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them up. Does anyone remember the Clinton years? I consider them the good ole days....

Longest economic expansion in American history
More than 22 million new jobs
Highest homeownership in American history
Lowest federal income tax burden in 35 years
Lowest unemployment in 30 years
Paid off $360 billion of the national debt
Converted the largest budget deficit in American history to the largest surplus
Lowest government spending in three decades
Raised education standards, increased school choice, and doubled education and training investment
Largest expansion of college opportunity since the GI Bill
Lowest crime rate in 26 years
Deactivated more than 1,700 nuclear warheads from the former Soviet Union
Lowest teen birth rate in 60 years


How's life going for us under Bush?

Your thoughts?

2007-03-11 18:36:21 · 19 answers · asked by ♥austingirl♥ 6 in Politics & Government Politics

Charlie, he lied because people were abusing our justice system and asking questions about his sex life. What red-blooded male woudn't have lied in that situation? I don't condone abuse of our justice system by his interrogators and to me that is a worse sin than protecting his marriage because of his sexual weakness...even the guy leading the charge against him (Gingrich) was having an affair...I bet if we would have put him under oath, he would have done the same thing. Interesting how Bush refuses to go under oath about ANYTHING.

2007-03-11 19:03:33 · update #1

19 answers

The slander machine provides a full time job for those who hate the Clintons. They should be embarrassed to bring up all that old crap that was never proven and all the old b.s. slander like the Paul Harvey/Hillary Clinton story that has been debunked by Snopes, and all those people who "mysteriously" die when the Clintons are involved. It's pathetic that they keep regurgitating the same tired old garbage when none of them have ever been able to prove it. Were the Republicans so hard on the heels of the Clintons incompetent or just plain stupid? If there was SO much evidence why weren't they indicted over all this crap? Did they have that much power over all those Republican crimefighters? If so, what happened afterwards? Bush has had a Republican stranglehold on the country for six years - shouldn't they have been able to go forward and find the proof in the last six years, protected and armed with the righteous Republican fervor coming from the White House? No? Well why on earth not?

People are just as sick of hearing that old garbage as they are of this Administration. The more Republicans keep trundling out the old tired blah blah blah about the so-called murderous Clintons, the more they buttress a Democratic win in Nov. '08. I know so many people, so many - who are sick to death of the Republican character assassination machine. They are going to lie and slander themselves right into a sure defeat in '08, and they deserve every bit of it.

2007-03-11 20:20:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy was an alleged effort by the People's Republic of China (PRC) to influence the domestic policies of the United States, prior to and during the Clinton administration and also involved the fundraising practices of the administration itself.[36]

It is common practice for Presidents to grant a number of pardons during their term in office. On his last day in office (January 20, 2001), Clinton issued 140 pardons. Most of the controversy surrounded Marc Rich and allegations that Hillary Clinton's brother, Hugh Rodham, accepted payments in return for influencing the president's decision-making regarding the pardons.
In 1998, as a result of allegations that he had lied during grand jury testimony regarding his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky, a young female White House intern, Clinton was the second U.S. president to be impeached by the House of Representatives (the other being Andrew Johnson). The House held no serious impeachment hearings before the 1998 mid-term elections. In spite of the allegations against the President, his party picked up a few seats in the Congress. The Republican leadership then called a lame duck session in December 1998 to hold impeachment proceedings.
Two claims of sexual misconduct on the part of Bill Clinton were alleged by Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick (referred to as Jane Doe #5 by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr so as to differentiate her from the many women linked to Clinton), during the Clinton Administration
Man,Those were the years, weren't they!

2007-03-12 14:05:59 · answer #2 · answered by Shawn S 2 · 0 0

This beautiful country flourished in the Clinton years, and soon that beauty will return. President Bush's administration must be held accountable for destroying all that the Clinton administration accomplished.
Congrats to the very wise Elway the Cat / Level 6.

2007-03-12 14:03:56 · answer #3 · answered by GO HILLARY 7 · 0 0

If you watch, you'll notice a pattern. Every time the Bush administration gets caught with its pants down, the right-wing resorts to Clinton-bashing and/or gay-bashing, etc. Some of them get inventive--I've seen posts blaming FDR for Vietnam, Kennedy for the terrorists, etc.

It's just a way of throwing insults when they know they can't defend whatever crime of the day Bush or his cronies have gotten caught at. You'll see another wave of this in thenext few days while Bush tries to weasel out of the criminal activities of the FBI and the revelations that they are denying asylum to Iraqis whose lives are in danger because they've collaberated with US forces. And, of course, the widening scandel about the inhumane treatment of our veterans in military/VA hospitals.

2007-03-12 01:51:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Austingirl, it's diversion tactics. Republicans are seeing their poster boy become as unpopular as the war he started. Since it's pretty hard to defend many (if not most) of Bush's actions, they try to change the subject by attacking Clinton. In some peoples' minds, the fact that one president did things they don't like somehow excuses the failings of the current president. I didn't agree with everything Clinton did, but compared to Bush he looks godlike.

Btw, I'm from Austin too. Balcones/Spicewood area. Cool town!

2007-03-12 01:49:34 · answer #5 · answered by Havick 3 · 5 2

I still miss Bill and the Bill years. I notice that many people on the far right have OCD--Obsessive Clinton Disorder--and can't let go of their hate even though he's been out of office for six years. I think it gives their poor little lives meaning.

And they thought his lying was the end of the world while Scooter Libby should be pardoned! The hypocrisy is stunning.

2007-03-12 01:40:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Those people are just looking for stuff to slander the
Democrats with, in a last ditch effort, to try to divert attention from Bushes disasters.
It doesn't work.

2007-03-12 01:48:14 · answer #7 · answered by Calee 6 · 6 0

Bill Clinton was good for the economic progress of America during his term of office.

2007-03-12 01:42:30 · answer #8 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 4 1

Yeah! Bush leaves a whole lot to be desired, but Clinton lied to the public and to Congress.

2007-03-12 01:53:00 · answer #9 · answered by charliecizarny 5 · 1 4

Yeah, those were the days, my friend.
We thought they'd never end.

I don't worry about the slander. I'm glad he phucked everything in sight and pissed Repugs off.

2007-03-12 01:40:27 · answer #10 · answered by childrenofthecorn 4 · 4 1

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