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this is an opinion question, it's not for homework or anythin, i'm just curious what you guys think

2007-03-11 17:58:45 · 17 answers · asked by ally 2 in Politics & Government Elections

17 answers

No qualified female has ran for the position yet. People like to blame society for this, but the truth is, can you remember any woman as far back as you were alive that ran, where you thought she would be a good president? That is not to say that a woman doesn't exist who would be a good president, there are probably several, more qualified for the job than the presidents in recent history, however none of them have ran.

2007-03-11 18:09:11 · answer #1 · answered by asmul8ed 5 · 2 2

Because the 'god ole boys' in Washington can't handle it. There hasn't been many women qualified because of their upbringing 30-60 years ago when they were repressed---
discouraged from getting involved in politics, etc. With todays communications, etc. a woman has the opportunity to be up on domestic & worldly affairs just as easily as men.

I think if we had a woman president, we wouldn't be going into war quite so often; its a miltitary, macho, thing men have; after all, they grow up playing war and with guns, etc.

England, India and a few other countries had female leaders and were never critized by their people & other countries like our male presidents. They didn't sell their country down the drain like our president and politicians are doing.

2007-03-12 05:58:04 · answer #2 · answered by lisamisc 3 · 1 0

I'm going to be President one day. No, I'm not kidding. I think the reason we haven't had a woman president yet is because the American people are still holding on to stereotypes ("all women hate war" "women can't be effective leaders" "women act on their emotions without thinking" and all that nonsense). The best way for a woman to overcome that kind of thinking and become President is to take the military route.

2007-03-12 10:32:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because the nation isn't ready. Why? There still a lot of people that don't think that a woman is capable for whatever reason. I think that a woman can get pretty close, look (sadly) at what Hillary Clinton is doing. She might make make it. But there isn't many women in the lower positions, and we just got our first woman speaker. So it might be closer than you think, but I don't think so. A good question might be will a white woman or a black man make it first. That is a good question.

2007-03-12 01:06:35 · answer #4 · answered by The Angry Elephant 4 · 0 0

I believe we are talking about Sen. Hillary Clinton at the current point in time.

Sen. Clinton has already received an endorsement from Emily's List, the nation's largest political action committee dedicated to electing Democratic women in federal, state, and local government positions. (As a source of campaign cash, Emily's List support for Clinton should not be underestimated. Donors gave $11 million to the group's endorsed candidates in the 2006 cycle.)

It remains an open question, though, if women are willing to rally around her candidacy in significant numbers simply because she is a woman.

2007-03-12 15:50:57 · answer #5 · answered by tehsuxs 3 · 0 0

The time just has not been right yet. Yet we have not put forward a strong leader as a female. And still none on the list yet to be a president. But we see one in the next couple elections.

2007-03-13 23:40:09 · answer #6 · answered by allen w 7 · 0 0

The fact that Hilary Clinton is a major frontrunner shows that it is possible. For that matter the Democrats other frontrunner is black, so they are likely going to nominate either the first woman or black to run for one of the big two parties. If Hilary gets elected, it will be 100 years before another woman becomes president.

2007-03-12 01:25:01 · answer #7 · answered by Hypocrite Hunter 3 · 2 0

J.Kerry said he wouldnt seek office(LOL),your right,but why is it.We wont have a woman president until the sex of a candidate is no longer an issue,theres too many groups that have an agenda in that respect of it(example Hillary against Obama)she says were sexist if shes not voted in,and he'll say its because he black....is this giving you an idea why?

2007-03-12 01:24:28 · answer #8 · answered by stygianwolfe 7 · 0 0

With me, I wonder if a woman would be though enough if she had to use our military. Most women are moms, well are now or have been, and have a dislike of war. Other than that, I would be fine with voting for a woman, if I like her ideas.

2007-03-12 01:06:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

A woman hasn't been marketed to the American public well enough yet.

2007-03-12 01:02:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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