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Hungry enough to eat a horse?
1 - yes.
2- no.

Horses give and live for us, they supply us with a shouldler to cry on, they love us unconditonally.

Americans don't eat horses.
Do you think horse slaughter should be banner?

2007-03-11 17:31:18 · 21 answers · asked by ☆Bombastic☆ 5 in Pets Other - Pets

21 answers

I know I'm going to be flamed for this, but NO, I don't think horse slaughter should be banned.

Many horses are simply unwanted, just like there are too many dogs and cats that are unwanted and euthanized in shelters. Many of these unwanted horses live in bad conditions, neglected. The monetary incentive that a slaughterhouse provides encourage some of these bad owners to sell their horse so it can be slaughtered, their misery ends, and their bodies put to good use. And slaughterhouses work under strict guidelines, slaughter for horses is not as cruel as animal rights activists make it sound. Much more humane than dying of starvation, that's for sure.

If horse slaughter is banned, these horses will just remain in their miserable conditions until they die of starvation or any medical problem. Banning slaughter doesn't mean that horses will stop dying.

A cow can also be a friendly and sweet pet! How come cow slaughter is ok but not horse? cows don't bite!!! Ever been bitten by a horse? Not all of them are sweet, loving creatures....

2007-03-11 17:39:11 · answer #1 · answered by kitty98 4 · 5 1

1 From my understanding there is one slaughter house left. And to boot it is foreign owned.

Now I used to be all against horse slaughter until I saw what happens when you do ban it. These poor animals who are suffering are traded off over and over again. They need to be put down, but the people won't do it because the cost where I'm at can be over $250. A lot of people cannot afford that and I know some people will say then they shouldn't own aninals if they can't afford it, but the fact is they are and instead of these horses being put out of their misery they are traded off and abused.

It seems inhumane, but if we shut down the slaughtering plant here, where do you think these horses will go? They will continue to be abused and live out the rest of their lives in pain. And sure, some good horses go to slaughter and I'm not about that at all, but the ones who need it, well they should be slaughtered. In a humane way totally.

These horses will also be shipped to Mexico and it is unbelievable what they do to them there. They slaughter them live, they cut their spinal cord and cut their throats and let them bleed out or bleed to death while they are skinned alive. Sorry, but I would rather know mine is being killed humanely than in such a fashion. I think if we can establish strict laws, then we should allow it.

If you saw what I saw, you would see the humane part of it. As long as they do it right and humanely then I see no reason for there not to be horse slaughter.

The site I list below is a horse rescue facility and they do wonders! But they have a link to a site where it shows some horse slaughter. I gathered my own personal opinions from this.

2007-03-11 18:46:14 · answer #2 · answered by troll05 3 · 1 0

No, I do not think it should be banned, just more regulated. And until the breed associations make it tougher to get papers, the backyard breeders are going to continue on. It is the same as the puppy and kitten mills, just a larger animal. A lot of people cry about the slaughter houses, but very few would be willing to take on an old, sick or mean horse to save them from slaughter.

2007-03-12 03:54:23 · answer #3 · answered by Paint Pony 5 · 0 0

please dont be daft and dont generalise of course some americans eat horse, what are you blinkered. not every country or person is in the same situation as us they dont have the luxury of choosing wat to eat hence why dogs and horses are a staple diet for some people. in the uk and possibly the states there is bound to be an excess of unwanted, old or sick horses that need to be slaughtered. it is only right that a proffessional be employed so the animal doesnt suffer and if the meat is fit to be eaten why waste it.
i object to the conditions that some animals suffer in before slaughter, people need to be educated in animal care so that people dont just view them as dog food and they get treated with the same care whether they are going for slaughter or not. slaughter should not be banned for the same reason you want to ban it, horses deserve our respect and care, if you take away the slaughter man ever yokel with a gun or axe is gonna have a go, how humane is that!!!
and yes i have eaten horse, i have also spent most of life around horses but i respect them for the animal they are

2007-03-11 21:21:04 · answer #4 · answered by evecls 2 · 0 0

I love my horses very much, and if they have to be put down, it will be done in a humane way by my vet.
I think you like horses too, but you have to realize, or maybe you have a solution to some of the reasons a horse gets slaughtered.
Do you have a cure for a foundered horse?
How bout a sick horse who is incurable.
Then there is the mean ones....
the starving ones, old ones, lame ones..the list goes on.

An old cowboy once told me "why ride the bad horses when there is alot of good ones out there for sale?" I will never forget that. They are expensive to take care of and I take good care of mine, but some people don't. The horse gets run-down or mean, and the easiest thing is to sell them. There is going to be alot more suffering in the horse world if they ban slaughter.

2007-03-11 17:55:30 · answer #5 · answered by Ayla B 4 · 2 0

Its just like saying that you want to ban eating meat at all. thats how some cultures live by. We do stuff completely different than everyone else, so why stop a routine in its tracks now. I've had horses nearly all my live and I hate the idea of horses being slaughtered but for food purposes for other cultures for all means go for it...

2007-03-11 17:42:48 · answer #6 · answered by armywifes3lb 3 · 0 0

well what about cow slaughter houses?
Racing horses after going past their prime and not good enough for studs or any other use get sold to them. Get turned into kibble and what ever else they use em for.

I love horses i do, but theres no way to truely ban this if you think about it. It will be here and awlays will be.

I feel sorry for chickens and cows turkey. Those who are bred and as soon as they hit a certain age they are killed. No meaning to there life.

Horses are bred for many reasons, when they hit past there prime and can no longer be used or cant even e given off to someone else to enjoy, they are sold to thoses places.

I have to add this, animals breed faster than peple. So yes the world would be very over populated. I believe in some cases animals should be put to sleep. larm animals, cats dogs and many more alike. cats and dogs can have huge litters and be ready to breed again after wards, so yes I support(but dont like it) having animals put down WHEN no one wants them or DONT want to adopt them

2007-03-11 17:55:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have been a lover of horses all my life. I have seen my horses come and go. I have had horses go lame with no cure for them. What do you do for these horses if there is no place for you to bury them? Do you let them stand in your field and suffer? Several years ago, there were many many good horses going for dog food as those buyers were paying more for them then the people who could who would ride and love them. That was wrong, but there was nothing we could do about it. Slowly the animal activitists have closed down the meat markets. (What do you do with an injured cow? Do you just let it stand there and suffer? Do you kill it and bury it? Or do you try to recoup some of the money from it and sell it at the market? This is their living too...and they care for their cattle as well.) I am not a fan of slaughter, but it is a necessary evil. You have to take the good with the bad. Right now with the horse sales flooded with horses that are not sound since there is no place to send them to, their prices are cheap. People who are inexperienced in these matters buy these cheap horses thinking they are getting a bargain for their kid. Then the horse either winds up hurting that child where it was not sound, or worse, or at the very least the child gets attached to and it dies unexpectedly. Where is their shoulder to cry on then? Again, I am not a slaughter fan, but it is a necessary evil. And it is no worse than all these people who do not get their cats/dogs spayed/neutered and let them keep populating with no homes for these animals. They either starve to death, get run over by vehicles, coyotes eat them, or get picked up and gassed in a pound. So if you want to pick on someone, pick on the people who are not responsible pet owners and have their animals spayed/neutered. There are places in the world that eat horses, so who are we to judge them and take away their source of food? We eat pork and that is the nastiest meat ever in these people's eyes. Again, horse slaughter is a necessary evil AS LONG as the horses that need to go are going, and not perfectly healthy sound horses! The horse industry is going bust because of the meat markets shutting down. So that just leaves more horses standing around starving where people can't afford to feed them too. There are many sides to every question....don't just look at the Ugliness of one aspect. Look at the whole picture and then look at similar pictures before you decide to be judge and jury!!!

2007-03-11 17:50:01 · answer #8 · answered by horselover693 1 · 4 0

I'm American and I ate horse meat once. Had it in Japan, not that bad. Horse "Slaughter" should not be banned frankly cause heck its just another animal. Someone else could argue that chickens and pigs are like horses in the same way you described horses. If you really feel bad about it, just don't eat horses.

2007-03-11 17:43:33 · answer #9 · answered by iamthelastsamurai63 3 · 1 0

Saying horses should be slaughtered because they are unwanted or would overpopulated is just ignorant. We could say the same things about humans. Oh yeah, then the defense would be, but a human life is more important, well guess what wise ***, to the horse, HIS life is just as important. Let's slaughter the people who neglect them. If laws were tougher on animal abuse there would be a lot less of it! Here's some philosophy for all the meat eaters: consider how powerful nature and natural food is, you plant a seed and it explodes into a beautiful fruit or vegetable to eat, you plant a dead horse and all you get is decay.

2007-03-11 17:50:50 · answer #10 · answered by mark w 2 · 1 5

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