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8 answers

Listening to D*** convinced me I should vote against public schooling. You hear over and over that only one in ten Southerners owed a slave, I find as much as I would love to use these figures they are inaccurate. While trying to make their numbers look good they even counted the children! The real totals were closer to 18%; in being just as fair the other way that includes slave owners of colour.

Keep in mind that at this time most if not all persons especially in the South were Christian or at least practiced a religion. Remembering that just a few years earlier Church was mandatory, and some of things you and I would consider slight could get you executed. The South has always been and still is considered the “Bible Belt”.

The young men of the South answered their countrys’ call out of Honor, Loyalty along with their love of God, Family and Country. Virginia had earlier discussed the possibility of outlawing slavery and certainly would have done so in a few years and it goes without saying the rest of the South would have followed.

Individuals who argue slavery was the reason for the war; should be made to explain why Lincoln from 1861 to 1865 offered to allow us to have and maintain our slaves if only we would rejoin the Union. It sure takes a lot of their argument.

However as to your question not only was it possible it was prevalent. As I mentioned most of the South was Christian, a great deal of the population was against slavery. Many of our leaders who were in the upper class would be expected to be slave owners but were not; the same is to be said about our military. Our poor actually suffered because of slavery was defiantly against slavery but fought for the South. (You might ask why the poorer levels of our society were against slavery). They like the slaves were uneducated and knew nothing but farming and a few rudimentary skills. The slaves when they were not working for their owners had and practiced different skills/ jobs while at the same time farming (sort of like share cropping). The slaves had to be more proficient at the trade/ skill or farming. Therefore poor whites resented them and fought not to preserve a system that guaranteed to keep them in poverty but for their Families, God and their Country.

God Bless You and All of Our Southern People black and white.

2007-03-11 19:04:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Regretfully many of the organized faiths allowed such to happen. Several churches that were against the institution were persecuted and some such as the Quakers (Society of Friends) actually left the south in the thousands for such as Ohio and Indiana.

By the 1840's actually earlier most faiths that came out of England (UK) were very much against any slave holding.

But if you ask about an individual person, his decision, it becomes a philosophical question.

Many articles and books on religion and the civil war.

Besides as I am sure we will read here: most southerns were not overly obligated by the issue of slavery but "State's Rights".

2007-03-11 17:14:25 · answer #2 · answered by cruisingyeti 5 · 0 0

particular: The Shaking of each little thing that is Shaken; The immorally of Leaders and Lay contributors in all Denominations;Leaders that don"t have Self self-discipline;The Upheaval of Nature; Ex: 50 inches in place that had universal of 35; Drought-Famine-- I certainly have been seeing an outbreak of affliction ,regionally and not mentioned via information ,M. R.S.A,ther are various of others and; affliction leaping from farm animals to guy; tornado injury that I haven"t seen in my sixty 5 Yrs; colleges no longer a secure place,want a Lawman on the door; "men" and girls persons destroying their very own babies;homicide is off the charts; stay in Boyfriends-Girlfriends doing Indecent element to Little infants;i will"t count huge style the style of international locations at conflict or Insurrections; This era is Tagged using fact the only'; the biggest Israel Reborn and pushed right into a Peace plan with their a million/2 Brothers; To all people who will say " We only have extra useful information coverage on the instant so we see extra;Pull Your Head out of the Sand and take yet another seem; those Catstrophes often is the very element which will deliver the final "Peace guy" to the front;he will become a Tyrant; This worldwide chief will choose the help of international faith;

2016-11-24 21:40:40 · answer #3 · answered by sanda 4 · 0 0

being anti-slavery means that u were against the united confederate states. they fought to keep their slaves because to grow crops they needed to have lots of free labor. Many people who lived on the border confederate states such as Virginia, would go and fight fo the union because they obviously knew that it was no rite for people to own slaves. this is how there ended up being many relatives who would end up fighting on the battle feild, on side of the family believed this and the other half believed the latter. I would say that its not LIKely that an anti-slavery supporter would fight for the confederacy, however it is possibel if they believed in staying with their family and doing what their parents said was rite. HOpefully that was helpful :)

2007-03-11 17:11:56 · answer #4 · answered by dirka 3 · 0 2

Yes. One example (i don't know if he was Christain, does it really matter?) was Robert E. Lee. He was the general of the confedrate army, but yet he was very much antislavery- but yet he was fighting not to keep slavery, but for the south's right to withdraw from the union. He cared more for his homeland than the cause that started the war.

2007-03-11 17:24:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The short answer is YES. My uncle.....so many times removed, fought in the 1st Missouri, CS. And he didn't own nor believe in slavery.

2007-03-11 17:06:54 · answer #6 · answered by oth 3 · 0 0

absoulutely. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT), (Exodus 21:2-6 NLT),(Luke 12:47-48 NLT), (1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT), (Ephesians 6:5 NLT), and (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB) all support slavery.

2007-03-11 17:06:49 · answer #7 · answered by shabushabu 3 · 0 1

Yes. Most Confederate soldiers didn't own slaves, would never own a slave, and so were not directly involved with the slave economy.

2007-03-12 01:57:45 · answer #8 · answered by Megan Leggett 2 · 0 0

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