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My friend who lives in Illinois got a ticket in Wisconsin.

She thinks it will be ok for her not to pay for her ticket since it was issued in a different state than where her driver's license is issued.

She also said the worst penalty you could get for not paying for a speeding ticket is to get your driver's license suspended. Is this true? I thought you could get arrested for not paying for a ticket.

2007-03-11 19:03:23 · 5 answers · asked by Mini 1 in Cars & Transportation Other - Cars & Transportation

5 answers

Yes, you are correct.
If she refuses to pay the ticket in WI, she could legally and rightfully be arrested. If she is not, the finacial strain will follow her wherever she goes in the U.S. and she will realize it whenever she attemps to do, well, pretty much anything legally: She will not be able to apply for a job through the state employment service, renew her license plate or buy a car from a dealer, or get or renew her drivers license.They can legally track her to her current address (wherever that may be) and arrest her on site once identity is confirmed.
But the chances of that happening are close to the same as one of us winning the lottery with the first and only numbers ever we bought and paid for.
What the PD may do (if she got the ticket in a podunkt town like mine) is try to notify her by mail of her debts to society; possibly repeatedly.
If she still illudes, they will have the local (her local) PD come to her and arrest her.
These are the harshest ways I've given you: The PD in WI will most likely issue a warrant for her arrest and list it NCIC, meaning if she ever gets pulled over or any officer of the law for any reason runs her name and identity, she will be arrested on the spot for the past moving violation, regardless of the circumstances having to do with why the cop checked her out to begin with. This most likely response from the officer (it is his/her) judgement on how far it is pressed, will result in the firstly stated reprocussions of her trying to do anything within the law.
Convince her to pay for it. She'll be saved alot of future heartache.

2007-03-11 19:30:36 · answer #1 · answered by acesfourpal 4 · 0 0

You can get arrested for not paying a ticket however the state will not fork over thousands of dollars to bring her back Wisconsin.They will just suspend her drivers licence.They might put a warrent out for her arrest in hopes of her paying the ticket.But if she is caught in her home state and they call Wisconsin and say we have her then more then likely Wisconsin will say we dont want her but she will have to pay to get her licence reinstated.Tell her to becareful because Winconsin can suspend and even put a warrent out for her arrest and she will not know or will get the notice in the mail a month after they do this.

2007-03-11 19:16:29 · answer #2 · answered by darlene100568 5 · 0 0

This happened to me a back in 2003. I got a ticket in South Carolina. I was on my way back to Alabama where my car was registered. I had the same idea that your friend has. BAD IDEA. With the Internet, computers, databases, etc. these days,.. they've got you in their cross-hairs. The original fine was only $60.

Well a year and a half later when I went to renew my EXPIRED drivers license I was informed that it HAD been SUSPENDED! I played dumb. The clerk explained that it was the SC Ticket that I had skipped out on. I played dumb some more,.. She handed me a printout with detailed info from SC. I had to clear up the SC ticket before they could reinstate my license.

I called SC and the ticket had increased to $230!! And they DIDN'T take CREDIT CARDS! So I had to MAIL my payment and it wasn't until THREE DAYS LATER that I was cleared by SC.

I went to get my Drivers License and was sent to to a DMV in the next county over to pay an EXTRA $150 for reinstatement.

SO,.. That's what happened to ME when I tried to save $60 on an out of state traffic ticket. Not only did it cost much more, it was an incredible hassle! Pass this along to your friend and encourage her to go ahead and get this one out of the way!!

2007-03-11 19:23:03 · answer #3 · answered by RockHanger 3 · 1 0

your friend is an idiot. just because she doesnt live here doesnt negate her responsibility to pay the ticket. the fines add up with each couple of days that you dont pay. they can easily get up to over 100 bucks if she doesnt take care of it. not paying a ticket can affect her insurance and her credit. what will she do if her license is suspended and she cant drive for a while? dumb move. then she cant go to work or she will always fear of getting stopped and if it continues to grow then she might lose her license. tell her to pay it, it could cause a ripple effect later. who wants to lose their license for good for not paying a ticket?

2007-03-12 11:33:58 · answer #4 · answered by MiaDiva28 6 · 0 1

a warrant will be placed on you

2007-03-11 19:08:19 · answer #5 · answered by The Game 1 · 0 0

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