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DO YOU THINK THAT IF THERE WHERE NO FEMINISM/ FEMINISTS THE WORLD WOULD BE BETTER OR WORST? wha do you think feminism has done to our society? has it enriched us as human beings or destroyed us? open question to sirious answers. ps. give details on your opinion. thanks....

2007-03-11 18:33:59 · 13 answers · asked by honey 1 in Social Science Gender Studies

13 answers

Feminism was meant to gain equal pay for equal work, which still has not been gained in all types of jobs. It was also meant to open up different kinds of jobs for women. I think the sexual revolution did more harm than the Feminist movment did. Although I would agree that the movement has gotten out of controll. I don't think you can blame drugs, crime and gangs on Feminism.

The Industrial revolution, unions and greed have more to do with the break down of the family than feminism did. As unions raised the pay rate, the cost of living went up, most familie have to have both parents working just to met the bills. We all want to have a better life than our parents had. This takes money.

Before the Industrial revolution people lived in rural communities, everyone in the community helped each other with child care, so yes it did take a villiage to raise a child. Familys consisted of at least two generations of a family living together. The men generally worked in the fields or ran small business and took thier son to work with them. This was how moral, vaules and the work ethic was passed from one generation to the other.

Daughters stayed home with thier mothers and grandparents and learned to manage a home, cook and how to care for children. When people moved to cities for work they lost this support. Now it was up to one person to do all of the household chores and child rearing ... the mother. Fathers spend less time at home and therefore far less time teaching his children. Children were either put to work at a young age and/or later spent more years in school....pass the eight grade. The older children were now gone, and there was less community support more and more work was left to one person.... the mother.

Feminish is not the main cause of societies problems. The problems in our society have multiple causes not just Feminism. It helped in some ways, but not enough. Women can still be paid less then the man she works next to, doing the same job.

I believe that feminist failed by not acknowledging the basic differences in men and women. There are some jobs women should not do. As men and women, as people, we need to celebrate our differences, and except our equality. When we learn to except and respect others we will have a better world.

2007-03-11 21:05:12 · answer #1 · answered by freed 1 · 3 7

No, they need feminism because without it, they would not be able to make their own choices or even have a chance at getting an education. Try visiting a country where women are viewed as property and can't hold a job or get an education and tell me how "strong" those women are.

2016-03-29 01:01:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Feminism has done both good and bad for this world.

I am all for equality between genders and races. I am however against misandry and sexism against men.

Feminism has contributed great achievements for equal rights. However, feminism has trivialized the traditional female role as being unimportant and "demeaning." As a result, many young contemporary women today do not know how to cook, won't learn, and don't care either. And don't expect many "modern" contemporary women to clean either. That is below her. It's a shame these days that as a young man, I know how to cook, but I run across numerous women that don't know the first thing about cooking. If a man is the breadwinner, paying for the rent and takes her out to eat, she should also pull her end of the bargain as well, and that includes cooking a meal. Many women today feel that they shouldn't have to cook since they give him sex. Many women over-rate their vaginas, and think their vagina is equal to his breadwinning, fixing the roof, paying the bills. Sorry, but the ability to open ones' legs on the bed doesn't count as pulling ones' own end of the bargain in the relationship. If he or she feels that her giving him sex is the most important part of the relationship, then such a shallow relationship is doomed to failure. That said, if a woman chooses to be the breadwinner as well, that's fine. But she still should not believe that cooking and cleaning is "beneath" her while still posessing a princess mentality, expecting him to go to the ends of the earth for her financially, intellectually, and sexually -- while she believes only her vagina is all she needs to provide. That said, I feel men should cook for women too. She should still cook mostly if he's bringing in most of the dough. It's all about balance. And I cook for my woman when the time is right. Nothing spices up a relationship more than a little change, as long as its selflessly beneficial and unconditional.

On the flipside, feminism has also led to the destruction of chivalry. You often hear women nowadays complaining that "chivalry is dead." But who killed it? Chivalry died when feminism announced that chivalry is demeaning and makes women seem "inferior" and "weaker." To hold a door open for a woman is "sexist," the feminists said. Chivalry was destroyed, thus the traditional "gentleman" was destroyed. There was a time when a man would take off his hat when greating a woman, and/or respectfully bow to a woman when greeting her -- you know, during the time period when you feminists claimed men were oppressive and evil. It was a time when ALL men were expected to open the car door for his lady, and/or pull her seat out for her at a restaurant. These days, many men expect the woman to open the car door for herself. And you'll pretty much never see a man take off his hat when greeting a woman. No way -- not the way the sun will be shining in their eyes.

Feminism has also destroyed the traditional "nuclear" family structure -- where the man is the breadwinner, the woman is the caretaker, and the kids grow up in a healthy, prosperous, enriching environment. Feminism for the most part succeeded in convincing women that they can be "independent" and don't need men. As a result, there are far more single-parent "families" and more children born out of wedlock than there were prior to the feminist movement that began in the late 1960's. As a result of the traditional family structure being destroyed, there is now more crime, greater high school dropout rates, more gangs, and more drugs in neighborhoods than there were in the 1950's. The root of the integrity and foundation of a child, a community, and a country as a whole -- is the family. With the traditional family is disarray, thanks to the feminist movement, society as a whole becomes in disarray. And you can see evidence of this almost daily in the news. Crime, gangs, drugs, prostitution, and drop-out rates are a by-product of the lack of a strong family/foundation.

Children need both parents, not just one. A woman can't raise her son to be a man. A woman needs a man in the household. Women need men -- despite what a feminist, misandrist, and/or lesbian might say. They say "it takes a village to raise a child." And that is most certainly true.

2007-03-11 19:13:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

I'm not a feminist and I don't agree with a lot of feminist arguments. The only thing I'd like to see is more respect and higher wages because there are a lot of single mothers out there and they can't afford to take care of their children because they don't get paid enough. I don't agree with abbortion as it kills children and harms the woman both physically and mentally. I think women should, if they have children, concentrate on being mothers but I also understand that a lot of people need a second income in their homes. I don't really see the point in all this animosity towards men. A smart woman knows how to pick the battles she knows she can win. I do however, think women aren't given enough credit because women are truly amazing creatures. We're the mothers of the human race, how more powerful can you get!

2007-03-12 02:31:58 · answer #4 · answered by Becky 5 · 3 2

the dude above me is 100% right. The problem with "feminism" today is that it is NOTHING like what the original founders of the movement envisioned. Hell, they would spin their graves if they knew what had become of their movement. Its disgusting. They wanted equal rights. Fair enough. That means completely equal, down the line. No exceptions. Thats what they wanted. Admirable? Certainly. Realistic? Probably not. For one thing, one major thing, men and women are not the same, not even close. The biologists call us complimentary, similar, but not the same. Thats where the movement eventually broke down. After the initial excitement gave way to reality, women found that they couldnt do what men do, nor did they really want to. However, they still desperately wanted the advantages of what the movement brought them, even if they were psychologically and/or physically incapable of living up to their end of the bargain. Think about it. Women (in general) still want to be treated like princesses. They still have the same basic desires (procreation, motherhood, etc) that are biologically hardwired into them. But now they want everything that men have. Equal pay for doing what amounts to less work (example: a man will never get pregnant... most women will be pregnant as some point, taking time off, etc). They want doors held open for them, they want the check picked up, while meanwhile they are unwilling to cook, clean, etc. They don't want to be drafted. This condition has basically destroyed the nuclear family, confused gender roles, and created a bizarre situation where no knows what to do. The women are unhappy because they are trying their damndest to suppress their natural, biological urges (like delaying pregnancy to have a career until it is too late, or until they are so old that they have a bay with Down's Syndrome), and the men, while most would welcome "equality" if it were possible, are disgusted with the bad attitudes they see around them, and the general "feel" that something in society is amiss. And then American women have the nerve to wonder why American men are increasingly going to "minorities" to find wives, which are by and large MUCH less of a pain in the ***. Its laughable, but nonetheless sad. The real tragedy, I think, and the ultimate answer to you're question, is that this "feminism" has produced a generation of women who dont know anything about true feminism, dont know its heroes and it sacrifices, dont know it's HISTORY, and are instead acting out roles that have been proscribed to them by their inept mothers who got it all wrong to begin with, because it the thing to do, and to do anything else would belittle them. Who cares if being a housewife was good enough for thousands of years, right? They are spending all their time trying to fight nature and trying to be "good, modern women", and then wondering why they are so unhappy on the inside.

2007-03-11 19:52:23 · answer #5 · answered by darthhk 2 · 8 3

Just look at todays women. The girls are desperate for attention dressing kinky and beeing loose the women miserably and in the need for prozac to get through the day. Poverty abuse and rape have not diminuished the way feminism promised.
So yeah feminism took away the good and left the bad.

2007-03-12 04:07:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

It's totally trashed society. Feminists claim women can be sexually liberated (sleep around) and now look at all the single mothers out there who don't know where their baby-daddies are...getting on welfare and everything. Take into account that children who grow up without fathers are more likely to get into trouble later on.

Turn on Maury Povich or even Jerry Springer and you'll see where feminism has gotten us!

2007-03-12 05:22:59 · answer #7 · answered by ? 6 · 3 3

Feminism should be eliminated. We need equal rights, not superiority.

2015-03-27 14:52:01 · answer #8 · answered by spooky 1 · 0 0

I think feminism is just a really annoying word. Females and Males are two different things. Nothing is equal. Only our obstacles and troubles are equal. I think feminism is ridiculous as well as masculinism. Equal opportunity? Wow. Then what about Cannibalism and Animalism? Where is their equal opportunity? Just because they think differently doesn't justify their abscence. This world contradicts itself. I believe it is just a way for one "group" of people with the same complaints to make a legal standpoint to try and justify their emotional "boo-boos". Humanism. lol.

2007-03-11 21:33:56 · answer #9 · answered by ? 2 · 4 3

If it wasn't for feminism you'd be at home taking care of your 8 kids, since birth control wouldn't be available; or you'd be at work as a secretary, maid, beautician, nurse, teacher, or cook. If your husband beat you, no one would care. If your husband raped your kids, no one would care. If you were raped, no one would care. If you wanted a divorce, it'd be unlikely you could get one; if you did, you'd be shunned by society. If you wanted to stay unmarried, you be considered unbalanced, and could be mentally institutionalized by your family. If you thought you were a lesbian, your family would have you mentally institutionalized. You wouldn't have any right to your property, it would either be owned by your family or your husband. Even if you managed to get the money to go to college, and a college accepted you, and you graduated, you probably wouldn't be hired by anyone if it wasn't one of the jobs listed above.

You could vote, though, but actually that right is available because of feminists from the 1850's and on...

2007-03-12 06:53:12 · answer #10 · answered by edith clarke 7 · 2 4

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