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The Justice Department just released a report citing wholesale institutional lawbreaking by the FBI.

The FBI. These are the people who are supposed to be upholding and enforcing the law, not breaking it.

And yet not one person has resigned or been fired at this point, despite the fact that the Bureau apparently is riddled with criminals. Gonzales? Nope, even though he's the head guy in charge and the one ultimately responsible, he still holds the Attorney General position.

Have we EVER seen a more lawless and corrupt administration in our lifetimes? I don't even think it's a close call.

2007-03-11 15:34:12 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

BUZZ! Wrong g-rant, I'm old enough to remember the Nixon adminstration.

But thanks for playing anyway. Johnny, tell him what lovely parting gifts he's won.

2007-03-11 15:49:52 · update #1

Um totalstressor, I've been around the block a few times, sweetie.

Notice the question doesn't imply that no other administrations were corrupt, it just implies that we're seeing corruption on an unprecedented scale with the Bush administration.

I was around to remember the Nixon adminstration, which is probably more than you can say.

2007-03-11 15:53:28 · update #2

27 answers

Excellent question! The entire Bush administration and everyone else he has appointed has pretty much done whatever they wanted and when they wanted. They have not been held accountable for all the lying and deceiving that has run rampant for the last 6 years.

I used to believe that the Nixon administration was the one that was filled with the most corruption but this one has by far surpassed it completely.

2007-03-11 15:41:18 · answer #1 · answered by JoJo 4 · 2 2

Have we seen more lawless and corrupt administrations?
Oh yeah. But this one at least cracks the top 10.

Forget the FBI. This whole country will be broke when foreign investors replace the US dollar with the Euro. This country is trillions of dollars in debt, and that IS Bush's fault. It's a fact. Simple economics, no politics involved.

take a look at this graph- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/26/USTrade1991-2005.png/600px-USTrade1991-2005.png

Our children won't have the luxury of sitting around on a Sunday night wasting time on the Internet. Because once the Euro takes over as the international currency, we will all be SCREWED. It will make the Great Depression look like a tea party.

The Bush administration has failed us. They have successfully bankrupted the country.

Research OPEC and the US dollar vs. the Euro. The truth hurts.

2007-03-11 16:10:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If there have been crimes dedicated by technique of Bush (and that i firmly have self belief there have been severe ones), they ought to look at the s*** out of him and each and each of the administration officials. i imagine Obama will be preoccupied with different issues for a lengthy time period. you'll in reality wish that Bush and Cheney are literally not supply time to ruin information. If I were Obama i could set the Justice branch to artwork on my first day to ensure that no evidence is "lost" or is "by threat" destroyed, which i could i could assume is likely to take position, if it hasn't already. "responsibility" isn't contained in the Bush/Cheney vocabulary, until eventually it truly is somebody else committing a criminal offense. inspect Bush's record as Governor of Texas and each and each of the execution warrants he signed. Bush could be held to an identical values he espoused as Governor and President. to respond to your question, Bush demanded responsibility from absolutely everyone outside his administration, it may be hypocritical and immoral for him to dam any attempt to carry him to blame for his judgements or moves. The President can't hide in the back of privilege if there have been conflict crimes or negligence even as he became guidance the deliver. There could be an finished study into administration activities for the completed 8 years. If there is evidence that there have been illegalities dedicated, the to blame activities could be exceeded over to the right authorities. This includes the global courtroom or the conflict Crimes Tribunal. Sorry for the lengthy - windedness.

2016-12-01 20:54:22 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The blame rests solely with the American citizens and ONLY THEM! You have allowed your political system to be corrupted by big business and religion. You tend to elect you representatives based on their personality, their sex and race and their religions, and not on the substance of their ideas. Once you elect them you walk away from your responsibility and do not monitor closely the actions of those you voted into office. You do not go after their hides when they violate your trust or prove themselves incapable of doing what they promised they'd do when they ran for office. You tend to think that (and this is just the very few of you that vote) your responsibility is done and over with once you cast your ballot. IT IS NOT! You must continue to make sure the elected are doing what it is you elected them to do and if not -DON'T WAIT FOUR YEARS - impeach them.....they in effect lied to get your vote -get rid of them - and since in your brand of democracy, the mechanism to rid your country of ineffective or corrupt politicians takes a long period of time it is just easier to wait out the four years to replace them. Elect people that promise to change that. Make it easier to rid yourselves of cheats and liars. The British and Canadian and Indian brands of democracy have built into their system such methods and the citizens use them. It is up to to you and your fellow Americans to make sure your system of government works properly; something you haven't been willing to do in the past and YOU MUST DO FROM NOW ON!

If a politician is a religious person make sure that their personal religious beliefs DO NOT in anyway insert themselves in their government. If a politician believes he/she can do no wrong because they are being directed by their god, your society has a real problem. Look around the globe at all the religiously run countries, they are not among the best places on the planet to live. Your present president thinks this way and has said so on many occasions and he has the support of a large segment of your population that thinks this is good..........you've now seen how bad it really is. Your architects, the people who crafted and designed the methods and rules that your government should run by have written into the rules safeguards to make sure that religion and government are separate so the country will not have the problems they foresaw so many years ago and YOU LET it happen anyhow. WHY? You the citizens have let these architects down and are paying the price. They wrote these rules because they came from countries where religion and politics were bed fellows and they knew what can happen because they saw it first hand. And by the way, many of the fathers of the constitution were NOT Christians but you have allowed the powers that be convince the population (YOU) that they were......you even have religious statements on your money. Stop the madness, elect only people who do what you want them to do and fire them if they don't. Implore your media to be critical of the government - tell them you want clear unbiased reporting so you can keep track of the way things are going. IT IS YOUR JOB>>>>YOUR LIVES>>>>> AND NO ONE ELSE'S!

2007-03-11 16:20:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you read your OWN statement

"The Justice Department just released a report citing wholesale institutional lawbreaking by the FBI. "

Having JUST released it..give it at lease 3-4 days to start the firings or resignations...you libs are unbelievable...it took your hero..wait..he still says he never had sex with that women....guess he doesn't accept responsibility either....and for helping your limited knowledge expand...Gonzalez is NOT in charge of the FBI

2007-03-11 15:52:26 · answer #5 · answered by Real Estate Para Legal 4 · 1 0

And that's what happens when your presidency rests on a hanging chad!! No really, what on earth did you expect from a bunch of old crooks, oops I mean cronies, like the ones that Bush surrounds himself with? And don't let me leave out the young "wanna-be" kiss-ups that hang on the fringes or in positions that can be controlled by the cronies....

If you honestly think that anyone is going to accept responsibility for anything they actually did or didn't do, all I can say is please don't hold your breath. This administration can't even accept or admit when their wrong even when they are caught red-handed!!! Personally I can't wait until the 2008 elections....

2007-03-11 15:47:28 · answer #6 · answered by Barbiq 6 · 0 2

No, Gonzalez still isn't sure whether he will bring up charges on the lawbreakers in the FBI.

The whole administration is pathetic.

2007-03-11 15:38:36 · answer #7 · answered by Kerry R 5 · 0 0

Have we EVER seen a more lawless and corrupt administration in our lifetimes? I don't even think it's a close call? EVER seen being the key words.

There has always been corruption in the white house/government, but now we have the internet and 24 hour press to get it out immediately and we are more informed. If you think it started with the Bush administration...you need to do a little research.

I don't care who you are ....no one gets in the whitehouse with angel wings. You owe someone, you hide alot and you are corrupt. Welcome to the governement - and its not just the US.

You must be young or never left your house.

2007-03-11 15:38:36 · answer #8 · answered by totalstressor 4 · 1 3

I give credit to Mueller, head of the FBI. He held a press conference immediately, accepted responsibility for what happened on his watch, and vowed to fix the problem.

Gonzales is not in charge of the FBI, nor the NSA, and was not personally responsible for investigating either of those. That's not the job of the Attorney General -- that's the job of the Inspector General, who was the one who uncovered the problem and notified the public.

That being said, I agree with your overall assessment of the regime as one of the most lawless and corrupt in our history.

2007-03-11 15:37:55 · answer #9 · answered by coragryph 7 · 2 3

Hell naw for what? They feel as if they havent done ne thing wrong. The whole administration needs to be impeached, even though Rumsfield is no longer there get him and Colin too.

2007-03-11 16:48:17 · answer #10 · answered by DFatOne 4 · 0 1

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