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This is mainly a debate topic. Why are liberals so paranoid and overall just plain foolish. Yet they walk around being smug stuck up punks because they have that whole " oooo look at me I'm living on the outside look at how unique I am"
Im waiting for the liberal hate mail. I'm independant by the way. I beleive both political parties arent worth their weight in horse crap because at least thats good for fertilizer

2007-03-11 18:34:24 · 7 answers · asked by The Wall 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

To bdcordero:
Don't call me honey because thats just a way of trying to appear nice while really being snobbish. That offends me!!!! If I were a liberal I'd go out and throw a temper tantrum or something while protesting!!!!

2007-03-11 18:56:34 · update #1

To waterlily750:
Why are liberals afraid to go to war when it has to be done. But honestly I would have to go into the whole war profiteering thing. But I've never really seen the conservatives be war hungry as much as not taking crap from terrorists

2007-03-11 18:58:15 · update #2

To Chiha:
This is typical liberal crap. You basicly make me out as some sort of monster and you to be the wise holier than thou person. The only thing you forgot is why? Like so many liberals your politics are flimsy at best. Maybe if you could elaborate instead of name calling this could go somewhere. O ya and you may be interested to know that although reps controll buisnesses and profit off all the stuff you buy that the media brainwashes people because all their favorite stars are liberal because well, I'll let you in on a little secret, in order to work in hollywood (controlled by liberals) you have to be a liberal! They basicly tell all the stars to go spewing liberal crap so they can profit off your being brainwashed. Both sides of the isle are against the common man the only problem is that theyve found a way to keep us fighting so much that nobody thinks to look up and see whats going on

2007-03-11 19:30:19 · update #3

O ya and I see you got that snobbish liberal idea of thinking you are better than me down quite well. If I "understood" all that would mean is that I had somehow devolved into a naive fool. General evolution works forwards though.

2007-03-11 19:31:57 · update #4

7 answers

I have to agree with the poster. Liberals do tend to be stupid fools, and that's being nice about it. Lets look at some Liberal causes. There biggest current one is the pull out of Iraq, which is really just part of there overall anti war beliefs. If Liberals thought about what they believed maybe they would come to the understanding that pulling out of Iraq would be a bigger disaster than staying. I am no fool, I recognize that things are not going well, and mostly due to the errors of this administration. But they could be worse. If we leave there will be one of several things that will happen.

A: Total regional civil war that will slaughter millions. Not to mention all the problems that it will cause for our country.

B: Iran, an enemy of this nation, will step in and take over, slaughtering all that oppose them.

They are not going to just say, oh the USA is leaving, lets get a long and love each other. These people are willing to blow themselves up for there cause, our leaving does not change that.

I will admit that there numbers are small, but there are even those Liberals that say going that attacking the Taliban after 9/11 was wrong. They say things like "They had grievances". If we followed a liberal way of running this country we would be conquered as fast as the French. When it comes to foreign policy the Republicans see war as something that is needed at times, but should be avoided when possible. A Liberal believes that war should be avoided at all costs, if someone wants to attack you there solution is simple, SURRENDER.

Now for other stupid Liberal causes. How about there belief in social programs. Under Liberal belief a government program can fix everything. Liberals back the current Social Security system, even though it will destroy this country if not stopped. Rather than actually making someone responsible for there own retirement, they want the government to do it. If someone cannot be responsible for themselves they do not deserve a retirement.

Then there is all the welfare programs. Helping someone when they are unemployed for a few weeks or even a month or two is one thing. Stuff happens and everyone could use some help through it, but if Liberals have there way you could stay on welfare for life, which some people do.

Then there is Liberals on immigration, one of the areas they piss me off the most. Liberals use slogans like "There people" to justify allowing millions of low skill people into this country from Mexico. Could we use a small number of low skilled workers for farms and a limited number of other jobs, yes we could. But under the policies of the Liberals they want to let the 12-20 Million that are hear now stay, and then bring in more. If they had there way we would see an influx of 100 Million low skilled workers come in within 5-10 years. They would be entitled to all the programs that Americans are. It would destroy this country. But you bleeding hart Liberals don't care because "There people".

In conclusion, almost everything Liberals believe in is just terrible for the country. They don't seem to have one good idea at present, hell even that pain in the *** Hillary Clinton has better ideas then most Liberals.

2007-03-11 19:35:23 · answer #1 · answered by John 1 · 0 0

This is 21st Century and it's time to think about everything in a global point of view, not just of the benefit for the little land you live. I hope you understand some day, honey...

2007-03-12 02:22:10 · answer #2 · answered by Chiha 2 · 0 3

I dont care as long as they keep giving me my checks at the first of the month they no they owe it to me.

2007-03-12 01:37:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well i guess ill just be seeing you one the dark side of the moon

2007-03-12 01:37:38 · answer #4 · answered by Fluffy 1 · 1 0

Don't tease they they where born that way its not their fault that they are like the blind leading the blind.

2007-03-12 01:38:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

you are soo funny... what and do all liberals have flat butts?? Stereotypes only get you so far honey

2007-03-12 01:50:05 · answer #6 · answered by bdcordero 1 · 0 2

why are conservativess so WAR hungry?

2007-03-12 01:37:02 · answer #7 · answered by waterlily750 4 · 1 2

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