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So called "scientists" have kept pushing the lie that Human developed from monkeys, and have kept floating an excessive age of the earth, namely 4.7 billion (ha!) years. Given that no concrete evidence supports this, why have these quack experts continued to enjoy any further credibility at all? And, why is this nonsense being taught in our schools, while the bible is banned?

2007-03-11 17:25:34 · 18 answers · asked by godblessgwb 1 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

18 answers

Scientists keep pushing this lie because it's all they have.

2007-03-11 17:45:02 · answer #1 · answered by tskiman83 1 · 0 4

Let me break evolution into its biggest challenge. Prove that a new species has evolved. Prove that through survival of the fittest has caused one species to become two or more species.

Some zoologists suggest that humans, chimps, orangatangs and gorillas are derived from one tree branch that now consists of four separate genus. Maybe the Biblical scholars are suggesting that all four genuses were created separately, so the simple proof for evolutionists is to show one creature with similarities to two of the genuses. If this could be proven that there is a manlike creature with gorilla or chimpanzee characteristics what would the biblical scholar then say to explain that? Or maybe the evolutionist will never come up with the creature with both characteristics?

Hey there are a lot of tough sounding folks here who believe in evolution, maybe they should try harder to prove their case and not state their religious status?

Anyway the questioner is half wrong. There are no scientists that say man came from a monkey line. Most likely from a tailess monkey line known as primates. Furthernore he can't believe the evidence that the Earth is older than some of the religious scholars who claim a limitation of around ten thousand years. Scientist believe the common ancestor is from the period of One million years, 100 x the amount that some of the Biblical scholars like to throw around.

Then again I am an apologist, instead of gradual evolution the record shows explosive evolution, what that all means scientists of the future may explain that phenomena....

2007-03-12 02:38:20 · answer #2 · answered by Philip H 3 · 0 0

Unfortunately, a negative can't be proven, so evolution can't be "proven" to be wrong - only partially incorrect, or maybe that the link between two "facts" is not understood yet.

Why bring up the Bible, anyway? The Old Testament can't be proven, either - making it as valid a theory as evolution. Words on paper aren't concrete evidence - I could write that the sky is purple (and get it published) if I wanted - it doesn't make it proof of a purple sky.

Besides, the Theory of Evolution is just that - a theory. Scientists have never said that it is definitively correct - just that this is one theory. Without proof, the Old Testament is equally a "theory". At least scientists don't claim that their theory is the one and only true and correct version.

The fact that the Bible isn't taught in schools has nothing to do with scientists - but you can complain to the government, if you want. It comes about because of an overblown governmental concern with the separation of Church and state. And since the Bible is a religious work...it gets filed under "Church". Unfortunately, schools are controlled by "state" - except private schools (notably Catholic schools), who continue to teach the Bible - as well as other theories.

2007-03-12 01:46:22 · answer #3 · answered by Me 6 · 0 0

You have been misinformed. What you have to understand is that as time passes, the world moves into new times and new things, and the human understanding must constantly be renewed. God makes all things new!

Beginning about 300 years ago, the human ability to reason brought about the Enlightenment, and with it the scientific revolution. For most people, the Enlightenment brought intellectual freedom and an opportunity to draw closer to a rational grasp of the reality in which we are immersed.


There remained and still remain, however, a minority of people who do not understand the meaning, the power, the godliness and the beauty of that rational understanding, but instead find it frightening. These people prefer to remain with their incorrect understanding that in the past there were people who had a correct understanding of things that came from supernatural sources. These people insist that their faulty understanding of the older magical sources is the real understanding, and that those who have accepted the rational way of approaching reality must be wrong because modern people disagree with what the leaders of these regressive thinkers want their followers to believe.


The winners win and the losers lose for the simple reason that REALITY IS WHAT REALITY IS, AND NO ONE'S WISHES TO THE CONTRARY MATTER AT ALL.

Evolution is a well understood process that is generally accepted as proven among all educated people everywhere. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming, and all the winners accept the notion of evolution. Only the losers refuse to accept it.

Here is a web site that is easy to understand that explains in simple terms why the notion of Evolution describes reality correctly.


From this you will learn why the Godly, sane approach to reality is to accept the fact that Evolution explains part of the mystery of how God creates his creation, and why being afraid to accept the notion of Evolution is ungodly and based on irrational fears.

Please save your fear for fearing ("revering") God, and see if you can outgrow fearing reality. Leave the LOSERS behind, and become a WINNER. Relax, and let the Holy Spirit carry you into the real world.

2007-03-12 01:14:42 · answer #4 · answered by aviophage 7 · 2 0

Evolution is not a lie. It has very visible evidence. Okay, so maybe we cannot actually "see" cavemen, and maybe we are assuming that we desended from them. But humans are evolving all the time. Take, for instance, the fact that we can communicate via the internet. I am only 25 years old, but I remember just 20 years ago, computers weren't all that common. The internet had just emerged, and nay-sayers and religions persons alike were saying it would never come about to be mainstream. Now, everyone uses it. As such, WE HUMANS HAVE EVOLVED!!!

There is scientific proof backing the age of the earth, in the form of fossils. What do you think dinosaur bones are? Did God plant them on earth soley to confuse us? I seriously hope you don't believe that. Fossils show us microscopic organisms (which are lifeforms) that lived billions of years ago. Are they figments are our imaginations too?

For you to argue that the bible does not prove evolution, and that we are to take the bible as our facts that disprove evolution, consider this.....of the people who lived in biblical times, many of them were illiterate. So someone had to write the bible.... is it possible that they wrote it to reflect their views, and not the facts? Our politians do it all the time, what makes them any different? Just something for you to mull over.

Oh, and by the way, the bible is banned in schools, because if schools cannot teach about ALL religious faiths (which would be almost impossible, considering how many there are, and how confusing it would be for our children), then it cannot chose to only teach about one religion. It's all or nothing. Since they cannot do all, they chose nothing. It is up to parents to teach their children religious theology, not our schools. And hopefully those same parents can teach their children about tolerance...... **getting off my soapbox**

2007-03-12 00:55:48 · answer #5 · answered by Raven T 2 · 0 0

You may feel that there are problems with evolution theory, and it is true we don't know all the details. However, all credible evidence points to evolution of our species, and you'll find very little controversy in the scientific world about the 4.7 billion number (4.6 to be exact) for the earth's age. On the other hand, the Bible's explanation of our existence is supported by NO SOUND EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER. I'll go with evolution theory: the one feasible explanation that we have. You might take a more civil tone with your questions.

2007-03-12 04:08:48 · answer #6 · answered by Mackenzie G 2 · 0 0

Unfortunately my friend, evolution has been far from disproven.

The way science works is that when you try to test your hypothesis, you stack the odds against you. You make absolutely sure that you can't be accidentally right.

This is completely the opposite of religion, where people are rewarded for believing blindly in what the authorities tell them, and are discouraged from thinking for themselves or doubting the official doctrine, no matter how implausible. This is "faith".

The bible is banned in schools because, at least in theory, religion and government are to remain seperate in this country. School is government-mandated. And besides, it would be wrong to force students to recite prayers to someone else's god. No one should be telling you you can't be religious, but rather that academic authority figures should not be pushing their faith on children who are too young and impressionable to choose for themselves.

Why do you think evolution is nonsense? Have the courage to look deeply at your own beliefs, ask where they came from, and ask how you can actually know that they are true.

I made it out, so can you.



2007-03-12 00:56:13 · answer #7 · answered by Gnar G 2 · 0 0

You say "Given that no concrete evidence supports this, why have these quack experts continued to enjoy any further credibility at all"
Can you give us concrete evidence to support the theory of religion.

2007-03-12 08:56:29 · answer #8 · answered by bill 5 · 0 0

Everyone is welcome to believe what they want, that's what makes this country a great place to be. You can believe that we all just *POOF!* were here all the sudden and that's fine. But I believe there is substantial evidence of evolution and if you don't agree, who cares? You believe what you want and others can do the same.

Believe or not, not all students and families are religious and it should not be forced on them, that's why the Bible is not used in schools. (I love how you didn't capitalize the Bible in your question too, nice). It's great to feel strongly about something but pushing it on others is wrong.

You want people to be respectful of your beliefs, so maybe you should start by being a little more respectful of others as well...

2007-03-12 00:37:20 · answer #9 · answered by Jess 2 · 4 0

Look every body knows that Noah got every variety of animal on earth on his arc after God told him the Flood was coming. Since there was only one male and only one female of each animal there could not have been evolution. They all descended from those animals, except the fishys. They were spared since they live in water. Well, the fresh water fishys anyway. I do not think the salt water fishys made it.

What perplexes me is how the chickens, steers and pigs were kept from being eaten during the voyage. Was Noah kosher? But still, how those chickens made it? And no brisket??

2007-03-12 12:41:42 · answer #10 · answered by BRUZER 4 · 1 0

The biggest lie is that science is out to disprove religion. That there is some sort of conspiracy among the scientific community. Creationist accept the results of science such as medicine and oil for their cars at the same time that they reject the science that produced them. How paranoid is that?

2007-03-12 00:34:48 · answer #11 · answered by October 7 · 0 0

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