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I don't know what else to do i have made love every month during ovulation I have been taking prenatal vit. I just don't know .Any advice out there from the baby makers>

2007-03-11 17:03:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

6 answers

It can take a healthy, normal couple more than a year sometimes.

How are you tracking ovulation? If you are just using a fertility monitor or OPKs, I highly recommend charting your other fertility signs (like cervical fluid and basal body temperature). Sometimes, the reason you are not getting pregnant is a totally correctable cycle issue.

For example, poor quality or fewer than usual days of fertile cervical fluid can seriously delay conception. Sperm can only survive 30min-4hrs inside the woman's body w/o fertile cervical fluid. In the presence of fertile CF, the sperm can live up to 5 days. This gives you more opportunities to have intercourse before you ovulate and more chance for sperm to be in your body before the egg is released.

If you have low fertile cervical fluid, you should check your hydration first. If you are not drinking enough water for your body weight, you probably won't be producing much fertile CF. You should also know that anithystamines and decongestants can DRY up your CF and make conception very difficult. Drinking green tea daily from the start of your period until ovulation can really boost low CF. Grapefruit juice, guafenasin, actual raw eggwhites, and a product call Preseed have all been used to help CF. You should also be aware that Clomid can dry up CF too.

Sometimes a low progesterone level is the problem. If you are tracking your basal body temperature, you'd probably notice low temperatures after ovulation. You might also have erratice temperatures and temperatures that dip below coverline. Low progesterone can cause a short luteal phase and can lead to early miscarriages. You can use natural progesterone cream to supplement your levels or get prescrisption progesterone from your doc. YOu should be very sure this is your issue, b/c taking progesterone when you don't need it can badly mess up your cycle.

Sometimes, a short luteal phase can be the problem. The luteal phase is the time between ovulation and the next period. It must be long enough for the fertilized egg to implant or you could have a very early miscarriage. A normal luteal phase is 12-16 days long. A borderline LP is 10-12 days long. A luteal phase less than 10 days would be very difficult to sustain a pregnancy. B-complex taken everyday all cycle can dramatically improve a short luteal phase, if the cause of the SLP is a B-vit deficiency (which can happen even in otherwise well nourished woman).

Some sources for charting your fertility signs: The books The Art of Natural Family Planning and Taking Charge of Your Fertility. The websites CCLI.org, FertilityFriend.com, and ovusoft.com

2007-03-11 17:26:19 · answer #1 · answered by Kari 4 · 0 0

Well depending on your age and general health, 9 months isnt that long. Speak with your GP and he can take into account all your personal history and may be able to shed more light on this.

I know its damn frustrating, but if I hadn't seen the doctor after 12 months of trying, Id have never found out what was stopping me falling (endometritis) so the best thing to do is get your doctor involved....and good luck! :o)

2007-03-11 17:09:39 · answer #2 · answered by karma_au_1984 3 · 0 0

Check out or buy the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler (http://www.amazon.com/Taking-Charge-Your-Fertility-Anniversary/dp/0060881909/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-6032738-7573706?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1173673234&sr=8-1). You may be having sex too late to fertilize the egg. You have to have sex BEFORE you ovulate so that there is a viable sperm there during the short time the egg is viable during its journey. There are other signs that can help to recongize when the best time to have sex is as well. The book explains it all very well. I would strongly suggest checking it out of your local library or adding it to your personal library.

2007-03-11 17:25:12 · answer #3 · answered by Casey 2 · 1 0

Just hang in there. It's easier for some people than it is for others. Have fun trying! And remember to relax- stress decreases your chances.

2007-03-11 17:07:37 · answer #4 · answered by Robin J. Sky 4 · 0 1

maybe its the wrong time. tests arent 100%. see a doctor to see if something is wrong w/ you or your partner. and maybe he can help you with some type of fertility drug or something. are you healthy? smoke, drink? could be anything.

2007-03-11 17:32:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

try to relax and forget about it.Just have fun making love then it will happen good luck

2007-03-11 17:08:14 · answer #6 · answered by Sunshine 5 · 0 1

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