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me and my boyfriend have been smoking crystal meth. but i found out i was pregnet so we both decided to quit. but today i just found out that he never really quit and it tempted me to smoke. so i did smoke today. but i regret it so bad. i dont no what shoud i do? i want to keep this baby! but since i was smoking before i found out i was pregnet and then i smoked again today, is my baby goin to be healthy? should i just go with an abortion? if i decided to quit today and never smoke again would my baby be okay right now?

i guess that is my question. is my baby okay right now?

( i will go see my doctor about this so please dont answer just saying go see the doctor. serious answer only please.)

2007-03-11 15:20:54 · 25 answers · asked by brittany51o 2 in Health Women's Health

25 answers


This is serious. You are pregnant and with pregnancy and a child--your wants and sometimes your needs take a back seat. There is truly no way to tell at this point if your baby is ok. The fact that your BF does it should not be your excuse. When he is gone and not helping with the baby b/c of themeth, you still have YOUR choices to make. If you test positive for meth when you deliver CPS will come in and take your child--just like that-no questions and no chance to keep the baby at that time. If you continue to use during the pregnancy and if your baby survives she will be born hooked on it. All kind of defects can happen. I do not believe in abortion but if you can not stop NOW then I do not believe you should bring this child into this world. You should also do whatever it takes to keep from having children in the furture. This may sound harsh but in my line of work, it is reality.

2007-03-11 15:33:22 · answer #1 · answered by AC 2 · 1 1

Effects Of Meth On Unborn Baby

2016-11-01 08:32:29 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You are taking massive risks. There is no way to be sure if you're baby is Ok right now. Clearly your baby won't be if you keep smoking. And just what life is your baby going to have, were your baby born healthy, when what is waiting for your baby is the start of a fresh new life with two f'king METH HEADS. Go look in the mirror and see if you can call yourself Mommy. I'm not just sh*ting on you. I pray all the best for you. However, if you are serious about your baby and your baby's future then you need to resolve your drug problem. Go get help now - with or without your weak boyfriend who can't even hold out enough not to tempt you - and go be a mother for your baby today.

2007-03-11 15:26:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

You better hope & pray your stupididity didn't hurt the baby! Yes! You were stupid to use a drug, any drug in the first place. Not to mention one soooooooooooooo addictive!

You knew you were pregnant & yet you took another hit! Either you are extremely selfish, or you are addicted. Either way you need help. Professional help.

It's been found that 1 hit! 1 HIT! Causes birth defects.

In my state there is a woman whose job is solely to visit all the drug babies. There are hundreds. The babies live in a vegatative state. They will never wake up, but they are alive. Some might live well into their 20's & beyond? The stories this woman can tell you about these babies is heart breaking. Basically the state is warehousing all of these poor souls because their "mama's" found drugs to be more important than them. & their "mama's" can't be bothered to take care of them, that responsibility would take away from their party time.

Please for your baby's sake, your sake --> STOP taking drugs. Do whatever you have to do, which might mean going somewhere far away from those "friends" & staying there.

Maybe the judgement you see here will wake you up & cause you to help yourself and your baby to have a better life.

2007-03-11 15:41:31 · answer #4 · answered by low_on_ram 6 · 2 0

GET HELP NOW. Crystal meth wrecks your life and is very hard to walk away from. It may be very difficult to stop. You cannot do this alone. You need to talk to a dr. and you need to be honest about the meth. Then get off the stuff. You have just had a taste of real adult life. The fact that you are thinking about the baby and you want to quit is admirable.
I wish you well. You are in a tough spot and it sounds like your heart is in the right place. Whatever you decide, please remember thhat it could happen again and even again - unless you get help.

2007-03-11 18:58:23 · answer #5 · answered by juneaulady 4 · 1 0

The best things is to stop right now! Take a look here:


and you can find the resources you need where you are. Also, for more information, here's a direct link to the Q and A about pregnancy and meth:


Good luck on your way out from that awful stuff....I hope you stay strong! Remember, you'll feel very different because the neurotransmitters in your brain are used to working on overdrive. But make sure you have a good amount of support--family, friends, etc. that don't use the stuff. And it sounds like the boyfriend has a few willpower issues, so he needs help just as much as you do.

2007-03-11 15:26:55 · answer #6 · answered by Danagasta 6 · 1 0

If she quits, there may not be any adverse problems. Let me start with effects of meth on the baby and body. Meth tightens the blood vessels (esp to the placenta). Right now, the placenta is not functioning on it's own yet, the yolk sac is supporting the fetus. The effects of continued use are as follows... the is an increased risk of placentia abruptio (where the placenta breaks away from the uterus before baby is delivered), preterm labor, and hemorrage. (these are just to mom). To baby: decreased head circumference, anemia, small baby, brain hemorrhage (after birth), SIDS, withdrawals, irritable hypersensitive infant, poor suck reflex (necessary to eat). There are more, but I think this covers some of the basics. If she wants the baby, there is no reason for her to abort it now. There are many programs available to pregnant women who want to quite drugs, they will not be looked down on for seeking treatment. I actually have a friend who was on speed when she found out she was pregnant with her son. She was able to quite and he is now a wonderful, healthy 10 year old boy. She, BTW has stayed clean since she quite during her 1st pregnancy! There are options available to her, she just needs to educate herself as much as possible!

2016-03-29 00:50:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you stop now, your baby is unlikely to suffer any repercussions from your actions.

But... it is extremely important for you to stop using NOW & seek help immediately. If you couldn't resist using despite being pregnant, it's safe to say you're an addict. It's an ugly word, I know... and really difficult to admit to. But honestly, why else would you decide to use while pregnant? I would also venture to bet that you'll have trouble staying clean for the remainder of your pregnancy... even if you do manage, you're likely to start using again (check statistics) as soon as the baby is born. Meth-using parents don't equal good parents-- your child deserves better; all kids do.

You may be rationalizing the "whys" in an effort to disregard the notion that you could be an addict... but to an outsider, the evidence is clear & speaks for itself.

If you can't go to rehab, try NA... it's free & it works if you work it~
Also, try this website for info & support:


Please also consider leaving your boyfriend if he is a trigger for you... your baby has to come first.

Best of luck to you... my prayers are with you and your baby.

2007-03-12 06:54:49 · answer #8 · answered by Sweet Melissa 4 · 0 0

It's really hard to say, but you do need some help. Try maybe attending counseling for your addiction. I don't recommend an abortion since you really want to keep this baby, but you need to grow up fast and think about what you are doing to yourself and the innocent baby growing in you. Quit doing things that you are going to regret! Good luck and God Bless.

2007-03-11 15:26:36 · answer #9 · answered by ♥poppy honey♥ 4 · 0 0

but see, no one can tell you if your baby is okay except your doctor. if you want the baby, why would you consider an abortion? if you really want the baby, it shouldn't matter what the risks are. just stay away from the crystal meth from now on. get some help. you can do it.

2007-03-11 15:26:00 · answer #10 · answered by missteree 2 · 1 0

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