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I am pro choice
I want a fair educaton system for all children and healthcare for everyone who is a citizen
I am pro border control;just do t legally:)
I think we need to wein ourselves from forein oil, become more focused on the defense of our own country and put more spending into securing our borders etc.
I also think the wars in the middle east are neccessary after 9/11, as the mind set of hating the west can never live in peace with our way of life, they'll just keep trying to tear us down.
I think people need to take responsblity for their actions and their envionment and not blame everything on everyone else.
Smaller government is better
Businesses and people who work their buts off to make a lot of money should not be punished by taxing them over 50 percent.

So what dya think?

2007-03-11 14:48:14 · 31 answers · asked by nicole 3 in Politics & Government Politics

31 answers

Overall you rate more conservative leanings.

I would have some issues with some of your stances but you sound like someone who I could have a reasonable debate with which is good thing.

Unlike the far left and far right who try to out scream each other.

Common sense needs to be more common.

2007-03-11 14:58:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You are leaning toward liberalism I'm sorry to say..... The slippery slope leads to secular progressive and then neo-Marxism.....

I am pro choice - Liberal/Secular Progressive

I want a fair educaton system for all children and healthcare for everyone who is a citizen - Liberal/Secular Progressive

I am pro border control;just do t legally:) - Conservative Traditionalist

I think we need to wein ourselves from forein oil, become more focused on the defense of our own country and put more spending into securing our borders etc. - Both L or C

I also think the wars in the middle east are neccessary after 9/11, as the mind set of hating the west can never live in peace with our way of life, they'll just keep trying to tear us down. - Conservative Traditionalist

I think people need to take responsblity for their actions and their envionment and not blame everything on everyone else. - Conservative Traditionalist

Smaller government is better - Conservative Traditionalist

Businesses and people who work their buts off to make a lot of money should not be punished by taxing them over 50 percent. - L (conservative percentage would be much lower than 50%)

OK, now here is the definition of the ACLU ne0 Marxists. How close are you to these outstanding principals? Be careful!!

Liberal/Neo Marxists:
-- Christians are obstacles to an "enlightened" society
-- Drugs should be legalized
-- Homosexual marriage is equal to marriage between a man and a woman
-- Against states legally mandating that parents be informed when their underage daughters have abortions
-- Abortion is good for society and is not killing a human being
-- Euthanasia is also good for society and not killing a human being
-- America is harmful to the world
-- We should appease our enemies
-- People should be allowed into the US without legal process and there should be open borders
-- Large socialized & state run programs with high taxation are good for society such as socialized medicine, transportation, media, products and services.
-- Believe in "income redistribution"--that is, the government taxing affluent Americans at a higher proportional rate in order to fund entitlements to the less well off.

2007-03-11 14:51:17 · answer #2 · answered by ccguy 3 · 0 3

More Conservative than liberal . Anyone who believes in smaller government would not vote Democrat . They ( led by Hillary Clinton ) hope to stifle "free speech " and the flow of available information on the Internet -as well as putting a stop to talk radio ..WHILE at the same time believe the Patriot Act ( which weeds terrorism ) hurts freedom ..
During WWII nobody ever said killing Nazis would make more Nazis . At least back then , other Americans weren't conspiring w/the enemy during war - as John Kerry did in Vietnam & again now during the War on Terror , along w/ other Democrat senators in office . With critical issues as important as our freedom ..nobody can afford to be a liberal..at the least ..who wants Socialism / Communism or higher taxes ?

2007-03-11 17:13:31 · answer #3 · answered by missmayzie 7 · 1 2

You are greatly confused, but understanding politics isn't easy. A strong knowledge of history and economics helps a lot.

The easiest way to begin to comprehend the answer to that question is found in the terms "right-wing" and "left-wing" Right-wing, of course is the conservatives and left-wing is liberal. The terms right-wing and left-wing have their origin in the era of the French Revolution. The wealthy aristocray was seated on the right in the French Assembly and became known as the right-wing while those who more represented the needs of the underclass were seated on the left.

Basically, what it all boils down to is economics. If you are a rentier (another term from the era of the French Revolution and refering to one who makes your money through rents, royalities, bond interest, dividend payments and profits) then you are right-wing. If you are a member of the working class, then you are a victim of the predatory policies of the rentier and you are a member of the left-wing.

Right-wing politics eventually will seek fascism to resolve the problems between the rentier and the working class. Left-wing politics will eventually seek socialism (government by the working class that sees the needs of society as paramount rather than the pursuit of profits) to resolve their differences with the right-wing.

2007-03-11 15:08:42 · answer #4 · answered by AZ123 4 · 0 2

No offense (really)--but everything you said amounts to a "sound-byte." With no evidence of any original, analytical, or independant thought.

I suspect you've never "defined yourself" because it realy appears you've never really thought through or learned the ins and uts of any of these issues.

Best advice--seriously--go start digging up information--solid information, not political doubletalk--on these issues--and go at it with an open mind. In a few months, you'll start really understanding what's going on and will be able to take a stand based on reason, not because you've ingested more than your share of propaganda.

Note--iI didn't say anything about being liberal or conservative--the point is to UNDERSTAND--whatever side of the fence you end up on on a particular issue.

2007-03-11 15:00:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It sounds like you have thought about your beliefs and have formed opinions on theses issues. You are YOU.

The definition of a liberal and conservative is the same...someone who cannot think for themselves and must read talking points and check their believes with their party faithful to deterimine what they believe in. If you look at either type of person, you will always find that they are do as I say, not as I do.

2007-03-11 15:28:24 · answer #6 · answered by jhistenes 2 · 0 1

More Conservative than Liberal. Pragmatic Conservative maybe? By the way this is why the hard-core Conservatives are giving Rudy such a hard time, his political philosophy is similar to yours (mine too and I categorize myself as Conservative).

2007-03-11 14:52:12 · answer #7 · answered by Yo it's Me 7 · 2 1

You are a conservative. Don't go lame and claim moderate, because it is clear that you have some set beliefs in favor of smaller government, personal responsibility and national defense. Just because you are pro-choice doesn't mean you aren't conservative. Our ranks are more flexible than the main stream media wants to tell others to believe. Welcome!!

2007-03-11 14:59:17 · answer #8 · answered by Apachecat 3 · 2 2

Sounds like you form your own positions based on reasoning, so you'd be an asset for the conservatives whether you align yourself with liberals or conservatives.

2007-03-11 14:55:36 · answer #9 · answered by ML 5 · 1 1

Moderate with fairly strong Conservative leanings.

most people fall in to the moderate category but lean one direction or the other.

2007-03-11 14:55:22 · answer #10 · answered by Stone K 6 · 1 1

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