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I understand that breastfeeding is best for baby, but why are health professionals so single minded about it. I have recently had a baby and had heaps of problems with breastfeeding (cracked nipples, mastitis, low milk production, baby has sucking difficulties) but not once has any of the midwifes, doctors or lactation consultants ever suggested formula feeding. I have spoken to other mothers who have encountered the same thing, its almost like "formula" is a dirty word and you feel like a failure if you cant breastfeed successfully. Is there a reason for this? Has anyone encountered the same thing?

2007-03-11 16:00:03 · 26 answers · asked by Narelle T 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

26 answers

I think it's because if they didn't try to instill the need to breastfeed, no one would do it...
Those first two weeks or so were the WORST for me. I would've quit every two hours if I wasn't so stubborn...(it didn't help that there were people standing nearby with bottles of formula just begging me to quit so they could feed her). I had all the same problems...I am sure almost everyone has latching on problems and let-down issues and worry about the amount of milk they make...anyway, if they didn't instill it in us, we would all quit. That's why women didn't really breastfeed 30 years ago...it's not fun! Or like asking why parents insist on their children going to college...because if they didn't...who would go?

2007-03-11 17:37:19 · answer #1 · answered by Erika H 5 · 2 0

That's like asking why are teachers sooooo pro education? I mean, you answered your question in the first sentence! If you are an aware, committed health care professional, then you know that babies are meant to drink their Mother's milk. Period.

Formula was created in an era that was all about worshipping technology, making everything artificial and chemical, and trying to deny the fact that we are mammals, we are primates. The same era when women were supposed to hide their pregnancy and have a very medicated labour (with no one with her but the nurses and male doctor--not even Daddy!). Today people know better and we are realizing that all of these chemicals and artificial things are actually harming us.

Doctors and nurses and pharmacists (and the media and the formula companies) are still major formula pushers, so you are lucky you had care from people who knew the right thing.

It can be hard, and I guess when it's hard you want the experts to tell you, "Oh, it's okay, give up." But why would they advise you to shortchange your baby? Why would they advise you to spend money on artificial milk that costs you money, takes more prep time and deprives baby of crucial antibodies and other important nutrients.

I know being a Mom is hard work, and breastfeeding can be challenging at first, but I think too many women/parents choose formula, and then expect the rest of us to validate their decision, even though it's not a good choice--unless of course their are medical reasons, and then it's a blessing that something else is out there.

My Sister's daughter could not breastfeed because she had cleft palate, but my sister pumped day and night for FIVE MONTHS to make sure her daughter got the best.

I want you to feel supported in your struggle with breastfeeding. We all feel for you with the pain and difficulty--although it shouldn't be painful and you probably need some new lactation experts. But we also want the best for you and your baby, so PLEASE have faith that it will get better. It's the best thing! I love being able to feed my baby wherever we are.

Good luck with making the breastfeeding work. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

2007-03-11 18:40:22 · answer #2 · answered by kammie42001 2 · 2 0

Why? Because it is soooooo much better for baby. Most mothers encounter the problems that you've encountered to some degree and at some point in early breastfeeding and many many tredge on. (Low milk production is much much more rare than people think so it might be unlikely that you actually had low milk production).

I had the same list of problems (thought I had low milk production but didn't). Not once did my babys' doctor, nurse or lactation consultant recommend formula. And I was glad they didn't because I would have found a new doctor, nurse and lactation consultant. It's their job to tell you what is best for your baby.

Unless you have an absolute medical condition that completely precludes you from nursing, a responsible nurse, doctor or lactation consultant would never tell you to give your baby formula. My husband told me I should supplement which kind of took the pressure off because that's when I realized, bleeding nipples and no sleep, that I did want to nurse and formula just wouldn't cut it for our kid.

the truth is...it gets better on your body and it is a million times better for your baby than formula. hang in there.

2007-03-12 13:40:12 · answer #3 · answered by -- 5 · 3 0

YOU need to let go of the bad feelings, guilt, anger, and realize that you tried your best and it didn't work out.

The truth is that most successfully breastfed babies all had mothers who had cracked nipples, mastitis, and some milk production issues/and or a baby with sucking difficulties. These are common hurdles, and health professionals have been under heat for years about the fact that they DON'T support women who are trying to breastfeed, and too quickly offer formula as a solution instead of helping the Mom work through it. Once the hurdles are cleared, breastfeeding is a wonderful thing.

2007-03-11 16:13:55 · answer #4 · answered by reddevilbloodymary 6 · 6 1

They aren't single-minded. They are educated and trying to help you make the best decision. If you are having heaps of problems with breastfeeding, you should be trying to fix it by talking to these professionals, not waiting for them to give you the "okay" to give formula!!! It is a problem with our culture, not you. Formula is becoming a dirty word, because it is NOT good for your baby, no matter what anyone tells you. It has dangerous consequences, and should only be used when there is a DEFINITE medical reason (like AIDS for example, and even then there is something you can do).

The reason women feel like failures when they "fail" at breastfeeding is because we are MADE TO BREASTFEED OUR CHILDREN. You don't fail, you give up. Plain and simple. And most of the time it is either from a lack of education, or dedication. Suck it up, gather your resources, and breastfeed, it gets better! Just because you encounter difficulties doesn't mean you should give up. What a great lesson for your child... when the going gets tough.. quit.

2007-03-11 16:37:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

I understand completely!! I could not breastfeed at all, I wanted to try to do so. But at the same time I think that it is choice for the parents to decide on there own. And the doctors do pressure you to breastfeed they act like there is no other way. I never processed any milk while I was preg. or after. So I just gave up and gave him the bottle. I think that breastfeeding might be healthier but there is nothing wrong with formula either, we grew up didnt we and that was really what most parents used back then was formula. My child is healthy never was fat or to skinny 5 years old at 54pounds and 4 and half feet tall so I am not complaining about formula milk. But I dont think that the doctors need to pressure couples all the time to breastfeed they should leave it up to the parents to decide.

2007-03-11 16:29:33 · answer #6 · answered by happygirl22 3 · 0 2

i don't doubt you had problem i just think the health proffesionals can;t imagine why it wouldn't work i mean before formula everyone breastfed all over the world or their babies pretty much died in a rare instant the baby would have a wet nurse if avaliable if the mother could not breastfeed but like 99% of mothers did it i just think alot of people give up very easily bc there is another solution and i think that is how doctors see it as well its completly weird that it went from everyone being able to do it to like 1/2 or something but it is a personal choice

2007-03-11 16:14:17 · answer #7 · answered by momma 4 · 3 0

I had a baby 4 weeks ago and the midwives in the hospital were horrible, when dealing with breastfeeding having not done it before as my son was 9 weeks premature. I would ask questions about how to attach baby properly as my nipples were bleeding from incorrect attachment they wouldnt listen and would just take my breast and the baby and shove them together my daughter was loosing weight and they were telling me it was unacceptable for her to be doing so. My milk never came in properly it had been over a week since her birth so I gave her formular as well as what I could express which was very little. and she started to put weight on so they discharged me. Ive been expressing for 5 weeks and my milk is not coming in anymore than when I left the hospital so I have put her on formular. Do I feel bad about it NO why should I its not like I didnt try and she has had 5 weeks of what ever I could get for her. I dont think anyone should pressure mothers either way its not up to the health professional or the grumpy widvives in the hospital to tell you what to do, its your baby and you do what you think is right for the both of you. My son was also fed special premature formular that the hosptial actually surplied for him and shop brought formular after his due date and he is perfectly healthy and 4 years old he has never had an ear infection or anything more than a common cold, my neices were both breastfed and both have ear gromets due to reacurring ear infections so whom ever said that isnt well informed. Do what is right for you , dont let anyone tell you your bad for not breastfeeding.

2007-03-13 17:06:37 · answer #8 · answered by seemeinyourdreams19 1 · 0 1

The day we left the hospital they brought me a bottle of formula to give my baby before we left because he wouldn't eat. They kept asking me if I wanted to supplement because he wasn't eating but I told them no. But then again they didn't really do as much as I thought they would to help with the latching issues we were having. They would come in the room and get him on there and leave and he would break loose and wouldn't get back on. The place I had my baby was more into giving formula I think.

2007-03-11 16:18:29 · answer #9 · answered by MyOpinionMatters 4 · 0 0

Well I think sometimes they feel strongly that because they are in the health profession, they have a responsibility to female patients to try to get them to breastfeed. I know alot of women who have given up right away without giving it a fair shot, and I think maybe they were just trying to help you give it your best shot possible. Some can pressure a little too much (midwives and lactation consultants can be crazy), but I guess they really just have womens' best interest in mind. But if you know that you tried (and it sounds like you did) then you have no reason to feel bad at all. Your baby will be perfectly healthy on formula. No reason to keep yourself all stressed out trying for something that's just not working. Good luck, and congrats on the new baby!

2007-03-11 16:07:24 · answer #10 · answered by Lindsay M 5 · 1 3

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