alcohol - cheaper, less chance of pollution, safer for people to use, less accuracy, harder to read in some cases
mercury - much more accurate, easier to read for some things, toxic if broken, more expensive, may have separation of mercury in the tube.
2007-03-11 14:46:47
answer #1
answered by physandchemteach 7
the best thing approximately alcohol over mercury is a ingredient of protection. Mercury is amazingly poisonous. the draw back is alcohol can in basic terms be used to degree a limited selection of temperatures in comparison to mercury. that's because of the version of their boiling/freezing factors.
2016-10-01 23:25:20
answer #2
answered by ? 4
if u drink mercury u die, if u drink alcohol u just get a lil tipsy
2007-03-11 14:48:26
answer #3
answered by Joe M 2