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We are becoming apathetic to the numbers talked about on the news.

4 marines died today, and 2 minutes later they are forgotten.

If they put those coffins on TV the outrage against the war would be so massive it would end in months rather then years.

There is some current BS law that prohibits the coffins from being shown, but that can be repealed.

I know some of you are thinking its disrespectful to the soldiers that died. But ask yourself, wouldnt they rather know that their death helped end a war thats ONLY going to cause more deaths?

As it stands now, we are losing our best young men and women for naught. Iraqi freedom and peace? how many american lives is this worth?

Show the coffins, end the war.

2007-03-11 15:39:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

dont leave until the job is done.

The Bush mantra.

Pray tell what is the job?

And is this job worth so many american lives?

There are tyrants everywhere. They have been there before saddam existed. They will be there now that he is dead.

What makes you think we can kill every tyrant?

And please dont gimme that crap about fighting terrorists in iraq. Those "terrorists" are in their minds, the exact same as george washington. They see themselves as freedom fighters .

And how many people keep telling me how happy the iraqs are that the US troops are there, how friendly they are to the US troops.

Tell me this, if you were facing 20 armed americans and you were a iraqi, would you say:


Those same ones that smile to ya face and shake your hands are the ones plotting to kill you the second your outta site.

This isnt a winnable war... You cant ever shoot them all. Why cant people see that?

2007-03-11 17:15:58 · update #1

I think the point about the coffins is overlooked.


I dont either. It would break my heart to see them day in and out and i think the warhawks that keep us in this war would get that message finally.

BUT, only when it becomes so painful, so IN YOUR FACE blunt, that you cannot dismiss it.

Because i assure you, thats whats happening.

As for terrorism, why do so many people think it started at 9/11?

Sense there has been a ruler, SOMEONE has been labeled a terrorist (of some sort), guranteed.

2007-03-11 17:23:08 · update #2

5 answers

I think we should get out, as we never should have went. These mid-eastern fools have been fighting over the same crap (their religions) for centuries and still will be if we ever manage to leave. Too bad they weren't bombed by a previous president, back in the 80's.
PS don't need to be showing any coffins, just pack our
$#!& and come home.

2007-03-11 15:54:08 · answer #1 · answered by Sheila 6 · 0 0

As a Marine recently off active duty the easiest and most irrational answer is to bomb em all. Realistically I would say we pull out, and let them suffer their own devices for a few years and refocus budget costs towards detection and prevention of terrorist activities. The desire to pull out of Iraq is obvious, I don't think that it is the best option but the public unfortunately, in cooperation with bad media, has historically affected the course of a war. Never feel that the lives of our young men and women have been glossed over. To say that they are forgotten as a statistic seems more disrespectful than showing their final return home for a nation prone to forget more readily the reasons for action then the cost. I wish it were as easy as calling our troops home and pray constantly that there were another way, but we have seen what a premature withdrawal of troops can do. I offer the first war in Iraq, which you may contest its raison d'etre but none the less it left room for Saddam Hussein to re-establish himself when US troops came home without bringing him with them. I hope this offer some perspective on your question, maybe it just falls under a category of a close minded jar head, either way its how I feel. I would love to see em all come home, but not till the job is done. Only one man has the ultimate say so in that , and like him or hate we elected the President.

2007-03-11 15:56:45 · answer #2 · answered by Kurt R 2 · 0 0

I've served in the military, I have friends and family serving in Iraq right now. Why would the coffins of the soldiers be shown? Do you think the families of the fallen troops would want that? The soldiers are not fighting to be viewed as heroes. They aren't over there to be remembered. The reason they went to the Middle East is because they wanted to get rid of Al Qaeda. They wanted to make the world safer. I've talked to people serving there, and this negative bullsh*t that you guys are spreading really isn't helping anything.

2007-03-11 15:49:39 · answer #3 · answered by Chris_Knows 5 · 0 0

you have a real question only in the first line of your presentation. as for the rest of your comments -- delete them all and listen to the three advices you have already received. they make sense. they make sense because the people/soldiers that were there spoke up. we need more of those. you have to sense the situation and speak up. the other issue is why did things go wrong not from the Iraq-i side but from the USA side -- intelligence and preparation were wrongly assessed. you invade or go to war with a country and you hardly speak their language literally -- and hardly know their people and their religion and their beliefs. it is inconceivable on the 21st century that such an action should/would/could be undertaken with such poor preparedness and previsions. I rest my case, I let others speak who have been there to speak up --more, until this war comes to a rest. win or lose. hope it helps.
ps. coffin or no coffin -- that is not part of the question and equation.

2007-03-11 16:20:18 · answer #4 · answered by s t 6 · 0 0

I have felt the same way, and in some ways I still do. There is research to be done, but I will not rely on my own judgment, I will ask for God's direction. After watching the Ted Kopple report tonight on the Discovery Channel, titled: "Our Children's Children's War", became reality. It will be shown again tomorrow night on one of the cable stations.There will be war as long as there are terrorists. In some of the regional conflict the USA will be there, even if private contractors such as, Blackwater, which is a central Command Center in Tampa, Fl. Even if our Troops are reduced, even if the war ended. We will be there to assist the people in need, Iraq, Etheopia, Egypt, Somailia. Whether we are building wells for fresh drinking water, clinic's or sending medical teams in places where there are no doctors, we will be there, to avail against Terrorism. The USA has outpost in the barren land of Africa with health clinics & fresh drinking water. If we will set up the wells for them they can make a living on their own. The USA have nothing in the way of Military gain or money or oil, for most of these people are farmers & ordinary people that need help, to keep from being slaughtered. We are trying to wage peace not war. In gaining the trust of these people, they in return will assist in stamping out terrorists & the people also stated they would fight along beside the American Soldiers. The U.S. is trying to set foundations to eliminate any re-grouping from terrorists. U.S. elite teams are assisting the Etheopia Soldiers when the Islamic insurgents attacked Somalia two weeks ago or more and the insurgents retreated. Our Soldiers were there to back-up the Etheopia Soldiers, for they are known to be mighty Warriors. Also our intel said the ones responsible for the Embassey bombing in Kenya and other bombings in the 90's killing many, many people were there. There are 100,00. private contractors working for the US in Iraq alone.They mostly are retired Military or Special Forces training different Countries in how to protect their Country against terriosm. Using their own equipment, weapons and etc. They train in the Carolina's.
According to this report by Ted Koppel, his coversation with this private contractor"Blackwater" stated that the Janaweed (Islamic) are the ones attacking and killing the women and children and creating genocide toward the people of Danfur. Blackwater said they would go in and protect these people & stop this with new tatics & Military trained Soldiers as they have in other regions, if only someone would pick-up the tab for the people of Danfur
this can stop! "God said that it is easier for a rich man to go through the eye of a needle than for him to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Will you please help these people. And call Blackwater in North Carolina for details. We have American Soldiers all over the world, many of them are doing some of the same techniques, building wells, or traing thier people how to fight, medicine and clinic's for those in need. Either we fight the terrorists there in many lands or we fight them on American soil! Please excuse the errors I do not have time to give my attention any longer than I have.

2007-03-11 17:06:36 · answer #5 · answered by NJ 6 · 0 0

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