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I suffer from low back pain and leg pain, making it difficult for me walk. I would like to know some simple yogic, or other exercises and may be some homeopathic medicines which will minimize the pain. I shall appreciate any advice. Thanks.

2007-03-11 18:58:06 · 8 answers · asked by Katar S 1 in Health Alternative Medicine

8 answers

Homeopathic Treatment(s) for Backache / Lumbago :-

Sudden backache due to exposure to dry, cold wind Aconite 200, 3 hourly

Due to exposure to cold; over exertion, sprains etc; worse initial movements better continued movements Rhus Tox.200 or 1M, 3 hourly

With stiffness, worse movements and cold; better lying quietly Bryonia 200 or 1M, 6 hourly

Backache due to injury or over strain; bruised pains Arnica 200 or 1M, 3 hourly

Pricking pain, weakness and sweating; complaints worse 3-4 A.M. Kali Carb 200, 10 min (3 Doses)

In fat and flabby patients;worse while bathing and exposure to cold Calcarea Carb 200 or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Pain lower back; better sleep and rest; patients desire cold, open air Pulsatilla 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Backache better by belching. Chilly patient. Aversion to family members Sepia 200 or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

In chilly, constipated patients who leads sedentary life; irritable by nature, pain worse cold,motion, particularly turning in bed patient has to sit up and then turn in bed Nux Vomica 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Pain lower back due to constipation and piles.Better only while standing Aesculus H 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Backache worse damp cold and bending for long hours Dulcamara 200 or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Severe pain in lower back and coccyx. cannot walk erect. Pain better damp and cold, worse at night.Burning of soles Sulphur 30 or 200, 10 min (3 Doses)

rheumatic pains back, neck, lumbesacral regions-down thighs; stiffness and contraction; spine quite sensitive; pain in scapula and right shoulder Cimicifuga 30, 3 hourly

Worse while seating,better by motion, itching and frozen feeling of toes and feet Chelidonium Majus 30, 4 hourly

Worse at night; better by movements and at daytime; sweating do not relieve the pain Mercurius Sol.30 or 200, 6 hourly

Pain lumbo-sacral region which extends to lower extremities; worse during day time, better at sea-shore and lying on abdomen Medorrhinum 200 or 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Pain back and more in small of back which at last settle at upper part of the thigh and buttock. Patient limps and at last pain become so severe that patient is unable to walk and stand; better pressure and heat Colocynthis 200 or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Pain worse at rest and during storm; better warmth and eating Rhododendron 200 or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Pain deep into bones after malarial fever with excessive thirst and chill Eupatorium Perf.30 or 200, 3 hourly

Backache is better by hard pressure. Patient puts a hard thing under the back like a book or woolen plank while sitting or lying in bed Natrum Mur 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Backache due to excessive indulgence in sex Symphytum 30, 4 hourly

Backache due to nerve injury Hypericum 30 or 200, 4 hourly (6 Doses)

Violent pain in upper three dorsal vertebrae extending through scapulae; pain descending , lumber pain of nervous origin Kalmia Lat 30 or 200, 3 hourly .

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms.
No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.

Take Care and God Bless You !

2007-03-11 20:16:11 · answer #1 · answered by Soul Doctor 7 · 1 1

I was given some exercises to do at home by a physical therapist that help with leg pain and back pain. Get a couple of boards or books and open the kitchen cabinet under you sink. Put the boards against the shelf in the cabinet so the boards are slanted from the shelf to the floor. Now stand on the boards holding on to the sink for balance. Do this for 30 seconds up to 5 times with a short break in between. It stretches your calf muscles very gently and in a few days they are feeling much better and walking is easier.Relieving your tight leg muscles will take the strain off your back too. If you can get to the floor sit 6 - 8 inches from the wall with your legs straight out as far apart as you can manage comfortably with your toes pointing toward the ceiling for 30 seconds. Move your legs closer together and hold each move closer for 30 seconds. Each day move an inch close to the wall and repeat the exercise until you end up against the wall. This will slowly stretch your hamstrings. This one takes longer to feel the difference only because hamstrings are larger muscles and don't like to be stretched but it will work over time. If you can't get on the floor try it on another flat surface like a sturdy table or bench. Take it slow and easy but you will start to feel the difference. Tight muscles can cause an awful lot of problems so work on them to keep yourself as mobile as possible. I also do Svaroopa (bliss) yoga which is very easy and gentle to do but is powerful and makes you feel fantastic. The whole premise is "support equals release. Supporting your body (with blankets) in yoga poses allows the tight muscles to relax and release without injury or pain.

2007-03-11 19:20:09 · answer #2 · answered by MissWong 7 · 1 2

There is one exercise that works really well for me, I'm 52 and overweight. It is called the pelvic rock. You get on your hands and knees, (I do this lying on my side in bed because it is difficult for me to get off of the floor), tuck your pelvis in, then rock your buttocks up in the air. You do this several times and hold each position for 10 seconds. I swear by it.

If you are certain that there isn't a deeper cause, then you can also take ginger baths. This is accomplished by taking a large ginger root, grate it by hand until you have enough to make a ball the size of a baseball. Place the gratings in a large square of cheesecloth and tie the end. Run a warm bath, as warm as you can stand it, then squeeze the ginger ball in the cheesecloth into the tub. This will stimulate circulation and help with the inflammation that is causing the pain. Best of luck, dear. I know what you're going through. I really hope these two things in conjunction help.

2007-03-11 19:15:46 · answer #3 · answered by Janet C 3 · 1 2

I agree with Amy L that U have potassium deficiency. To cure and remove the pain, take an orange fruit (Citrus Fruit). Your body is lack of potassium, that is why U encounter cramp. Orange contain high potassium and as such, by taking orange at least once an week,it will help U to avoid the cramp. Give a try. U will see the result in a matter of minutes.

2016-03-16 01:07:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What you are describing is textbook Sciatica. Most doctors would diagnose you just by hearing those symptoms. Leg pain that happens at the same time as lower back pain is almost always sciatica. The nerves in your lower back are connected down through your butt and into the back of your legs (hamstrings and calves).

As far as medication is concerned, your best bet is an anti-inflammatory (Advil or Aleve) and using ice/cold packs. WebMD, which is my source I'm citing, suggests alternating lying on your back and then taking a walk. Also, avoid sitting upright for longer than necessary unless you find it to be more comfortable than other positions. Chiropractic doctors also claim to have a good amount of success with sciatica, so that may be a route worth considering.

As always, consult your doctor. Best of luck!

2007-03-11 19:17:03 · answer #5 · answered by Robert 3 · 1 3

Take XanGo juice from mangosteen fruit, it wont fail you. Good for seniors, adults, young ones and even pregnant woman. This is a juice not a drug, no side effects. Research from medical universities all over the world show the Xanthones in the mangosteen contains elements that literally help to correct and kill many diseases that occur today. Did you know that there exists an antioxidant that is even more powerful than any vitamin? The powerful life enhancing substances are called xanthones. In fact there is a whole family of xanthones, and the most dynamic of these are found in the mangosteen whole fruit.

Xanthones are being studied for their medicinal potential since they demonstrate a number of pharmaceutical properties.

-supports microbiological balance
- maintains immune system health
-promotes join flexibility
-provides positive mental support

make a research about this yourself. Or for more details and information log on to www.tab64.gomangosteen.com or buy it from


2007-03-11 19:38:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

calf muscle pain- could be PVD peripheral vascular disease. this pain will take some time to subside if at all, walk.
low back pain- lie in your recliner belly down (not regular sitting). this will create an arch in your back. stay around 30 minutes if you can. let me know if your back pain subsides. do this 2 or 3 times a day to get rid of the pain completely once you've conditioned your spine.

i drink mangosteen juice too!

2007-03-12 16:56:35 · answer #7 · answered by REALLY 5 · 0 2


2017-02-19 12:40:17 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You will have to see your local chiropractor. Attempting stretching exercises & taking medicines without doctor's advise can be dangerous especially at your age.

2007-03-11 19:08:40 · answer #9 · answered by Howard Teo 3 · 1 2

i dont know about leg muscles, but when my lower back hurts, i lie on the floor, and pull my knees up to my chest.

it forces the spine into realignment and just feels so good to have your back flat against the floor.

try it sometime.

2007-03-11 19:02:33 · answer #10 · answered by Jennisonfire 3 · 1 2

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