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I can understand that a woman who shares the bills with hubby 50 50 also wants him to take over half of the chores, however even women who do not meet half of the coupels financial obligations, or even stay at home full time, demand from their husbands to do "their share", when they got back from work, eithier sending him on guilt trips with whining/complaining, or threatening to crippel him financially and emotionally with divorce.
So yeah why did so many women got so abusive torwards their husbands ?

2007-03-11 16:54:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

Smelly P how were women opressed in the past ? It isnt like they had to make money and also do the chores they only had to do the chores and the man made the money and all was good.

2007-03-11 17:20:44 · update #1

aning marriage makes monsters out of women only. Here is why. She has divorce which she can use to excert pressure over her husband. He has no such instruments, unless he wants to risk to end up in jail. Before feminism marriage was a give and take where nobody was in the position where he could exploit.

2007-03-11 17:22:26 · update #2

Tam Tam all a stay at home wife should have to do after a man has returned from work is to prepare dinner, because everything else has been done in the 10 hours he was at work. So yeah while she technically has to cook after he is off the only reason she does so is so everyone can enjoy a warm meal toegether.

2007-03-11 17:24:18 · update #3

Nice, so sex is part of the work day ? I did not mention the kids a man should spend some free time with his kids, that should be divided evenly.

2007-03-11 17:25:48 · update #4

Kristeen thats the way it should be. I just wonder about the women who make abusive demands. Do they thrive on conflict ?

2007-03-11 17:27:03 · update #5

BABA YAGA I dont mean to get personal but yours must have been by far the dumbest answer you posted ever.

2007-03-11 17:29:10 · update #6

16 answers

Mostly because men and women do not understand their roles as husband and wife. Today's society teaches us about equality. When really we are equal but in different ways. Women and men are different in bodies why not different in the types of responsibility they take on. It's all in the book "Fascinating womanhood" by Helen B. Andelin. A fantastic book.

2007-03-11 17:24:34 · answer #1 · answered by aimeeme_g 5 · 2 2

Cassius - The bottom line is, don't marry a b*tch, just like women shouldn't marry a*ssholes. Both men AND women should always learn how to choose their lovers wisely so that they don't end up in a wastelful relationship like the one you discribed.

There would be less divorce, & therefore less people would look down on marriage & actually want it because more couples are actually in great relationships. But the more people choose lovers ignorantly, the more people marry the wrong people, complain about it, try to find things to blame it on when they themselves were the ones who made the terrible choice to be with the wrong person, & society continues to laugh at marriage as a joke.

2007-03-12 00:10:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I have never been abusive with my husband over the chores. I contribute equally to the finances and if we are able to share the responsiblities of the home then we can spend more time together doing activities that we enjoy. Besides working a very stressful job I also attend school and look after my elderly father. Do I complain? Never because I believe that I am very blessed to be able to do all of this.

2007-03-12 00:11:06 · answer #3 · answered by Deirdre O 7 · 1 1

American culture and TV attack a males masculinity and this is my biggest platform. read and come to your own conclusions.

You never hear 50% of domestic violence is caused by women.

Dateline NBC did a story where they had actors in a publi park. When the guy actor hit the female, the cops were called...when The female actor was found hitting the guy, only one person out of 3 days of collecting data called the police

...oh, what about that Sprint/Nextell commercial where the woman hits the guy for hiding her phone. If it was the other way around, people would be protesting!

Men on average die 8 years younger than most women. Yet you hear about Susan G Koman out the wazoo

Divorace and paternity laws are heavily sleighted against men. How many men recieved alimony? A woman can put any name she choose on the birth certificate, it's up to the guy to prove that he is not the father. Even men who never met a woman is not immune! (in california at least) Unknowning men has one year to respond to a letter of paternity or he must be forced to pay child support dispite DNA evidence. MEN--> PATERNITY FRAUD IS LEGAL IN AMERICA

This is why married couples w/ kids are only 25% of the population as per the las US census!!!!!

Simply put, there is little incentive for a man to be married now adays and it's sad.

I can go on and on if you like with examples and legisation, message me if interested.

2007-03-12 00:08:01 · answer #4 · answered by alberthastings3 4 · 4 3

Because their shallow, believe me not all women are like that. I think that if you accept that type of action from a woman it will only get worse. I feel for you young men out there, because todays woman is spoiled and spends entirely to much money, creating huge credit card debts. They can'
t cook and they whine all the time. Good Luck And your right, they will and can take you to divorce court and clean your clock. My advise, get snipped, don't have any children, because you will have at least 19 years of child support and commitment with a woman that you can no longer stand to be around. Remember, the law is all about the children

2007-03-12 00:05:37 · answer #5 · answered by Cheryl 6 · 4 3

That is your perspective. I know several couples (an one myself) where the wife makes more money than her mate. More often than naught, women tend to do the daily chores of cooking, laundry and cleaning, whereas guys tend to do the lawn or automotive work.
As to the women who stay home with children. My suggestion is for you, if you do have kids, is to give your woman a break and spend a couple of days with the kids and do her chores. You'll see that taking care of them is more than putting them in front of the TV. Most ladies get tired of doing it day in and out without any glamor or interaction with other people. Thus, they get whiny and irritable and unfortunately, the husband is the only person whom they can 'take it out' upon.

2007-03-12 00:01:43 · answer #6 · answered by sagegranny 4 · 3 3

you see, youve made a choice, " marriage" marriage and living together normally would have hundreds of problems.
marriage makes monsters of men and women
if you dont ever want to have to face this dilemma and ask yourself why suddenly your wife became this abusive woman, then dont go into marriage.

2007-03-11 23:59:08 · answer #7 · answered by haringmarumo 6 · 5 0

I think nowadays men spend way too much time analyzing women. is this what they've done to men? make them in a bunch of confused little b1tches? but i'll tell ya...i only see this in the US. As macho and masculine as american men portray themselves, this really surprises me. I'm palestinian and italian...we're not beer drinking, cowboys, but i will tell you, we do have our pride. We die for what anything we believe in. No wife of mine is ever going to financially cripple me, or everybody is going down.

2007-03-12 06:21:40 · answer #8 · answered by Radames 2 · 0 2

Honestly, I think a lot of women could stand to read the bible more. I don't think many of today's women understand their role/responsiblity as a wife. I'm no religious freak, and I'm definitely not some kind of door mat. But I've learned what's important through my own experiences. And also, I don't think they intend to be "abusive", they just don't know any other way to stand up for themselves - self esteem issues.

2007-03-12 00:00:21 · answer #9 · answered by missteree 2 · 5 4

Gee, I don't know...maybe it's payback for the years of servitude and degradation women went through before they respected themselves enough to demand equal treatment.

No worries sweetling, it's still a man's world. Unfortunately.

What do you mean, how were women oppressed? LoL Women couldn't vote in federal elections until 1920. That was only 87 years ago. That means some of our grandparents saw a time when women were thought of as obviously less intelligent and/or important than men.

Besides, I wasn't being literal, just trying to make a point. I guess I just don't understand what's so horrible about a woman expecting 50/50 participation from her man...

2007-03-11 23:58:35 · answer #10 · answered by Leah~Ariana is due Oct. 09~ 6 · 2 7

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