick on two gunshot victims found in a hotel room. Strangely, the female victim, a prostitute, is missing a hand. The male vic turns out to be Dennis Graves, a retired Trenton cop, and the person who found the bodies? It's none other than Frank McCarty himself.

Brass questions Frank, who says that he and Dennis came to Vegas for some golf. The night before Dennis picked up a "date" and Frank made himself scarce. When Dennis didn't show up for a tee time, he went to the room and found the bodies. Keppler fingerprints Frank in the hall alone, but doesn't reveal their connection when Catherine arrives.

In the hotel room, Nick finds an uncapped bottle of mouthwash, as well as some long blonde hairs snagged in the soap dish. High-heeled shoe prints remain in the tub, but no one has used the shower. Maybe a witness to the crime hid in the bathroom and escaped.

Grissom returns and Hodges is one of the first to welcome him back with open arms. He's thrilled to have the boss back, and reveals that he took Gil's Williams course online (user name: Spanky743). But did he ace the final?

Their female vic isn't in the system, but her butt implants are serialized, so they'll use the numbers to ID her. Keppler takes the bullets to put through IBIS, but first runs into Grissom. Gil's happy to meet him, and Keppler has nothing but good things to say about the team. But Keppler's distracted, especially when Gil asks if he knew the dead cop. The answer is unclear, but he knows more than he's letting on.

Keppler has another frightening daydream; he's at a dinner table with Amy and Frank, carving a bloody roast beef. Amy vanishes, and then he's walking down in a long hallway until a door slams in his face. Wendy brings him out of his vision by asking him, "How do you feel about butt implants?" She has some info on the blonde from the bathroom. The hair and DNA from the mouthwash bottle doesn't match their handless vic, so a third witness was present.

Warrick is checking out the dead prostitute's home when he's joined by Grissom. Gil's chipper when he hears that butt implants led them there; "I missed Las Vegas." Courtney Evans' place has been ransacked, which leads them to believe that she may have been the initial target.

Keppler gets a phone call; Frank has heard that there was a third person in the hotel room, and he wants a name. Keppler refuses, but he's torn. Nick interrupts him with news of the prostitute's pimp, Precious Ricky. They bring the guy in and question him, but when he doesn't reveal anything, Keppler roughs him up. That gets him talking, and he reveals that all his girls were on the clock last night working a bachelor party. That doesn't identify their blonde witness though.

Sofia brings the two men out of interrogation because a woman has shown up claiming to be babysitting Courtney Evans' daughter. The babysitter offloads the child as soon as she can, leaving her with Nick. Keppler disappears down the hall in a rush, knowing only one person can answer his questions.

He finds Frank inside a casino bar and wants the real story. Frank pulls his shirt open for a moment and points to a slice on his chest. "She scratched me," he says. He took Courtney's hand after he killed her to keep his DNA under wraps. His reason for offing Dennis? The cop was getting ready to spill long-buried secrets about both Frank and Keppler. Some of those secrets include a white cop going vigilante on a drug dealer. Is Keppler that cop? Yes. The dealer raped Frank's daughter Amy, also Michael's girlfriend, and Frank knew Michael killed him. "I made compromises for you. You wouldn't be sitting here now if it wasn't for me," Frank reminds him. "There is no statute of limitations on murder. And I've got the gun with your prints and his blood on it." He'll take Keppler down if he doesn't help him, and every case Mike ever worked on will go up in smoke.

Warrick questions the guy who ransacked Courtney's place; he's a dumpster diver who found her purse with keys and wallet behind the Palermo. Like pennies from heaven, he says. But he had nothing to do with the murder.

Keppler calls in and finds out about the Palermo dumpster, so he heads straight for the location. Inside he finds a hand wrapped in a bloody washcloth. At the same time, memories flash through Keppler's mind of himself as a young man handing off the gun he used to kill the drug dealer to Frank.

Back at the lab, Catherine sees Keppler and wants to offer him a space on the team. He's uncertain, but he appreciates the offer. Things get worse for him when Archie finds surveillance footage of Frank with the blonde hooker in the elevator. Nick suspects they've got a dirty cop on their hands, but Keppler can do nothing about it.

Mike and Sofia show up at McCarty's hotel room, finding only a brown bag on the bed. Inside is a bloody 45 automatic. Keppler recognizes it instantly; he once used it to kill a rapist. Keppler's just been set up.

Sara returns from working at a garbage dump to find Grissom in the hall. As he advances toward her, she backs away, trying to escape and clean up. Grissom is surprised she left his cocoon gift in his office, but it seemed like the best environment for it to survive. As Sara leaves, Grissom says with a question in his tone, "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, you will," she replies.

Archie syncs up a voicemail the blonde hooker left on Courtney's cell phone the night of the murder with video of her leaving the message. The woman recounts her "time" with Frank, and Keppler flinches when she says that Frank called her Amy, and he wanted to be called Daddy.

Catherine gets a hit on the blonde from the bathroom; her name's Suzy Gibbons. And if they've found the name, a retired cop like Frank probably will too. Catherine thinks he's the shooter, but Keppler's the one who takes off to find Suzy.

As Keppler drives, he drifts off once again, this time seeing Amy in her bed. A shirtless Frank sits on the other side of the bed, facing away from both of them. "Daddy said never tell," Amy utters, crying. A horn blares and Mike is shaken out of his stupor at a green light.

Nick gets a clean print from the 45, stunned to get a match off IBIS: Michael Keppler. He deflates with the knowledge. He tells Catherine the story, and they both suspect Keppler's being set up. Grissom is less sure, but they don't know enough. Wendy comes in to let the team know that the blood from the gun didn't match their dead hotel vics, but they're still checking on it.

Archie uses the GPS system to find Keppler's Denali; it's all the way out in Henderson. But why? At that point, Michael disables his GPS and throws it out into an empty lot. He heads right for Precious Ricky and shoves a gun in his face. He wants Suzy's location, and he wants it now.

Sara and Catherine come up empty at Suzy's last known address, but Sara finds a clue of where she keeps her "office"--at the Blue Siren. Meanwhile, Brass calls Catherine and explains the dirt he heard from the Trenton PD. Keppler was like a son to Frank, who got him his first CSI job. They're both dirty, or so it seems on paper. Moments later, Catherine gets a cryptic call from Keppler, who apologizes. "I made a mistake a long time ago," he says. "It's too late." But his cases are clean, except the Alvarez homicide in Philadelphia. Dennis was guilty in that one. With that, Keppler hangs up and calls Frank. He lures him to the Blue Siren motel.

Catherine's broken up about Keppler, but gets no sympathy from Grissom. She needs to make finding Suzy her priority, so she heads for the Blue Siren.

Frank walks into Suzy's hotel room and immediately pulls his gun, but Keppler's already there. When Keppler says he knows what he did to Amy, his own daughter, Frank blanches. Michael killed an innocent man for raping Amy. Frank doesn't deny it: "I loved her, more than you know." Keppler is disgusted.

Meanwhile, Catherine arrives at the motel and goes straight for the room where the confrontation is taking place. Inside, as Keppler demands the truth from Frank, Suzy loses her cool and tries to run out of the room. Frank lunges for the gun and fires at the girl, but Keppler steps into the bullet's path. It hits him in the chest, and Frank is horrified. Catherine sees the hooker run from the room, and when she enters, Frank lifts his gun to fire at her. Fortunately, Keppler raises his own weapon and fires an entire clip into his old friend. Frank is dead, finally. Catherine tells Keppler to hold on, and he apologizes again, for everything.

Catherine stays with Keppler as the paramedics work on him in the ambulance. A few moments later, the EMTs call it; Michael is dead. Catherine crumbles in disbelief as Grissom leads her away.

Using the GPS signal, Warrick and Nick head to Henderson the next day and find a cooler in a junkyard. Inside is Courtney Evans' hand. An accompanying note reads, "Check under the nails. You'll find Frank McCarty's DNA."

2007-03-12 03:29:09 · answer #4 · answered by myview 5 · 0 0

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