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In the mind of the modern world, which acts as a force of nature, there is no difference between War and Peace. Peace can be just as marketable as War and War could be just as unmarketable as Peace. The only difference in the mind of the modern world is that Peace has not followed in Wars footsteps.

The last six years I have worked on a project that involves creating tools that inspire and move people in a positive light. If produced on a large scale -
1. it would move and inspire people towards peace.
2. more powerful tools will be inspired.

The great "military-industrial complex" would turn inwards and feed on itself till it is no more and weapons of mass peace would become our children's future.

I am ex-military, and I was trained in one of the most elite fields in the world, a field that made the "weapons of mass destruction" possible. All modern advances stem and exist from what I was trained do - the modern world would not exist without it. It can be used for peace too...

2007-03-11 16:15:25 · 16 answers · asked by karadansu 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

Yes, weapons of "weapons of mass destruction" is a classification to help us sort things out in our minds - it simplifies it for us. So, "weapons of mass of peace" is simply simplifying a huge understanding.

As for inspiring people in a positive way - is not the same as telling them how to think or forcing them to conform. If you saw this tool and became inspired to do something positive - then it is a positive inspiration in your life, what you decide to do with it is your choice.

But again - if you could design weapons of mass peace that would inspire others - would you?

As for it sounding strange or unusual - have you ever been inspired by something you saw or better yet - can you be inspired?

2007-03-11 16:54:27 · update #1

See, Peace is not some utopia where everyone is the same and thinks the same. That would be boring and we would all cease to exist, for we could not thrive in such hideous unchallenging conditions.

Peace is understanding and living with our differences that challenge us...the thoughts, beliefs, and conditions that make us each unique and different and being understanding of them.

Now, let it be known, Peace's armor is indestructible - a mobile invincible warrior's battle suit. For, when Peace rides into battle, (Peace in Battle? Boy, that sounds ironic.) the starving children of the world, the injustices of mankind's indifferences, the homelessness that walks alone, the child abuse that shames us, the killings that are never justified, the wars over loss of humanity, and all hideous creations of man's misguided ways become less in the face of Peace and soon dwindle into oblivion. Yet, as Peace grows the world remains a challenging, exciting, adventurous place to live in.

2007-03-11 17:25:24 · update #2

The religious argument against mankind working towards peace. (I can humbly say - maybe - I am miss wording the point or missing the point - so, help me understand - why the indifference to being peaceful?)

God helps those that help themselves...

Just as I have worked on tools that are used for war...I have worked on tools that save lives, feed the masses and so much more.

I simply choose to work on peace now...using my skills.

As for the military, and religion...we all are still human and have to live on this planet. If I can inspire a better world without stomping on your military or religious understandings. Am I God fearing or are we talking two different subjects?

Someone argued with me for a whole hour about peace, this and that - the passionate conversation finally ended like this - "Oh my gosh - your smiling and we are arguing." I said - "I know - cool yeah?". They stood their for a minute and smiled. Then said "Peace out - look forward to our next argument".

2007-03-11 17:44:56 · update #3

16 answers

I would try to unify all the world with a single thing!, like a sport, a song, a show, something that no matter where you go, you can feel like you're the same than the others, and that you're home :)

2007-03-11 16:23:34 · answer #1 · answered by dg153l 3 · 0 0

yes William.

it is a matter of aligning personal consciousness to love and creations of love.

simply a change of attitude. or not so simply it would seem.

but wow...what a change the world would be if forces competed to love. there would be a peace at the end of a busy day not ever imagined. the universe would sing with a song heard by all. wow.

yes i have developed an idea which manifests this very idea.

and when i get a break from my own internal turmoil i will peace it to each and every one of you.

good idea William...keep up the good work.

2007-03-11 17:52:01 · answer #2 · answered by noninvultuous 3 · 0 0

What else could we drop on people but bombs?

Peanutbutter & Jelly Sandwhiches.
Labtops and Satellite Phones
English Teachers
Self-Help Gurus

Let's teach the 3rd world its place! We don't have to be disciplinarians to secularize the resistantly religious, or the disenfranchised factions without history.

The time is now! Let's give them a history, our history, the best history! Surely there is a profit to be made, once everyone knows what we know!

Imagine: for every bomb we drop, we could be dropping a million sandwiches. A million PB&Js. Every enemy would wave a white flag. The compassionate counter-siege would make Osama confess, drug traffickers go cold-turkey, and transform genocides into picnics.

2007-03-11 16:24:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The question is moot...peace is neither cost effective nor realistic!
The human being is a violent organism that thrives on violence and domination of the weak by the strong. You patent pacifist are sooooo sweet and make lovely cannon fodder...wise up or become a casualty...the world is a vicious place as is demonstrated repeatedly throughout history. Ignore the mistakes of those in the past and be doomed to repeat their tragedy.

2007-03-11 19:20:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is one now. It's called the US armed forces. It's a weapon used to instill the peace as we define it. As other posters have pointed out, "Who is to define 'Peace' for the world?" And can "Peace" even be forced upon anybody? And even as you pointed out, the weapon you envision would "lead" people or "move" them to be peaceful, we need to realize that any large change or movement will necessarily effect some people in a manner that they view as negative. For example, it would be nice for everyone to have food to eat - but that requires a huge re-distribution of wealth. Whose shall it be?

Don't get me wrong, I think that Peace is a great thing to work for..... MY definition of it. To me, the ONLY peace worth achieving is reconciliation with God. That can ONLY be done by accepting Christ. So, if we are in agreement in our goal, then you and I can be at peace. If not, then you and I are in conflict - imagine that! Two people, who's every wish is the peace of mankind, in conflict with one another. Wonder if we'll go to war over it.......

2007-03-11 17:14:32 · answer #5 · answered by teran_realtor 7 · 0 0

Peace does not require weapons, but a branch of olive and a loving heart.

weapons of mass distractions are categorized so, because that is how we looks at them, use them. Weapons are innocent of what they are doing. It is us who are guilty.

Explosives, nuclear power have tow edges, one is lethal and the other is peaceful. We can use them to kill or to stabilize a falling mountain or suppress a volcano.

It all depends on us. Do not change the naturally inherit power of the weapons, but our frame of mind.

2007-03-11 16:29:33 · answer #6 · answered by Aadel 3 · 0 1

by peace, do you mean a lack of war? of fighting? or a happy soul who is content? i am not sure, to be honest, that i like the term "weapons of mass peace" ,,,,, forcing people to be peaceful is almost as bad in a way,,,, as war,,,,,, as you would be left with "whose version of peace" how far do you go with it,,,,,,,, i think a better approach might be to go against violence,,,,,, all forms,,,,,, if the world could be rid of that, while people might still not be so peaceful, and might still argue,,,,,, they would not be assaulting each other,,,,,, especially adults would not assault children,,,,,, such as in spanking etc
which to me, is a major cause of alot of the worlds conflict,, we instill in our small children that might makes right,,,,, the bigger can abuse the smaller,,,,,, those in control can use violence, and its all ok

2007-03-11 16:38:06 · answer #7 · answered by dlin333 7 · 0 0

I for one think that if we could disable global communication especially the many images one sees each day through media that it may work. I think the world has become ignorant of what the real matters are. It is sad that we will fight each other as we burn. People need to realize that being born into this world isn't being born in to this symphonized slavery. Think about it. If one person did what they believed in that person would pay with his/her life. Many examples live to support that. Freedom is something we all have. Just many fear it, and many do not know that they have a 'choice'. Think about it. What gain in this masquerade of "order" is there? I think people have been fed so much "law" that the mind has forgotten moral laws. If I were to one day say, I'm not going to live this way anymore. I will not work for money, but work natural for the survival of my family. I will hunt for my food or harvest it, I will build my house with my own hands. This Earth and nature doesn't belong to anyone. We belong to the Earth. I would most likely have some kind of feud with the law. Either it being damaging someones property, or tresspassing on somebody's land because of chopping wood for a house etc. No one really own's that land or wood. And so say I did get fined or arrested for something like that. Something natural for survival. Say that at the same time the people working for the law enforcement decided to be free and natural, and didn't arrest me, then who would force it? People would be like, "I don't want to I'll get in trouble" but say that there was no one who would bring the consequences. Policemen, military etc aren't forced to do what they do. They do it because they do not want to get in trouble etc. What if everyone decided not to obey whoever is "higher" than them? And who says that someone has to be higher than them? A new born will automatically be enslaved to the rules from those who came before them, but who is to say that they must follow someone or something they do not even know? What is this world exactly after? Achieving peace? I doubt it. I do think that it's about temporarily satisfying yourself untill you die. Struggling to become comfortable with life. Who says life has to be comfortable? Even if we sparked a slight hope and understanding in someone it soon dies the next day. "I'm too tired to fight for my rights. I'm too tired to make a stand or do what I know is right. I don't want to cause any trouble. I just want to be left alone. Things are fine how they are etc" That is mostly the result after the "high" of rightiousness.
In other words. I do think that this world could have peace. But that is only when this world realizes that it's not just about ourselves. But for this world. Do we wish to go on? Or do we just wish to pass by. To turn the page of what could be. It's up to everyone. I just don't think that everyone has the greater side of the lethargy that is engraved in their hearts. Good luck with that weapon of mass peace. I do hope that it somewhat changes someone or something. Even Christ was not a strong enough reason for people to change and people still want to be called cristian (No offense to be made; especially to those who have changed)

This is just one of my many opinions and it is 'freedom' of speech. but I've always believed this;

Path To Recrudescence

"Music is the Eldest proof of weakness, as is Language is the Oldest proof of lethargy"

2007-03-11 17:47:55 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

How about if the military starts growing cannabis. They can fill up big tanks (bombs) with it and drop it on enemy countries and we would then become their friends. Imagine a "bomb" that explodes in mid-air over a city or area and instead of poisonous gas or fire coming from it, it breaks apart and military-grade chronic falls out. (The fallout).

2007-03-11 16:42:32 · answer #9 · answered by The Lamb of Vista 3 · 0 0

Don't need one. We had them for many thousand of years. It was just that some evil leaders forfeit peace from happenning. this weapon of mass ppeace was our Lord Jesus Christ. But we Killed him prior to fully integrate goodness in his hands so the world would be a good place for humanity. When he died on the cross for our sins, that was the message that without him dying for us we are doomed to the ultimate surmises, and damnation of the dark Lord -- Satan. Not Darth Vader. Good enough, yes?

2007-03-11 16:43:29 · answer #10 · answered by FILO 6 · 1 1

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