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I was hanging out with a couple of friends a few days ago, and being girls, boys were a topic. One of the girls I was with- she's white- said she just wasn't attracted to anyone but white men- she didn't have anything against minorities, she just didn't find them attractive. One of the other girls- she's black- jumped down her throat calling her racist and talking about how she was just trying to hide that she hated other races. I thought that was absolutely ridiculous- since when do you have to date interracially just to prove that you aren't racist? (Is someone going to accuse me of hating Swedes because I don't like blondes?) Do you think my friend was being racist, or that the other girl is just crazy?

2007-03-11 15:53:04 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

Margheri- "There are blondes of every race, by the way"

Honey, I've never met someone who was 100% non european who had naturally blonde hair. If you have, I'd love to meet them. Theres some intresting genetics there.

2007-03-11 16:10:05 · update #1

Margheri, I think you need a geography lesson. I mean ANYONE who dosen't have a european backround. Someone who has two asian parents, two african parents, two native american parents, ect, would be 100% non-european. Not everyone has their backround as mixed as most americans!

2007-03-12 16:20:01 · update #2

26 answers

A preference is a preference. That's like saying you like silk sheets in contrast to cotton. We as humans will partake of what makes us happy and comfortable. There's nothing racist about having a preference. Now if your friend said for example, I would never date a Mexican because they are thieves or I would never date a black because they are all stupid, then I would classify her a racist.

2007-03-11 15:58:11 · answer #1 · answered by Sharisse F 4 · 2 2

I do believe that she was making an Unfair generalization by saying she found ALL races outside of her own unattractive. However it was probably a learned or uninformed statement. I doubt she is racist seeing as she has friends outside of her own race. I do think it is a bit shallow to generalize like that though. There are so many people and so many different "looks" it isn't fair to say that everyone who is not white is unattractive. I doubt she has been exposed to enough men to make that assumption that she would be unattracted to EVERY man who wasn't white. The other person you speak of sounds as though she took it a bit out of proportion. She could have talked to her calmly and asked why she felt that way instead of freaking out. And if she had some experience that caused her to feel that offended by the other's statement she could have had the chance to explain and inform the other girl.

2007-03-11 16:33:31 · answer #2 · answered by ♥ PrincessLeia ♥ 5 · 0 1

Hate to sound racist, but anytim anyone says anything like that (and this is just in my own personal experience) the minority in the group decides to pull a race card. Not wanting to date a different race isn't being racist, its just a personal preference, you can't help who you're attracted to. Ask that black friend of your if she would date a 500lbs man who never bathed, or a quadriplegic guy who suffered from severe burning all over his body, or if she would date a girl, or hey ask her if she would date a dog(like literally a dog woof woof) Chances are she'll say no to every one of those because she's not attracted to them. its all personal preference.

2007-03-11 18:23:15 · answer #3 · answered by Holes_In_My_Skin 1 · 0 1

Its not rediculous, theres lots of misunderstanding on both sides.

Racism takes many forms, some very overt, some very subtle, and there are no absolute litmus tests (no single action "proves" anything about racism). Probably no one is 100% racist, and no is 100% free of racism.

Who you're attracted to may be influenced by prejudices but is too complex to label "racist" or "not racist".

Having *rules* about who you'll date - ie "i could never date...." *is* racist.
If you've never in your life been attracted even momentarily to someone outside your race then that is a strong indicator that there is at least some latent racism in your personality.

Its not helpful to live in denial of those characteristics that are yours. Its also not helpful to jump down people's throats.

No, you don't "have to" do anything to "prove" anything. Actions originating from that source don't prove anything anyway (except your own insecurity). And always beware of anyone who tries to pressure you into doing anything - whether its spare-changing or dating or whatever - by accusing you of racism. (but the same is true of someone who tries to pressure you into doing something "out of loyalty to your race".) There are con artists on all sides of these issues.

Yes, its true that "interracial" relationships *in some places* have a high attrition rate - and in other places they don't. It depends mainly on whether they (and their children) have to deal with other people's bigotry every day (especially from their own families). That can put a gigantic stress on people. Haven't you ever seen Romeo and Juliet?

Statements about keeping your "blood line pure" are the very heart of racism. the word 'pure' contains the implication that one is inherently better than another, for a religious reason.

.. it also implies ignorance about the reality of our origins. Both the overwhelming archeological record *and* the world's major religions say that human beings originated *in one place*. There can be no such thing as a "pure blood line" that doesn't include all humans.

Yes, varied charcteristics have cropped up during the various waves of diaspora from Africa, but even the variations we can now detect are not mainly a result of different branches developing their own unique charcteristics and passing them on. A lot of variation is direct adaptation to environment, paralelled in different populations. for example, Asians, Natives of the Americas, Europeans and Africans all developed darker skin near the equator and lighter skin away from it - entirely independently of each other. In other words, all the major branches or "blood lines" have both light-skinned and dark-skinned decendents - not mainly because of "racial mixing" but because they adapted to their environments.

Most people who study humans (biologists, anthropologists, sociologists, etc) agree that what most people refer to as "race" is not very accurate, geneticaly speaking. the groups they're referring to are really cultures (or subcultures).

2007-03-13 13:35:13 · answer #4 · answered by netizen 3 · 1 0

The remark that she doesn't find them attractive probably set her off. It's ok to date whom ever you want but to say that a whole race is unattractive is a racist comment. There are blondes in every race by the way.
And where do you find these 100% non-Euros? I guess then you mean that you will only date 100% whites...guess what hon they ain't 100%.
Your statements are revealing. You need a history lesson. It's not just Americans. Who conquered Spain, Africa, Mexico etc. The first people ever came out of Africa. How far back do you want to go? Just the parents aren't the end of the genetic pool.

2007-03-11 16:03:02 · answer #5 · answered by margherita 4 · 2 4

Yeah, it occurs. you're questioning the guidelines of common sense practice to racists too. they don't. Racism isn't logical in any respect. it truly is typically only emotion. And thoughts can conflict and in no way make experience. I said a white guy on a communication coach once who became married to a black lady. that they had babies. And the husband could talk about ni**er this and ni**er that in the front of the youngsters! He wasn't Vanilla Ice Eminen or KFed or something, only a cracker who one way or the different regarded down on Blacks yet married one. look on the variety of whites who again in slavery days fooled round with their slaves in the back of closed doors and treated them like airborne dirt and airborne dirt and dirt in public.

2016-12-01 20:55:07 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I don't think she's racist for not wanting to date outside her race. I'm black and am not racist, however I'm not attracted to white guys. I think it may have more to do with cultures and sharing life experiences.

2007-03-12 12:08:03 · answer #7 · answered by Lish 2 · 0 0

I think it is racist to be made to feel that way .Liberals in society push Interracial relationships on us. Why not be proud of your race? Interracial people have no cultural identity. Hollywood pushes it on us on almost every show. The Blcak panther party made a push for black men to bed white women back in the 60's to pay back whites for what slave owners did. As far as i know No white in the 60's owned any slaves. Black is beautiful.White is beautiful. Honor your family by keeping your blood line pure. Nothing i said is racist. I do not feel one is better than the other. Only purity is better than No cultural identity. Why is it that if you are half black you are considered black? But if you are half white you are considered still black? Tiger is half Korean yet the blacks claim him and the Koreans do not. Senator Obama is only half black. But hailed as the first black president (if he wins) why is that?Those guys have no cultural identity.

2007-03-11 16:18:17 · answer #8 · answered by carolinatinpan 5 · 2 2

You don't have to love everyone to be considered a non-racist. So long as you aren't prejudiced against them, that's fine. Your friend doesn't wanna date other races maybe because that's something new to her and she doesn't know how to handle or feel awkward. Give her time and she might overcome her fear. If she were racist, why does she have non-white friends?

2007-03-11 16:00:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

No she is not being racist by not dating outside her race

2007-03-11 16:35:08 · answer #10 · answered by canielany 3 · 0 0

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