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if you don't have anyoen to leave behind how can it be bad?

2007-03-11 19:04:14 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

my dad's dead and my mom killed herself,they didnt educate me on anything,the state did.

2007-03-11 19:11:45 · update #1

No, i don't think i have a purpose,maybe my purpose is to be a warning foreveryone else.

thank youf or your answers

2007-03-11 19:20:21 · update #2

they died a long timea go, Ive been in foster homes afor 10 years.imnot being selfish, it'l save you tax dollars for one less foster kid to pay for.

I knwo god doesnt want me to die before he does it but I prayh so hard and i dont get it why hasnt he ever heard me?? IVe prayed all my life for him to please protect me

2007-03-11 19:49:48 · update #3

51 answers

I know how you feel man. my parents are still living but after the rotten life I've had with them I am just about ready to end it. I just don't want to leave my baby sister. she is the only one that loves me.

2007-03-12 01:25:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Dont give up mate there are some really great foster carers out there who will be willing to care for you and love you like their own child/children, just because you dont leave anyone behind it does not make it a right option, god will always be with you in your heart you have to believe.... i know it is hard to cope with for a fact my friend went through the same thing she was an only child her mother was a single mum and her mother commited suicide aswell like you she also was in and out of foster care, if your a christian or have a local church or temple maybe you can (if your old enough) find some of the positive things in life and stick to them and try motivational speaking to help others deal with their hardship or try becoming a counsellor my friend did and she really is doing well now knowing that she is helping people going through similar situations it is your choice what you do but dont give up that is the main thing i am trying to say Good luck take care ok!!! ps stay happy and just smile and think positive.

2007-03-11 22:12:31 · answer #2 · answered by emy275 1 · 1 0

No, live for yourself! Get an education, get into uni and most importantly be positive. No one can destroy your life unless you let them. Nevermind what someone did to you and how you have been treated, thats the past you have to stop looking back at it. Be positive and the universe will give it back, no i'm not joking its true. Believe in something you really want, for example a nice house a loving friend ( killing your self wont count, its not positive) and it will happen with patience and if you believe it will. Maybe you could even make yourslef a book, listing all the things you wish you had and believe you had, and look at it ever day like you already have it and that its yours. further more thank God for all the things he has given you, for example good looks, the ability to write nicely, health anything. Everything will be fine as long as you really believe it. Just try and you will see that it works, remember this doesnt happen over night it takes longer than that.

Remember being positive attracts positive energy, being negative atracts negative energy. Be happy even if your not, you dont know what is planned out there for you, and I'm telling you its going to be something good if you make it and believe it!

I thank God everyday for my health and looks, and I believe that he watches over me and keeps me safe every second on earth!

2007-03-12 00:55:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hang in there...Things will get better, you can make your own choices on your life, I understand that it must be hard for you and that you must feel lonely. Its easy to say that you don't have a purpose when your young, but you never really understand the purpose of your life until its too late. Things can only get better, Work hard at want you want in your life...Be it a nice home or car. An awesome partner someone to love. I know its cliche but stay in school, get an education or learn a trade....Look at what you like about life or this world...It could be the simplest thing (like a sunset) and concentrate on that. Have goals for every day and achieve them....eg today I will smile. Today I will dream about my future. Then later when ur ready you can make bigger goals...In the next year I will be work towards my career

It does get easier as time goes on...You do have to learn to deal with it...I'm in my mid 20's and I still have to kick my own butt sometimes and get back on track. But it is alot easier now then it was when I was 18 and contenplating ending it all.

2007-03-12 00:10:41 · answer #4 · answered by Mareezi 3 · 0 0

Never Give Up & Never Let Go

know that uve posted this question people will care if u go and even if u didnt post it people outside of this computer care 2. As you can c frm all the other answers suicide is not the answer.
You dont think u have anythin 2 live 4 but u have EVERYTHING 2 live for.
think of all the opportunities u culd miss growing up, gettin a good job, finding some1 special, and doin things that r fun
trust me and every1 else suicide doesnt help any1

HoPe U FeEl BeTa !


2007-03-11 20:50:15 · answer #5 · answered by No Name 2 · 1 0

No suicide is bad because that was that persons only way out, and that is unfortunate. Each life is a gift to the creation another hero, another protector of the down hearted, or a woman who found the love of her life or the smile of an old lady with silver in her hair of a life well lived on her death bed, the first breath of newborn child. Life is not something that should be taken away without a fight. You keep your head up its not over, each moment is a new moment and a gift there is no easy ticket there is always repercussions You have purpose and so does anyone with breathe left in there body Find help. Bravery isn't always in great things but bravery is always great.

2007-03-11 19:17:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

because of the fact in existence and in dying, suicide needless to say shows which you probably did no longer run the course. you have a purpose, no count how mundane. you will possibly be able to have been despatched right here in straight forward terms to fart on significant highway on 23 Feb. Even which will reason a time ripple that consequences somebody or particularly some human beings. in case you're even in the least Christian, suicide is a one way fee ticket to the coal production unit and you are the coal! some religions enable for suicide yet no longer given which you're purely bored. once you're a drifter or seem that way, then carry out a little good in society. artwork at a soup kitchen, do something. all of us have a course to run, like it or no longer.

2016-10-18 04:12:42 · answer #7 · answered by balick 4 · 0 0

Some religious people would argue with you about that.

Many Christians believe in the sanctity of human life, a principle which, broadly speaking, says that all human life is sacred -- a wonderful, even miraculous creation of the divine God -- and every effort must be made to save and preserve it whenever possible.

Modern Catholics believe Suicide is a rejection of God's love for mankind, and mankind's love for God and that suicide causes fracture to the social community of friends, loved-ones and broader human society.

Many other religions view suicide negatively.

Additionally, suicide loss is the subject of many myths. The greatest is often voiced by suicidal individuals -- the mistaken belief that no one will care or will be affected by the suicide.

The person who contemplates suicide may think that no one cares that he or she is gone but in most cases there is always someone who if affected. It's estimated that on average every suicide leaves at least six people deeply affected by the death.

With depression and thoughts of suicide, trying to get through life can seem impossible and trying to get help can be devastating. So often people feel that in their lives
there is no one there for them.

People who feel this way should visit this page:

Take care.

2007-03-11 19:57:18 · answer #8 · answered by Mary R 5 · 1 0

Wow sweetheart I wish I could hold you and hug you and let you know that I care. A lot of caring people have told you why suicide is bad so I will bring up another aspect. First if you are contemplating suicide GO to your counselor in school tomorrow and tell her. If you dropped out of school go to the nearest school and tell the counselor TOMORROW. If you have the means and you feel depressed call 911 NOW!!!

Ok maybe you are grieving for your parents and really miss them. Maybe you feel abandoned and the question is about them and not you. You must ask your school for a mental health referral to deal with your unresolved grief over their loss. Also promise me and the others who answered your question that you will reach the age of adulthood and when you have children of your own you will love them and protect them not only while they are young but until the day that you reach the natural end of your life and G-d takes you home to his throne. I promise you that you will see your parents again at that time and they will hold you and hug you and ask for forgiveness and ultimately everything will be alright.

G-d Bless You!!!

2007-03-11 19:31:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, I don't agree with suicide; and I want you to ask yourself this, what exactly would you accomplish? You said that you don't have anybody in your life, but would killing yourself really help that? I don't know if you believe in God, but you said that you've prayed and God doesn't answer. He always answers, it's just that sometimes the answer is no. I know that a lot of people don't believe in God, especially after bad things happen. Like the death of your parents. It must be really hard, and I can't even imagine it. But I really have to urge you to think about it. to me, it wouldn't make sense to kill myself. I haven't had the best life either, I've had things done to me that people couldn't even fathom. But never once did I think about killing myself, because if i did, that means that the enemy has beat me. I do believe in God, and I know that he has a plan for you. I want you to please email me. There are things that I want to talk to you about, and ask you questions. But not for everyone else on earth to see. So please, email me. Ok? And hang in there, it's not worth ending your life. And if you have time, look up the bible verse Jeremiah 29:11. That might help you put your faith back into God. And all these people that have responded to you, care about you. And you've touched the hearts of a lot of other people. Especially me, I will be praying for you. And praying that God will reveal His plan for you. You'll be okay- just hang in there.

2007-03-12 06:54:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, no. I'm not religious and I think suicide is bad because you're not giving yourself a fair chance at life, at being happy, at being the best person you can be. Even if you don't have anyone you're leaving behind, think of the cool people you'll never meet if you check out early. Like Dorothy Parker said:

Razors pain you; Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give;
Gas smells awful; You might as well live.

Hang in there.

2007-03-11 19:09:30 · answer #11 · answered by diegomcnamara 3 · 1 0

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