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Even my student's financial condition become much better.
"Two-thirds of the world's 946 billionaires are richer this year than they were last year, while only 17 percent are poorer. This group's combined wealth jumped by $900 billion to $3.5 trillion"

2007-03-11 17:33:38 · 3 answers · asked by Arslan 1 in Social Science Economics

3 answers

I would not use the word "richer"
But I certainly made more money.

2007-03-11 17:48:32 · answer #1 · answered by Zak 5 · 0 0

That's nothing; look at this..!!

Find More Like ThisThe World's Accelerating Prosperity
Tools Are the Key
Section: Digital Rules
The U.S. economy grew 30% between Sept. 11, 2001 and Sept. 11, 2006. Our GDP today is $3 trillion higher than it was five years ago. That change alone surpasses the entire size of the world's hottest domestic economy, China.

The global economy has done even better. It expanded 47% during the last five years and is now $15 trillion a year more bountiful than it was when the terrorists crashed jets into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field near Shanksville, Pa.

Sorry, naysayers, but this fact is indisputable: Humankind is growing richer at accelerating rates. In 1500--at the dawn of the Renaissance, with its emerging scientific worldview--the gross world product per capita (in 2006 U.S. dollars) was about $800. More than three centuries later, in 1820, early on in the Industrial Age, GWP per capita had barely budged, to $950.

Then it exploded. GWP per capita is now about $9,500. For the planet's wealthiest billion residents, who live mostly in North America, western Europe and Japan, the GWP per capita is more than $30,000. Luxembourg leads the pack at $76,000, while the U.S. clocks in at $42,000.

Tools Are the Key
As happy warriors for entrepreneurial capitalism, FORBES takes a backseat to no one. But let's be honest. The plight of the world's poor is appalling. The world's poorest billion people--most of them living in Africa and India--sadly, are stuck where they were in 1500. The next 3 billion poorest--most of them living in the rural regions of Asia--are stuck in 1820. Top-spot Luxembourgers sport an annual income a hundred times greater than bottom-place Burundians.

Of course, wealth gaps in and of themselves are not immoral. Bill Gates is more than 10,000 times richer than I am, but I have no complaints (and neither do you). I am typing this column in Microsoft Word, a tool that's made every writer's life easier, not to say more productive and, thus, more wealth-producing. Thanks to Bill G., I am composing this column in a luxury hotel in Singapore.

Wealth gaps are immoral and obscene when those at the bottom are deprived of nutrition, shelter and a ladder out. The minister Rick Warren says poverty solutions require a full-court press of assistance: from government, NGOs, charitable and faith-based organizations, and business. No single entity can do the job. Government has the authority, NGOs the special expertise, charities and churches the ground troops and distribution channels, and business the money and tools.

Every poverty fighter would like more money from business. But I think the solution is more tools.

Let's go back to historic wealth creation. During the 300 years between the Renaissance and the Industrial Age--years of astounding advances in science, art, literature and democratic governance--the GWP per capita grew only 20%. The average man in 1820 lived only a bit better than his forebears had in 1500, despite the accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton and Thomas Jefferson.

What caused the slow linear march of wealth to knee upward after 1820? The wide affordability of productivity tools. These tools come in many forms. To simplify, let's create three categories: technology, communications and memes.

Technology: The tool that launched the Industrial Revolution was, of course, the steam engine. Thomas Newcomen of Dartmouth, England created the "atmospheric steam engine" in 1705. But it was James Watt of Glasgow, Scotland who added a cooling condenser in 1769. Even then Watt's machine ran at a pitiful 5 to 8hp and frequently broke down. Cannonmaker John Wilkinson used higher-bore cylinders with Watt's engine and bumped its horsepower to 40. Not until around 1800 did the steam engine beat the efficiency of actual horses in removing water from iron mines.

You know the rest. Within three decades steam engines were running looms to make cheap clothes for the masses. The clothes were shipped on trains drawn by steam locomotives and on steam-powered oceangoing ships.

The electric generator (1866) and the internal combustion engine (1876) launched the second leg of the Industrial Revolution, electric digital computers (1940s) the third. The magic of silicon memory chips (1959) and the microprocessor (1971) put computers on the price-elasticity scale the world enjoys today. My BlackBerry 8700 is 120 times more cost-efficient than the desktop PCs of 1990.

Communications: Think telegraph (1830s), telephone (1870s), radio (1920s), Internet (1969) and the Web (1991). To put it another way, from 1500 to 1820, when living standards rose only 20%, communications technology was stuck in the carrier-pigeon era. The explosion of wealth is a direct consequence of affordable mass communications.

Memes: These are the ideas--good and bad--that change a culture. Good memes include Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776), which shot a fatal bullet into the meme of mercantilism, the old idea that national wealth depended on gold reserves, not enterprising people. The U.S. Declaration of Independence (1776,what a year for memes) and the Constitution (1789) advanced the ideas of self-governance, property rights and the rule of law. Alexander Hamilton gave us the idea of a central bank and stable currency (1791).

Bad memes include communism, fascism, anarchism. Radical Islam is the bad meme of our day, threatening to slow the world's accelerating freedom and prosperity.

Global prosperity is accelerating. Yet the plight of the world's poor remains a giant failure of our time. What should be obvious is that the poor need more than money, medicine, food and shelter. They also need the right tools and memes.

2007-03-16 15:59:12 · answer #2 · answered by JimTO 2 · 0 0

i have few more friends...... i consider my self richer...

financially not noticeable

2007-03-12 01:43:42 · answer #3 · answered by Henry W 7 · 0 0

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