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29 answers

Understatement ... you are being too generous to the cad.

His family and the Clintons have all been doing the dirty to America for a long time but the Bushes have a longer record. After all, Prescott did help build and maintain those Nazi gas Chambers!

Honest and decent Americans, please wake up and realize that you are already under what is essentially 'Martial Law.' Your military is already patrolling your streets under the fictional excuse of 'protecting you from terrorists' while in reality the NWO is getting you used to the chains around your neck.

Your civil rights have been taken away from you, your freedom to travel has been curtailed seriously. You do not trust your military anymore after the huge cruel lie of 911. Politicians (Sen. Wellstone), whistle blowers, Generals, scientists, journalists and more, are assassinated when disagreeing with the NWO. Unless you agree with the White House, you can not open your mouth in today's fascist America, you will be either labeled 'unpatriotic' or and 'antisemite'.

Your government is encouraging you to spy on your neighbours in an increasingly draconian 'snitch' culture. You can be arrested without a court order and no one will even know that you were arrested. Your bank MUST disclose all your financial information to your government without court order. Chemtrails are poisoning your skies. Peculiar 'new' NWO created diseases are sprouting around America almost monthly. Your money is becoming worthless and an economic collapse is just around the corner, another possible perfect reason for the NWO to declare true Martial Law.

Mexican hordes are swarming across your non-existent border and each one of them will get an American passport from Bush. DO NOT be surprised if Bush will order American passports to be printed in Spanish, too. And do not be surprised if Bush will send these 'fresh' American/Mexican 'citizens' to massacre Iraqis, after all, they have to prove that they are a 'good' Americans, right?

Pretty soon, you may be told that 'bin Laden' is responsible for a dirty nuke lit off in an American city, and therefore total Martial Law is needed. The Illuminati controls virtually ALL your politicians and media, just like it is in Israel. Bribes, vicsious blackmail, backroom deals. There is no honour or truth with such people.

The whole lot of them are Satanists. How honest could such people possibly be?

George Bush and the 14 points of Fascism

Even when Republican officials are convicted of child rape, the government turns a blind eye. When documented and graphic evidence was presented against Dick Cheney, George H.W. Bush, and his son, in a 1995 book, Trance-Formation of America, the Government ignored the truth. Many members of this party have in fact infiltrated the church, making it easy for priests to commit crimes against children.

Physical crimes against children are not the only sins committed by this clique. A much greater objective is to manipulate opinion of masses of voters and keep themselves in power. That accomplished, they are able to keep up hysteria and start wars, taxing the people for these wars, and diverting those tax dollars into their pockets.

A look at the financial history of WWII would open a few eyes; for instance, it gave Du Pont a 600% increase in profits. Those are only the profits that are recorded, there is much government corruption that diverts billions of dollars into offshore accounts owned by Republicans, and we do not have a record of these. Peace must have been a bummer!

As profitable as this is, few in the upper echelons of government, Rep and Dem alike, want to end the game, and so they go to elaborate ruses to lengthen strife.

In WWII one such ploy was to limit the supply of oil to the troops. This was done by Walter Teagle and William Farish, then executives of Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon). Farish is, incidentally, grandfather to the present ambassador to the UK, William Farish III.

So how long do we expect the war in Iraq to last? This war will last as long as the government leaders can make it last, and that may include using ridiculous strategies that put US troops in danger rather than using sensible strategies that work. The crimes of these people will hurt not only those they want us to think of as the enemy, but it will hurt US citizens as well. It already is strangling the life of American people.

Perhaps the greatest crime of the Reps was the execution of Operation Northwoods on September 11, 2001. Instead of having real Cubans to take part and take blame, they had Osama bin Laden, an old friend of the Bushes, play scapegoat. Forty years of refinements to these plans made them a bit slicker and more high tech than the '60s version. However, a few things went wrong, and intelligent people all over the world, including many American citizens, were noticing that 9/11 must have been an inside job.

It has been an uphill battle to bring the truth about 911 to the world. After all, who would publish the facts when they indict the White House? For instance, if one looks at the anthrax hoax, perpetrated soon after 9/11, it becomes clear that this was a fraud made to look like a Moslem act of terror. In fact, it was clearly US anthrax, most likely put in the mail by US scientist Dr. Steven Hatfill, who to this day remains free despite the evidence against him.

As to the body of evidence against the US government relative to the 9/11 attacks, there can be no doubt that this was an inside job. Molten steel from the beams, advance warnings given to US politicians not to fly, unprecedented levels of options trading on United and American Airlines, the lack of US Air Force response,

Bush's remark about 'seeing' the plane hit before it was broadcast, the lack of black box data, the precision with which one plane hit the Pentagon, the way the towers jumped and caused small earthquakes before falling, these and a plethora or other facts point to 9/11 simply being Operation Northwoods.

One angle of suspicion in any crime is the financial gain involved. In 9/11, there was immense financial gain to many members of the Republican Party. Hardly anyone on the entire planet gained but for these people, and so happy was one of them that in fact he joyfully exclaimed he had hit the trifecta. Guess who this was? A US government employee by the name of George.

911 is possibly the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated. This cruel lie has led to one disaster after another, one betrayal after another, of the American people.

Even Guliano in his lovely evening gowns, posing as both FIrst Lady and President, simultaneously would be a more honest president than Bush. And he is buckin to replace Bushibaby! ROFL...how cute is that?

2007-03-11 19:25:25 · answer #1 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 5 10

I feel Mr. Bush has served his country and the world for that matter with honor and courage. He has done the hard job of leading and protecting America, as he was elected to do, when he knew he would be stabbed in the back by some of his own countrymen in congress at the first chance. Unlike the last president, he did not neglect his country's best interest to promote his own. Yes he made some mistakes, but if that is the definition of a traitor then so was Washington and Lincoln.

2007-03-11 19:55:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

you are the dirty traitor. Bush has not done anything to really to stab America in the back. I support him 100% and i think he is a good President and you havent seen good qualities in him. I think you need to be charged for treason. Despite the leader you should support your country

2007-03-12 00:35:44 · answer #3 · answered by bee bee boo 3 · 3 1

Oh Brenda Lisa Susy Q Bob Katrina Cory Nancy Dopey Doc Grumpy Sneezey Sleepy Bashful Mickey Minnie Donald Daisy Huey Louie and Dewy Don't you ever get tired of this silly stuff all the time. You have not won one person over to your ranting. I will give you persistence no matter how misguided you are.

2007-03-11 19:25:35 · answer #4 · answered by ohbrother 7 · 5 1

George Bush is a born again Christian who has prayed with and accepted counsel from homosexual evangelical fundamentalist preachers. He and his followers are morons and buffoons who have murdered millions around the world
in a very short span of time.

He had stabbed America but unleashed an M-16 on the rest of the world.

2007-03-11 20:11:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Almost exactly the same except, he is a RICH dirty traitor that has made entirely TOO much money from stabbing us repeatedly in the back over and over and over.

I think that he is a waste of time, money and space.

To think he wants to get his hands on our Social Security to set up individual private accounts, isn't that why we have social security #'s in the first place? To pay in $ and get it back in our retirement years or in the event that we pass on and our families receive much needed money. This is just one of the infinite issues I have with him.

I have to say I am not only unimpressed with bush, but with the 2 past presidents as well.

I do not claim to be rep. or dem. or any party for that matter. I just want an honest to goodness president that will work hard for OUR country's needs (cost of living, minimum wage, healthcare, up to date schools, unemployment, poverty, homeless, and most importantly a better government!) is that so hard to find and too much to ask? :)

There has to be at least a handful of honest politicians out there somewhere, anybody? But I don't think anyone wants to clean up gwb's mess, who can blame them?

Visit infowars.com for some really interesting news articles and footage from around the world, a lot of which is about the "war on terror" and what our government supresses.

2007-03-11 19:32:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

I think Bush has done the best he can under the circumstances.

2007-03-12 14:46:56 · answer #7 · answered by vegaswoman 6 · 1 0

I feel the members of congress are just as guilty for anything happening as he is. After all, they voted and passed any and all bills that were put before them. I do not think it is fair he is getting all the blame when he has kept us safe here at home.

2007-03-11 19:12:29 · answer #8 · answered by Sparkles 7 · 12 0

Done an OK job in a bad situation.

2007-03-11 23:21:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Not like you do. Why do you Liberals have so much hatred? I mean if it isn't Bush you are wanting Israel to be destroyed (talk about Nazis) or you are attacking anyone who wants to protect America. Cripe, can't you find another hobby?
As for stabbing America in the back, you are the ones who want to surrender, regardless of the effect on America or it's future. Your rash actions smell of a lack of responsibility, unlike that of America's "Greatest Generation".

People like you would have been screaming for surrender after one battle in WW2, think about it.

2007-03-11 19:18:33 · answer #10 · answered by Eric K 5 · 9 5

Bush is not America..and disagreeing with this administration doesn't make someone an America hater !
He is badly informed and is so political he can't see right from wrong.....He shot from the hip with the Iraq thing.. What else could he do with the supposed intelligence info that he had..Don't get me wrong I am not a fan..he has a hard Job and has made many mistakes.....

2007-03-11 19:20:13 · answer #11 · answered by cesare214 6 · 5 6

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