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Ok, Im soon to get married to a verrrrry special girl, and it wasn't easy for me to get her. Anyways, we are both virgins (and yes, im sure).

I made a commitment to myself and my mom that I will be the best husband in the world.

How do I live up to that name? the girl is special enough for me do do anything for her (so motivation to please her should be ok)

As a kid, I used to get angry fast, but I also made a commitment to control that, and Im doing pretty good so far. any advice for that?

How do I make her feel like a princess or the most special girl in the world (living in heaven on earth), to a point where she wouldn't want to take her hands off of me.

question applies for in the bedroom and outside the bedroom


2007-03-11 18:49:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

14 answers

Wow, that is a HUGE question, I have been married for about 12 years now and my wife and I were also virgins, it was and is really special, but I think the best way to be a great husband and you are not always going to be "the greatest" b/c we make mistakes and so do our wives, you need to be a servant! Don't go in with expectations, b/c you will be let down, well, maybe one, expect to serve her as best you can, of course I think Christ is the best example of how anyone ought to live their life, but also a good definition is Corinthians 13, if you both can live by this, you will have a great marriage, oh another thing be quick to forgive and ask for forgiveness God bless you!

2007-03-11 18:58:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Awwee this is probably the best question I have had the pleasure in answering!!
You are obviously doing something amazing if she has choosen you to be her husband. Always remember it is a choice she made and chose to be with you out of all the men out there. Listen to her. Read the book Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars it explains in detail how men and women are suppose to compliment each other in rewarding was. Try hard to never take her for granted. Do the little things, leave love notes for her to find and for as long as you are married to her never forget that what title she may have in the long run whether it be Wife or Mom that she was and will always be the Woman you fell in love with. When things get rough always think back to what you did when you chased her (flowers, poems, played around etc). I say that just because we let the man catch us does not mean we don't like to feel that we are being chased every now and then. Never put her second to nothing, not work, family and friends. As in the bedroom hun take the time to explore her body and learn all her spots. Don't degrade her in no means or she will put up a wall that you will never be able to get down. Never invite things into the bedroom as in toys until you discuss it with her first and see how she feels about it. With both of you two being inexperienced it will be a special thing to learn together. Always make her feel safe and that she can trust you with everything she has because basicly that is what she is doing when she marries you. Good luck!

2007-03-11 19:13:55 · answer #2 · answered by Rigssy 2 · 0 0

You asked alot of questions! lol I hope she's as anxious to please you the way you want to please her. She will be your wife, not a princess, so always be honest, treat her with respect, and LISTEN to her, because women like to talk, so even if you aren't all that interested in WHAT she is saying, ACT like you are. lol Since you are both just starting out with marriage and a sexual relationship, you will learn together what pleases the other, and will know then what makes the other happy in that area. You sound head over heels for this girl, which is great, but it will take time and effort on both of your parts to bring about those deep, familiar, feelings that come from being with the same person for a long time. So, just slow down, relax, take a deep breath, and the rest will come naturally. Make her feel protected, and that you would swim across a shark infested ocean to save her. That will make her feel loved and cherished. A few surprise gifts "just because" from time to time are nice, but don't overdue it. Congratulations and Best Wishes to you both.

2007-03-11 19:17:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow...there is alot you want to know....lol...well let me first say that the best foreplay begins outside the bedroom. You do the small things that matter, she will take you places you have never dreamed about. So what do I mean...Here is what you do....Have the following life long mantra..."What can I do today, that will show how I much I care for her?" Almost make it a contest with yourself. Now beware...I didn't say you have to outdo what you did the day before...just what can you do on a daily basis that shows her you care. Did you help bring in the groceries without being asked or better yet volunteer to go grocery shopping for her. Did you stay and help put the dishes in the dishwasher after dinner and engage her in conversation. Did you show her common courtesy. Believe it or not women are really not that high maintenance and if they are, it is because they learned to be, because they weren't treated right to begin with. If you just do the small things, believe me that is as romantic as receiving flowers every day. She is your lifelong partner...treat her that way and you will never have to worry about the bedroom.....Good Luck!

2007-03-11 19:02:27 · answer #4 · answered by chcman74 4 · 1 0

In addition to what some of these people are saying...
Be thoughtful, special surprises make her feel VERY special.
You can buy something simple, or spend nothing at all and just give her a day devoted to her...you can give her massages, fix her dinner...things like that. I guarantee that she will be extra happy.

2007-03-11 19:00:37 · answer #5 · answered by NoNoDontGo 2 · 0 0

one thing and one thing alone, surprise her. show up unexpected, not in an "im checking on you" fasion, but bring her lunch at work, take her on a day trip without planning it, take her out to dinner spontaniously, and have sex in a lot of different places. then dont ever go to bed angry, and if you ever get in an argument, just let her be right, even if shes wrong, this will cause her to think about it and forgive you. wish you luck

2007-03-11 18:54:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just give her all the love and attention she deserves and soon she will award with a golden medal of the best husband in the world. Seriously speaking, be yourself as you are and she will definitely appreciate you and love you in return. (Then ask her to prepare you a golden medal as you mentioned). Good luck.

2007-03-11 18:53:52 · answer #7 · answered by happy 4 · 0 0

the main thing is to pay attention to her most wives feel lonely and neglected cause men arent wired to be as emotional as we are when she wants to talk make sure you are participating and listening instead of just sitting there i heard a great line once that i tell my husband "there is a difference in spending time with me and killing time while im there" remember that

2007-03-11 18:53:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Practice the phrase every day in the morning and when you got to bed ,''Yes Dear your right'', and you shall have that title you long for.

2007-03-11 18:54:18 · answer #9 · answered by I like you 1 · 0 0

Continue to read fairy tales and keep dreaming. The higher the expectation, the harder the fall back to reality.

2007-03-11 20:00:49 · answer #10 · answered by Sir Richard 5 · 0 0

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