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2007-03-11 18:59:07 · 86 answers · asked by DX ATEEQ 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

86 answers

You cease living and your heirs make a beeline for the courthouse.

2007-03-11 19:06:49 · answer #1 · answered by pepper 7 · 1 0

Well if you have a bible there are several scriptures that answer that question. First one is at gen 2:7 and 1 corinthians 15;45 there we learn that man was created and he becomes a living soul, Not given a soul but is one. Also Ezekial 18:4, Isaiah 53:12 and Job 11:20 proves that when we die the man or woman, the soul dies. Then theres Ecclesiastes 9:5 basically letting you know once we die we are conscious of nothing. So we dont haunt people and we arent burning Acts 7:60 even compares death to sleeping because the bible also talks about a resurrection of righteous and unrighteous people. You can find that at John 5:28, 29 and John 11:25. So when we die we perish all our sins are paid for we return to the ground. However, if we happen to die there is a hope of a resurrection to life in perfect conditions. Hope that helped.

2007-03-12 07:08:54 · answer #2 · answered by Calypso 2 · 0 0

after you die, your brain remains active for about 12 minutes. This is very interesting since you still can think. Probably all your senses are gone but you still can think. Have you ever had a dream that seems to last for hours but when you wake up and check the time, only a few minutes have transcurred? This is due to the variability of our internal clock. Well, what if during that 12 minutes you can "live" a complete life? What if your internal clock lets you dream the equivalent of a whole life-span for those 12 minutes?
During this dream you would be able to "feel" though. Like when we dream, we would be able to see, hear, maybe even sense touch, taste and smell.
All this leads to the reasoning that maybe what we go through life today maybe be all but a dream. Maybe all of this is just a dream; nothing is, probably, real. Actually, the only thing I can know that is real is me for "I think, therefore I am..."

2007-03-12 10:23:01 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 1 0

* The person goes outside his or her body and operates in much the same way they did with a body except they have full psychic abilities. They can go where they will simply by thinking.
* They meet a guide.
* They pass through a tunnel.
* They encounter a being a great light and joy.
* The experience a life review.
* They receive knowledge
* They may be reborn

At first, the person might not realize they are dead, and try to do things or communicate with people but are not able to do so. They may notice that when they try to touch someone, their hands move through them. They may float above their body and view it, perhaps without strong emotion. After a while, they realize they are dead and may meet a loving guide who takes them to another place.

They may travel through a tunnel at vast speed and experiencing greater joy and exhilaration. At the end of the tunnel they may come upon a city, perhaps one of shining crystal. Their they encounter a great loving life force.

They then experience a life review, where they examine their life in minute detail and judge how they have succeeded in attaining their goals for that life. The beings doing the life review may do so without judgment or evaluation of what the being has done.

After the life review, the being has the choice of being reincarnated either into the current body, as in a near-death-experience or in another body.

The being may be given special knowledge, skills or abilities.

Sometimes there is a forgetfulness when the person forgets their life in the after-world and returns to Earth in a state of forgetfulness.

There are many possible explanations for this other than that this is a real encounter in the spirit world, but it appears that this is something like that which people who get as close to death as possible experience. It is what you and I would expect to experience on death.

2007-03-12 09:23:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is first hand and strictly personal my friend. A few years ago I was feeling weak and tired when I went to bed. I woke up some time later out of my body. I was in my bedroom floating above it and looking at myself, and I was not breathing. I figured I was dead and had always thought I would see my Father or Jesus or someone but there was no one around. I had a body like i had as a young man only better no pain no aches perfect. I called out and said"where is everybody"' and a disembodied voice answered and said" they are around, there are lots of places to go and they are travelling, and you can too". I said OK and began a journey all the details of I can't remember, but it seemed to go on for a long time. Anywhere I wanted to be I only had to think of and I was there I could see the people the places and hear and smell like I was there, but I couildn't touch anything, or talk to the people I saw. It was amazing. I went to all the places I had only dreamed of or read about in books.
Eventually I wound up back in my room. It must not have been long because it was still night and my body was there and not breathing. My 14 year old son whos helalth has never been good came walking into the room to use the restroom in the master bathroom which was attatched to my room , and I went to him put my hand on his shoulder and called his name.
He must have heard something or felt my hand because he looked around, then sort of shrugged and went on into the restroom.
The voice I had heard when all this started spoke again and said"its up to you". Not long after I woke up back in my body and the next day asked my son if he had come into my room the night before, and he had.

What I am getting at is, don't be afraid. If you have been a good person. When your mortal body breathes it's last there is an infinite array of places you can go and choices you can make. I was allowed to return to this plane for a time to help my son. There was unfinished work I needed to do, but when the time comes again I believe I will be allowed to finish the journey I started that night. You can do that too.

2007-03-12 06:10:31 · answer #5 · answered by Shakaar 2 · 0 0

From the answers, you can see that there are a wide variety of beliefs and believers vs. non-believers. The older I get, the happier I am that I believe in an everlasting life. You will need to dig deeper than Yahoo to have your answers, but any place is a good place to start. By the very nature of faith, we are called upon to believe in something not seen. Read the New Testament. It's short and easily read in a modern version. For myself, I don't know why it is easier for some people to believe in life ending forever at death. Those people are still people of faith. They believe in something they can't see, either.

There are some very interesting books written about people who died for a few minutes and came back. There are SO many examples of experiences exactly alike, when they had a near-death experience. Keep looking and asking and studying. God bless you.

2007-03-11 22:07:45 · answer #6 · answered by Jenny 5 · 2 0

Heaven or Hell-take your choice! Doctors say it's all over when the heart stops and the brain ceases to function. We know that can't be the case because I know many people who's brain has not functioned for a long time!
The religious movement thinks heaven or hell is your only two choices.
And then you have reincarnation fanatics who think they're coming back as some form of parasite. This could be the one! I know a lot of parasites and no idea where they came from!

2007-03-12 00:40:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are many myths regarding death.
The best analogy I've seen of them is the set of articles:

"Should You Be Afraid of Death?"

What Is Your View of Death?
- - Baffled, or Alienated by Death?
A Closer Look at Some Myths About Death
- - Myth 1: Death is the natural end of life.
- - Myth 2: God takes people in death to be with him.
- - Myth 3: God takes little children to become angels.
- - Myth 4: Some people are tormented after death.
- - Myth 5: Death means the permanent end of our existence.
- - Compare Some Common Myths with the Scriptures
- - Be Free From Fear! http://www.watchtower.org/e/20020601/article_01.htm

Then there are more specific treatments of the subject:

Have You Lived Before? :
- Do you believe in reincarnation? - Should You? :
- - Identifying the Source and the Basis
- - Is the Soul Immortal?

Death: The Only Remedy!
- - What Is Meant by “Resurrection”?
- - Who Will Be Resurrected?
- - Resurrection to Life in Heaven--For Whom?
- - Who Will Be Resurrected to Life on Earth?

Advanced On-site Search
(In case a link becomes modified, this can be used.) http://www.watchtower.org/search/search_e.htm

2007-03-13 19:05:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You don't have to be worry about whenn you die, alive is when you feel pain, love ,suffer etc etc when you die you are not more in your body so you don't feel anything,but I am more worry about where I am going to born again, because if whe born again in this planet you have less chances to born in a good place because this planet is getting worse and worse and probably we born here again because the population is growing so each body needs a soul so it means that this planet needs everyday more souls for the new bodies ,if the population were getting smaller every body who die in the earth will have to wait a long time to born again here or it probably born in other planet.
But of course probably we die and that is all.

2007-03-12 08:33:15 · answer #9 · answered by Santiago Beau.. 2 · 0 0

My father died on the operating table and they brought him back to life. During those moments he remembers floating out of his body and looking down on the room from above the table. He could hear them working on him but felt no pain. He also said that he didn't feel anxious at all and felt peacful. That's as much as he experienced because they revived his body.

Reading the near death experiences of people are quite thought provoking.

Ultimately, what you believe concerning death will be a matter of opinion confirmed only upon leaving this world. But there is quite a lot of evidence to support the idea that your life will continue after leaving the body.

You have to search for these answers yourself.

2007-03-12 03:24:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it depends on what you believe...if you are truely curious and interested, visit "shepherdschapel (dot) com" and start listening to the daily broadcasts and order the free introductory package...as it is said, "the Truth will set you free"
this is the extremely short version below..
...according to the Bible, the letter written to us and you from our heavenly father God, the body stops functioning(dies, passes away back to dust eventually) and your soul returns to the Father to await the second advent (the coming of Christ back to this earth to change all the rest and living souls in a blink of an eye back into spiritual form after He defeats Satan and his angels at the end of this Earth age(we are in the second earth age...the 3rd Earth age is just around the corner) watch the middle east very close and Jerusalem) {spiritual form is that which is in a different dimension; ie. anything faster than the speed of light that we cannot see} which at that time there is what is called the millinium(1000 years Christ reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords, that we will all be taught by the elect and then comes the judgement after the 1000 years (1000 years is as a day to the Lord. you may check this all out by typing in any word or phrase at bible (dot) com
shepherdschapel (dot) com
also look up any word from the King James Bible on Strongs Concordance or in a book of the same name ... check out some used book stores or eBay for those

2007-03-11 22:22:58 · answer #11 · answered by Gary G 4 · 0 0

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