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me and my boyfriend have been smoking crystal meth. but i found out i was pregnet so we both decided to quit. but today i just found out that he never really quit and it tempted me to smoke. so i did smoke today. but i regret it so bad. i dont no what shoud i do? i want to keep this baby! but since i was smoking before i found out i was pregnet and then i smoked again today, is my baby goin to be healthy? should i just go with an abortion? if i decided to quit today and never smoke again would my baby be okay right now?

i guess that is my question. is my baby okay right now?

( i will go see my doctor about this so please dont answer just saying go see the doctor. serious answer only please.)

2007-03-11 15:19:12 · 66 answers · asked by brittany51o 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

please dont judge me! i am mad that i smoked today! i realize that i made a mistake! but i am just scared for my baby! i did decide that i am not goin to smoke anymore. but since i have smoked already for probably the first month that i was pregnet, and then right now today i want to know if my baby will still be healthy or not! right now i am two months pregnet. so that means the first month of pregnency i was smoking then the second month i was off the drugs. but just today i made that mistake. and i am not going to do it again! =[

2007-03-11 15:27:52 · update #1

i am living with my boyfriend right now. i guess the best thing for me to do is just leave him! i know i have to but its so hard wihtout any money!

- does anyone know if i can get any special help like section 8 or anything so that i can move out? i really do want to help myself and my baby! i do work but its not enough to really get a place on my own. i only make about 900 dollars and thats before taxes. so as u can see i really do need help and im ready to change. ANY HELP & INFO IS APPRECIATED!-

2007-03-11 15:49:34 · update #2

66 answers

Dont jump all over yourself! relax, now the first step is: do you want this baby? I smoked cigs thru my preg and my 4 mo. old is just fine. but this is not sim to your sit. go to the DR and get the check up you need, then prenatal vitamins next and an ultra sound will tell you whether your baby is all right or not, HOW far along are you? babies are wonderful. I wasn't sure if i was ready for mine and now i'm stuck w/ a blessing from god for all time :D it's beautiful and i dont' regret having my daughter. Reply back if you'd like Get help, you are strong i feel it.

2007-03-11 15:49:31 · answer #1 · answered by alayna_anne2001 2 · 0 1

If your boyfriend wont quit it is going to keep temptimg you and you will keep doing it. I hate that you aren't strong enough to stop not only for your own health but for your baby. I think you should talk to a doctor and tell them exactly what you have done and get some info from them on the chances of your baby being deformed or dying early. The first 2 and 3 months are very important in the babys development. You wont know what is wrong with the baby until it is born but if you continue to do the drugs then your baby will be taken from you as soon as it comes out if you test positive for anything. I believe that people can quit and I am sure all you have to do is get away from the people you are around now and that means even your boyfriend because you dont need that. If you feel like your child will be affected by the use, then I would suggest an abortion. It is not the babys fault that you did what you did, but that is a hard decision to make.
Hopefully you will realize what you are doing and maybe get yourself some help. I know what you are going through to a point and then again I know how easy rehabilitation is if you really want it for yourself. I know you dont want to hear this but seriously....talk to someone, get help, and see a doctor...ASAP. Good Luck and I wish you the best.

2007-03-11 15:56:17 · answer #2 · answered by MyOpinionMatters 4 · 0 0

U and all of us know that that was not a smart choice at all just because your boyfriend did it,hes not the one carrying the baby,,,now,as long as u quit your baby should be fine..in the first month smoking is bad for a baby but chances are it didnt pass through the placenta since it was not fully formed just then.. If u do continue smoking then yes your baby will be affected but right now im sure your baby is ok and growing healthy. Your baby is now growing very quickly,arms,legs,ears,eyes,genitalia etc so stay away from any harmful products such as drugs,cleaning products etc..Whatever u do,dont have an abortion...that will inflict wayyy more pain on your baby then your smoking..how would u feel if u aborted a perfectly healthy baby u thought was unhealthy..just stop smoking while u still can and be a good mother...good luck!
and tell your man to stop smoking =\

2007-03-11 15:47:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

STOP SMOKING CRYSTAL METH RIGHT NOW!!! You still have a good chance to maybe save whatever damage has already been done to your baby and I'm not saying that there is or isn't it's just very likely but if you get all the help you can get during this pregnancy now rather then later you and your baby might have a fighting chance.But the more you just give up and smoke the worse it's going to be and if you can't get through this with your b/f who seems to make you want to do it when he does it then get away from each other till your both clean.You both owe it to your baby and if you seriously don't think you can do this while pregnant then yes i guess sadly you don't have many options cuz you are going to end up killing your child.So you must really want to get clean or there is no point at all-and you can't help your boyfriend until you help yourself first.So good luck and please stop smoking meth now.

2007-03-11 15:28:34 · answer #4 · answered by sweetsmiles69@jennieask-me 3 · 1 0

I do hope for the baby's sake you mean what you say.. Drugs are nothing to be messing around with even if you are not pregnant, and I will tell you that though you smoked it doesnt mean your baby will have a defect when born. I know a girl that smoked that stuff her whole pregnancy and her baby had a low birth weight, but nothing else.. She then lost her baby to the state because they found out she was using while she was pregnant, and after the pregnancy as well.. If you quit today then your baby has more of a chance at a healthy life that is if it hasnt been effected by the drug already... I do hope you mean what you say and stay away from them.. If your boyfriend decides he cant then stay away from him as well.. The temptation is not good for you....

2007-03-11 15:53:24 · answer #5 · answered by auntietawnie 4 · 0 0

Methamphetamine (crystal meth) abuse during pregnancy is associated with low birth weight, cleft palates, and other malformations. Exposure may also result in muscle coordination problems. Unfortunately, there is some evidence that a single exposure of meth as early as in the embryonic period may cause damage to the brain.

It is not in my place to say whether or not you should get an abortion. However, you should bear in mind that the long-term effects of meth have not been well studied: your baby may turn out healthy (and I hope s/he will). Just make sure to take care of yourself and consequently your baby from now on.

Assuming you still want to keep your baby, your priority right now is to find help and support for kicking your habit (away from other meth users) and your pregnancy. I believe there are some shelters you can stay at e.g. rescue missions (google rescue missions and your location). They can also provide assistance in other ways. You can apply to public housing, but that will take some time. You can acquire information from the housing authority webpage of the city of residence.

The important thing is that you realized the need to change for the better. Good luck to you and I wish you and your baby all the best. God bless.

2007-03-11 17:00:46 · answer #6 · answered by Mac.P 1 · 0 0

There is going to be a chance of birth defects due to smoking meth. No one is really gonna know for sure if it did or did not effect the baby this early on. You could quit now and pray for the best. The real question about the abortion is, if you have this baby, knowing there is a chance of defects because of the meth, are you still willing to take care of this baby. It would be alot of responsibility and it would mean alot of growing up to be done, meaning you may wanna consider addiction classes so that you dont fall back into the same situation you are in now. I wish you the best of luck.

2007-03-11 15:36:04 · answer #7 · answered by nunya 2 · 0 0

The first 3 months of your pregnancy are the most important. That is when I guess you could say all the puzzle pieces are being lined up to be put in the right places. Smoking meth just ONCE can mess the whole thing up. The tricky thing is that it can take YEARS for you to see the effects of it, or it may be able to be seen when the baby is born. Please stop now. I am not judging you, but if your baby could tell you not to do it, don't you think they would? I am a mom of two, and by no means think Im a perfect mom, but Nothing in this world is as important to me as my children. NOTHING!!! Would you let your baby smoke meth? Well in essence, you are by putting it in your body.

2007-03-11 15:51:11 · answer #8 · answered by okiemom 2 · 0 0

sweeite, I think you should seriously consider an abortion for a couple reasons. most people will not like me saying this. One, do you really think after you have had this baby, that you will be able to provide the home enviroment condusive to raising a baby, and the father seems like a class A loser. He lied to you and is a druggie. And no offense, but you arn't much better in the drug department. If you can't fight that temptation, when the baby is inside you, how are you going to fight it after you have had the baby, and it isn't relying on your body anymore. This is not to judge you, but you are obviously addicted. I can't tell you if you have already harmed your baby. Are you eating right? Are you taking vitamins? Are you doing anything positive for this babies growth and brain development. You have to think that in essence you are commiting child neglect and abuse while the baby is still in your womb. You may have nothing to worry about and yet you might, noone will know until the baby is born. If you can control yourself, get into rehab, talk to your doctor abou this, then have the baby and adopt him/her out. It is only fair to the baby. Now if you really honestly deep in your heart, want to be a mother, then you have to take ALL of the right steps, one is to leave that loser of a boyfriend, never look back, go get help, if you don't have family, ask the doctor for family services to help you, go to rehab, go to college and make something of yourself. But if you are going to continue on this same destructive path, don't harm an innocent baby that didn't ask for you as a mother. And please from now on use birth control.

2007-03-11 15:49:40 · answer #9 · answered by Barbara C 6 · 0 0

Well i think you have possibly damaged the health of the baby. It is not that easy to quit and will take alot of strength to do so... In saying that the pregnancy really should of stopped you from taking any more drugs as soon as you found out. If you continue with the pregnacny and still smoke, you baby could be come a addicted to the drug and will suffer withdrawls when born... Never ending health problems for that child... Honestly i truely think you should terminate this pregnancy for the sake of its health. Then go to rehab with your man and clean yourself up first before you even think again to have a baby.... you will have to change your life style..... Hard desicion but would you rather a very sick baby that you are fully responsible for its health while growing inside you. Which means you are feeding it CRACK for breakfast lunch and dinner. Also wouldnt be a good upbringing for the baby. Just make a very mature decision based on the needs and health of a child you and your partner will be reponsible for the rest of he/her life. Ensure you have thought of the baby first and not your needs.

You could straighten up if you are wanting to. It will be a hard road. But you can do it. But astraighten yourself first before another pregnancy

2007-03-11 15:38:46 · answer #10 · answered by karhs 2 · 0 0

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