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our english final is a debate, and i really need help on thinking of arguments...

First, if you are for this topic ... what is the necessity? whats the beneficiality? (please provide 2 if you can)

And if you are NOT for this topic... what is the non-necessity? and whats the non-beneficiality? (please provide 2 if you can)

Thanks A lot!! you have no idea!!!

2007-03-11 18:20:05 · 13 answers · asked by chloe 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

13 answers

I was brought up to believe that abortion is wrong and is murder. But not everyone is taught the same or has the same beliefs as what i was taught. In a place and time where we are supposed to be tolerant of all beliefs and opinions, i believe that it is the doctors choice to preform it for whatever reason, and the womans choice to be informed on ALL the details and information and popular beliefs, as well as other options so that she can choose what she would like to do about her situation. I don't think it should be as easy to get one, but it definately shouldnt be taken away.

2007-03-11 18:33:25 · answer #1 · answered by bluejeanwifey 4 · 1 0

This is a topic that is bound to get lots of answers. And honestly, I don't know where I stand. I am a mother of two, and I couldn't live without them, but that is because I have them, and they were healthy, and so was I. Not to imply that if they were going to be unhealthy, like downsyndrome or something, I would have aborted, I wouldn't have, I mean 10 fingers 10 toes, arms and legs all there, and where they should be. The general quality of life looked good.

But, I don't buy into the, its a life from conception either. It is not actually a viable life that could sustaine life with or without assistance outside the womb. I understand that women get pregnant on accident, and sometimes it is really not the right time in their life for it, and not only the woman sacrifices, but so does the child, so I think it should be a choice. However, we make mistakes only to learn from them, so I don't think this should be a form of birth control. It should somehow be able to be tracked how many you have had, at what age you have had them, and why. I mean, do you really agree that a 12 or 13 year old should, or is even capable of raiseing a child, however, learn. And if you had one once, because of timing, I don't think you should be forced to have a child concieved of rape, or that is severly deformed, or poses a serious risk on your health, especially if you have other children that would lose a mother. I could go on and on forever, and I don't know if I have answered your qhestion or not, but no I don't think that there should be a ban on abortion for women of age, however, there should be a way to regulate how many times and why this is being done so many times, because there is always adoption, and sometimes pregnancy is not an option, but you can only really make the same mistake a time or two before you finally learn from it, then I think maybe abortion should no longer be available to that woman.

2007-03-11 18:40:28 · answer #2 · answered by veachypoo 2 · 0 0

There are lots of reasons for and against abortion.
1. A woman should have the right to choose what happens to her own body. No one should be forced to have a baby.
2. Abortions are sometimes necessary to save the mother's life. There isn't always time to get a prescription or a guarantee that a doctor would give one (assuming abortion was made illegal).
3. Many women aren't capable--emotionally, physically or financially--of caring for a child. Adoption is always listed as an option, but that can be emotionally devastating. It also doesn't cover things like pre and post natal care.

1. Abortion equals the murder of an unborn child.
2. Abortion is unnecessary except when the mother's life is in imminent danger. All other issues can be solved by adoption.
3. Abortion is against God's will.

2007-03-11 18:36:34 · answer #3 · answered by Jensenfan 5 · 0 0

I think the BANNING of abortion takes away a choice that is ours to make over our own bodies. My health is my choice and my decision, although I am definitely not someone who could have one (although I have never been in a situation that some have) I think that taking away our choice is one step too far and if they can take that away, what else?

Forcing a mother to resort to other means is dangerous and giving the baby up for adoption just further crowds out orphanages (Sp?). So who's to say what decision is the right decision? There are many people who have different ethical or religious beliefs and those should be respected.

On the other hand banning abortions for women of age is forcing women to take the responsibility for their actions. I went to high school with a girl who had three abortions during her five years (yes, five). So who's accountable? Should women be able to sleep around and then kill the consequences or should they be forced to bear the burden of their actions? Are we teaching teenage girls that its okay to be little tramps because there's always a pill or procedure to make it go away? Is it the moral irresponsibility of the parents or the media or the physicians or the government?

2007-03-11 18:34:12 · answer #4 · answered by brokenasiam 2 · 2 0

Hello abortion is legal. I am for abortion for many different reasons and even though i haven't had one if i did want one then i would not care what people like you think/thought.

I would have an abortion for the following reasons:
1)If i were raped
2)If the fetus had something horribly wrong with it and would only suffer a horrible life.
3)If my life were in danger and i was told i would die if i followed through with the pregnancy then i would abort because i would not want to leave my son motherless.
4)If i did not or could not handle another kid.

It is not your decision on why people have abortions. If you seem to think it is murder then how can you support the troops that kill people everyday? Abortion is a medical procedure not shooting someone in the head like the troops do.
It comes down to this:
My Body
My Sexuality
My Uterus
My Vagina
My Morals
My Life
My Choice
Not Yours

If it was a baby then they would not call it a fetus. A fetus is not a living, breathing human being until it is born and breathing on it's own.

2007-03-11 22:35:38 · answer #5 · answered by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7 · 1 0

We definitely need to do something about abortion since too many people are using it as a birth control method. There needs to be a point when the doctors say no, you don't qualify for this procedure since it isn't necessary. I do believe in abortion for the women out there who won't make it through the pregnancy (tubal pregnancy or other medical condition where having the baby would kill her) or the ones where the baby will be better off (deformities, disease, etc.). But for the moms out there who can't keep her legs closed then she should have to face giving birth to the child and deciding to keep it or give it up. Maybe then she will learn to use the proper birth control methods out there. Abortion is murder. Look up the word in your browser for images, there are alot of them out there and upon seeing them you will understand how I can say that this is murder. The fetus is a person with fingers and toes and a heart beat.

2007-03-11 18:45:28 · answer #6 · answered by MOMMY585 5 · 0 0

i dont believe in abortion one bit.....however i believe that banning it will put us back into the 1970s when teenage girls were dying left and right from infections caused by using a coat hanger instead. plus usually a ban is a ban..once its banned theres no circumstance that it will be allowed (more than likely unless its a threat to mothers life) which means in essence you are forcing rape victims to carry a baby for 9 months when they were not willing to have sex....and you are forcing women that know for a fact that their children will have severe genetic abnormalities to carry their child as well.....i personally could never have one regardless of the circumstances, but i dont think anyone should be forced to give birth to a baby that has a 2 year life expectancy and will never leave the hospital. (just an example i know someone that happened to )

2007-03-11 19:52:14 · answer #7 · answered by CRmac 5 · 1 0

It's a woman's right to chose, no one should take that right away.

I think it should be done responsibly though, not 'F*** using a condom' and then oops, maybe mandatory tube ties if someone has too many 'oops' abortions.

There are too many ppl on this planet already, we really don't need anymore unwanted and/or uncared for ppl brought into this world.

Could you imagine another 47,282,923 people in the US ?
That's how many abortions there have been since 1973.

2007-03-11 18:27:37 · answer #8 · answered by lilith 7 · 2 0

Abortion should be banned at all ages. It is taking the life of the child- life begins at the time of conception- the baby's heart is beating at 3 weeks after conception. This is before you even know your are pregnant. Also no matter how old the woman is, there are risks to her- physical, emotional and spiritual, that can last a life time.

2007-03-11 20:40:28 · answer #9 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 0 1

While I personally don't agree with abortions, I believe every woman should have the right to choose to have one if she wants one. I don't think banning abortions will stop women from having them, they will just go underground and there will always be doctors out there that will perform them whether they are legal or illegal. If all abortions are made illegal that just opens then door for dodgy unsafe practices.

2007-03-11 19:21:06 · answer #10 · answered by Amanda B 4 · 1 0

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