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It is increasingly axiomatic today that the old calculations of “hard power” are no longer sufficient to guide a country’s conduct in world affairs. Our “soft power” -- the aspects and products of our society that the world finds attractive – have become much more important. Bollywood, Indian art, literature, fashion, and cuisine, the values of Ashoka, Akbar and Gandhi, and the pluralism of our civilization, constitutes our “soft power”. As a society with a free press and a thriving mass media, with a people whose creative energies are daily encouraged to express themselves in a variety of appealing ways, India has an extraordinary ability to tell stories that are more persuasive and attractive than those of its rivals. Is this, rather than nuclear weapons, industrial growth or military might, our real global USP? How credible is our soft power in the face of poverty, communal violence, corruption and caste discrimination?

2007-03-11 18:27:40 · 1399 answers · asked by Shashi Tharoor 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

YAHOO! ANSWERS staff notice: Register here – http://in.promos.yahoo.com/atp/ to win really cool prizes! Only Indian residents will be eligible for the prizes. Winners will be contacted on their yahoo email ids, so keep checking.

This is really Shashi Tharoor, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information. Keep checking our blog for more on this and the winners:

2007-03-12 21:41:41 · update #1

1399 answers

Dear Mr.Shashi Tharoor,

This is a beatuful issue that you have chosen to highlight. India's soft power is certainly waiting to be tapped into, for India's benefit.

I have the following idea on how to use the same :

As the theme implies, India's soft power is best used for networking, both within and outside India. Outside India, we are most fortunate to have one of the widest diaspora, who have to be channelised properly to promote Indian Values and culture in the country of their adopted countries. Just think of it : Canada, USA, Middle East, Singapore, Malaysia, Large pockets in Europe, the list is very impressive. The Indians abroad can be motivated to swing political opinion and perception, in India's favour. Right from small issues like aid for India's underprivileged, to something major, like a permanent UNSC seat, can be achieved with a channelised activity like the above. (If you can chair such an initiative, Sir, I would be happy to support you in this endeavour).

In return, we can offer these fellow Indians some extended hospitality, and make their lives and that of their extended families in India a wee bit easier.

Within India, Sir, there exists an even bigger opportunity. I, for one, am working with one of the largest MNCs, in a middle management position, based in Mumbai. While interacting with my peers, colleagues and Industry counterparts, I have observed that there is an inherent desire in many to contribute in some way to society; but the lack of organised effort makes many of them reticent, and some of them limit their involvement to financial contributions. If a majority of this group can be motivated with an organised and transparent
movement, they will come forward to assist and take this movement forward.

We live in a highly networked world, and with effective use of technology, we can bridge the gap between the two Indias, the India of the advanced rocket science and IT, and the India of the villages.

With best regards, Krishnakumar.

2007-03-18 05:24:11 · answer #1 · answered by krishna kumar 1 · 7 11

It is increasingly axiomatic today that the old calculations of “hard power” are no longer sufficient to guide a country’s conduct in world affairs. Our “soft power” -- the aspects and products of our society that the world finds attractive – have become much more important. Bollywood, Indian art, literature, fashion, and cuisine, the values of Ashoka, Akbar and Gandhi, and the pluralism of our civilization, constitutes our “soft power”. As a society with a free press and a thriving mass media, with a people whose creative energies are daily encouraged to express themselves in a variety of appealing ways, India has an extraordinary ability to tell stories that are more persuasive and attractive than those of its rivals. Is this, rather than nuclear weapons, industrial growth or military might, our real global USP? How credible is our soft power in the face of poverty, communal violence, corruption and caste discrimination?

2007-04-03 18:01:41 · answer #2 · answered by ANIL A 1 · 1 2

It is increasingly axiomatic today that the old calculations of “hard power” are no longer sufficient to guide a country’s conduct in world affairs. Our “soft power” -- the aspects and products of our society that the world finds attractive – have become much more important. Bollywood, Indian art, literature, fashion, and cuisine, the values of Ashoka, Akbar and Gandhi, and the pluralism of our civilization, constitutes our “soft power”. As a society with a free press and a thriving mass media, with a people whose creative energies are daily encouraged to express themselves in a variety of appealing ways, India has an extraordinary ability to tell stories that are more persuasive and attractive than those of its rivals. Is this, rather than nuclear weapons, industrial growth or military might, our real global USP? How credible is our soft power in the face of poverty, communal violence, corruption and caste discrimination?

2007-03-28 18:41:12 · answer #3 · answered by sathiya 1 · 0 1

It is increasingly axiomatic today that the old calculations of “hard power” are no longer sufficient to guide a country’s conduct in world affairs. Our “soft power” -- the aspects and products of our society that the world finds attractive – have become much more important. Bollywood, Indian art, literature, fashion, and cuisine, the values of Ashoka, Akbar and Gandhi, and the pluralism of our civilization, constitutes our “soft power”. As a society with a free press and a thriving mass media, with a people whose creative energies are daily encouraged to express themselves in a variety of appealing ways, India has an extraordinary ability to tell stories that are more persuasive and attractive than those of its rivals. Is this, rather than nuclear weapons, industrial growth or military might, our real global USP? How credible is our soft power in the face of poverty, communal violence, corruption and caste discrimination?

2007-03-26 23:34:47 · answer #4 · answered by siddartha 1 · 0 0

It is increasingly axiomatic today that the old calculations of “hard power” are no longer sufficient to guide a country’s conduct in world affairs. Our “soft power” -- the aspects and products of our society that the world finds attractive – have become much more important. Bollywood, Indian art, literature, fashion, and cuisine, the values of Ashoka, Akbar and Gandhi, and the pluralism of our civilization, constitutes our “soft power”. As a society with a free press and a thriving mass media, with a people whose creative energies are daily encouraged to express themselves in a variety of appealing ways, India has an extraordinary ability to tell stories that are more persuasive and attractive than those of its rivals. Is this, rather than nuclear weapons, industrial growth or military might, our real global USP? How credible is our soft power in the face of poverty, communal violence, corruption and caste discrimination?

2007-03-16 05:37:59 · answer #5 · answered by vinoth 1 · 0 0

India is a mix of culture which one cant find in any other country. Our culture varies from the north to south and east to west. Hindi words have been added to the Oxford dictionary. Indus valley civilization was thriving when there were
Bollywood, Indian art, literature, fashion, and cuisine, the values of Ashoka, Akbar and Gandhi, and the pluralism of our civilization, constitutes our “soft power”. As a society with a free press and a thriving mass media, with a people whose creative energies are daily encouraged to express themselves in a variety of appealing ways, India has an extraordinary ability to tell stories that are more persuasive and attractive than those of its rivals. Is this, rather than nuclear weapons, industrial growth or military might, our real global USP? How credible is our soft power in the face of poverty, communal violence, corruption and caste discrimination?

2007-03-15 19:45:19 · answer #6 · answered by RAJU 1 · 0 0

The future is about creativity for solutions medical, social, negotiations, inventions, creativity in business, technology, human relations, leadership and bringing diverse peoples together.
Love between peoples oil any society. Stress causes wars, illnesses and conflicts on all levels. The competitive model has gone way overboard. Trust and honesty in business causes trust of products and companies. The Japanese worker in every level trys to simplify and improve their efficiency everyday causing better moral, products, lower prices, lower costs and innovative appealing designs in a competitve world market where small difference makes the difference between which product will be bought, when the prices are similar. There is much literature from the West on the new trends and future of the market. The West tends to be too literal and unrefined relying on planned obsolescence, which is basical a corrupt practice, greed, worker intimidation, lies and secrecy. Modesty makes one try harder and love makes it all worthwhile for a lowly worker who has no status.
Intuition accesses the ninety percent of the brain that understands and is open to new ideas not seen by a closed mind. The East is inscutable while the West is somewhat transparent faltering by secrecies and corruption hidden from the people and the merger with Western technology is superior to a one sided view. The idea is to keep the best of the old and the new, the East and the West. That marriage is bringing India and China to the top, if it doesn't loose it's soul, but pride comes before a fall. People skills are still the most important in the world as a smooth running society can't be beat with harmony in the individual and between people and ideas. Was it that Russians didn't have technology or was it the lack of will of the people. The world is comming into a really big change where these skills will be coming even more to the front. Can the imagination and whole brain use handle it. You bet it can if leaders and the people have the vision. It's all in how good and flexible the plan is. Many hands and hearts make the work light. Inspiration. The mind works a 24 images a second complete with sights, sounds, symbols and discrepancies while the awareness operates at an seemingly unlimited speed. The brain is soft.

2007-07-16 07:54:43 · answer #7 · answered by hb12 7 · 0 0

AsWe Indians are civilised than some other people of the world
Our land had richness in culture and civilisation but not now.
Very few people are in such catogory.We have to go a long way to achieve the purpose of creation.Mahatma Gandhi is the only sincere desciple of Jesus Christ We indians can be proud.The ideas and ideals for which he stood would be never destroyed by the bullets of a murderer.Nowadays no body is thinking about death.Almost all are struggling to make money at any cost.We must think about our end of life every now and then.This universe and countries are our own
and we are supposed to live peacefully and let others.Real love will be the greatest hope of society .Infact we are created equal but there is no equality here.Indians are very able and at the same time passive.World is fast approaching to a disasterous state.I hope that India will be the leader of the whole world and a man from our God's own country will be assuming the highest position in the world.Now community violence form in the minds of people
and with in a short period it will be spread.Let people think about death .Death point is far away from some and it is very near to some.Who knows who will reach the point early neither the nearest nor the farrest.Those who think about this
will help others and try to do what actually the creator intended.As a whole we Indians are truth seekers and the day will come to rule the world at the beginning of 2027.

2007-03-13 18:09:05 · answer #8 · answered by vipinchandran madarakkal 1 · 0 0

Until some time ago India's greatest USP was it's maturity and strength to assimilate cultures. It is what had made Indian so diverse today. Alas, it threatened by narrow minded power brokers. Not different from day brokers at the bourses. India's soft power has at best caught the attention of those seeking the esoteric. It has never been projected as way of life and therefore, I believe not made a dent in dictating world philosophy. "I think, therefore I am" still rules ( as against Indian thought of "I am") and will do so for some time to come - till the world realises that we do do not much of a "World" left.

Indian soft power will be realised only when every one realises that sustainable living is the way forward. It is then that Indian thought will be at the forefront - it will pave the way for a new way of life. We are ourselves caught up with economic progress - India therefore is also moving towards commercial thought, globalisation, rapid industrialisation etc. etc. India's soft power does not influence much of the world. A passing interest may be - but that is because the world must come to the doorstep of this huge big market; they do not have a choice.

Much is said of our great culture and the many eons of age it has. But what is result of that - corrupt politics, poor and hungry people, citizinery that cares two hoots for public property ??

Bottom line - we do not have a soft power that can sell and bring tangible change to the world - First we must practise it and revive it within India. Get back the greats like Ashoka, Akbar, Gandhi. Such a force !!! We can then prove to the world that our system works. Till then it's hyper consumerism - eat that Pizza half way - it's great fun to chuck the other half - like the satire well filmed in Jaane Bhi do Yaron.

2007-03-26 06:46:14 · answer #9 · answered by rajeshadhyam 1 · 0 0

The past of India was Golden era, the future seems to be bright but the present is the big est challenge. After independence we live in a state of brain wash by the post independent rulers. Whatever theory or philosophy advertised for the masses are proved to be wrong. First is the cry against population, secondly the anti-western cultures, thirdly the tax and the economy. The real happenings are just opposite of what we expected. India registered growth in spite of the population explotion, even with the resistance to western culture, we are the second largest Aids producer in the world. The tax system so complex, not a single Indian product sells at the same price across the country. At the same time Chinese or any imported product sells at standard prices at any corner of the country. The essential commodities are the most expensive but the luxuries are available at international prices. There are some fundemental mistakes we make to create insufficiency at all levels that is the cause of all other secondary complications like communal violence, curruption etc.

2007-03-25 07:05:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is increasingly axiomatic today that the old calculations of “hard power” are no longer sufficient to guide a country’s conduct in world affairs. Our “soft power” -- the aspects and products of our society that the world finds attractive – have become much more important. Bollywood, Indian art, literature, fashion, and cuisine, the values of Ashoka, Akbar and Gandhi, and the pluralism of our civilization, constitutes our “soft power”. As a society with a free press and a thriving mass media, with a people whose creative energies are daily encouraged to express themselves in a variety of appealing ways, India has an extraordinary ability to tell stories that are more persuasive and attractive than those of its rivals. Is this, rather than nuclear weapons, industrial growth or military might, our real global USP? How credible is our soft power in the face of poverty, communal violence, corruption and caste discrimination?

if we eradicate corruption from india the word impossible from India will dissappear. The foundation of alll the problems in India is corruption.

2007-03-18 23:55:46 · answer #11 · answered by Chaitanya Malik 2 · 1 2

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