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For the past week, my 1 month old daughter has been inconsolable during morning and afternoon waking periods. At first I thought it was just gas, but, Milicon isnt helping, I changed her to soy formula...not making a difference. From what Ive read about colic, the symptoms seem more severe. She sleeps okay, and has periods where she seems very content an happy, but these new scheduled fussy periods are very upsetting! These periods last about 2 hours and occur about 2-3 times daily. Any insight would be appreciated!

2007-03-11 14:24:38 · 11 answers · asked by mayasmama2707 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

11 answers

Some babies do have scheduled fussy periods. We started having a problem with my daughter when she was about 3 1/2 months old- too old for colic. But every night before bed she would scream for over an hour- we tried everything, but nothing would help. Luckily, it was just a phase that she has since outgrow. (though she still gets fussy before bed, it's not as severe.) Some babies just have a certain time or times of day where they're letting off energy.

If you're really worried, take her to the doctor to make sure she's ok. He may tell you it's colic- if that's the case there's little more to do than try to comfort her, though he may suggest colic tablets. If not, just be strong and remember that this, too, shall pass. :) Try every technique in the book, and remember the same thing might not work everyday, everytime. It will hepl to keep a photo of your baby smiling in her room, so that whenit seems she does nothing but cry, you'll remember that it's not always so bad.

Good luck!

2007-03-11 14:35:36 · answer #1 · answered by Robin J. Sky 4 · 1 0

My son suffered from colic. He seemed as if he were miserable a lot of the time,and cried a lot, mostly after taking a bottle. I tried the soy as well, and it helped somewhat. The pediatrician told me that he was healthy and getting the nutrients he needed. Just about the time I was about to lose it with all of the crying, the colic disappeared. So I guess I am saying ,"Hang in there." There is light at the end of the tunnel. I know that this is very upsetting, and you probably are exhausted too. It will all work out. Keep appointments with the baby doctor, and enjoy every minute--even the trying ones!

2007-03-11 14:30:35 · answer #2 · answered by P 3 · 1 0

Colic has different levels-- she may have a touch of colic... it usually appears after 3 weeks old-- and will just disappear around 3 months... some ppl say their babies have it until they are 9 months or more-- usually that's something else affecting the baby. So hang in there-- it will go away. Colic usually affects babies at night, but some babies have it in the morning or at other times during the day. My daughter had it from 3 and 1/2 weeks old until she was almost 3 months-- and she was inconsolable for several hours btwn 7pm-5am... usually lasted for about 3 hrs a time and maybe once a week she wouldn't fuss.

You can try Gripe Water (from the health food store, it's all natural)
Swaddle your baby (that helps)
Sometimes I would lay my baby on my knees (w/ her tummy on them) and slightly bounce-- that helped calmed her down...
My daughter loved to go outside-- so when she started getting fussy, I'd take her for a walk... sometimes that would help or we'd sit outside on the swing.
Soy formula is supposed to help-- it may take a few days, so stick w/ it.
Put your baby in her carseat and take her for a ride.
Place baby in carseat and put her on top of running washing machine or dryer (I've heard that helps soothe them).
Give warm bath during fussy periods.

Sadly, there's very little you can do to completely get rid of it... they just have to out grow colic... I wish you luck!

2007-03-11 14:32:26 · answer #3 · answered by Bio Instructor 4 · 1 0

hi, my son was what was referred to as "colic" too from around 1 month old. he was a screaming hell for about 8 hrs of the day. usually mid morning, afternoon and night before bed. By the way colic is only suppose to last about 3 hours and only in 1 period not 3 or 4. it turns out my son wasn't colic and actually had acid reflux and he had been suffering for 3 months. i felt so bad because i was feeding him all these colic remedies and in fact he didn't need them. if your son/daughter is fussy or screaming for more than one period of a few hours its best to bring this up with your paediatrician as acid reflux in babies is a very serious condition and can cause medical problems for them. here is a great link to an awesome website that will be able to better inform you or anyone reading this post about whether your baby may have infant reflux. there are plenty of experienced mums there that can answer any of your questions and its free to become a member. i love it, it was my sanity saver lol. good luck!


2007-03-11 18:27:44 · answer #4 · answered by lil_mika_0987 2 · 0 0

I think it depends on the timing of the crying. If it is after feedings, then it may be gas or a reaction from the formula. There are other formulas your doctor may suggest, like ones with proteins that are more easily digested. It's hard because I think the rule of thumb for colic is 3 hours a day, 3 days a week for at least 3 weeks.

2007-03-11 14:38:31 · answer #5 · answered by IDon'tWantToLiveOnTheMoon 2 · 0 0

My daughter had HORRIBLE colic...I tried everything gas drops diff formula..natrual remedies NOTHING WORKED until I bought Dr.Browns bottles they have them at wal-mart I believe a little on the expensive side for a friggin bottle but was well worth it! P.S. She had it from the day we came home from the hospital up until 8 weeks when I bought the bottles...I also tried putting a heating pad on a low tepature with a blanket over it then layed her on her belly this worked for a while too...just dont ever leave the baby on it for a long time...mine had a timer though...

2007-03-11 14:38:06 · answer #6 · answered by evil_munchgin420 2 · 1 0

If your baby is really really fussy and nothing' you do helps then yes your baby has colic. i also have a one month old and he just got over colic. colic comes from bottle feeding. the baby gets it because of the air they take in while bottle feeding in which alot of gas is also a symptom.
i took him to a childrens hospital and they told me to give him infants mylicon drops which is for colic.
and if the baby has diareah, then give her pedialyte that helps with that. snf if that doesn't work take the baby to a doctor to see if they suggest other things to try. but this is all the things the doctor told me.

2007-03-11 14:52:27 · answer #7 · answered by d4u_21 1 · 0 0

she may just have gas. Milicon didnt help my son. However there is something at Walgreens, im not sure of what brand it is but it is colic tablets. you give her one and it helps so much. Its in a pink and blue box. there will also be teething tablets in the same box and those work for teething (just for future reference) but you should try the colic tablets, they help a lot.

2007-03-11 14:40:30 · answer #8 · answered by ladidadida 2 · 0 0

toddlers are particularly fussy in the previous due afternoon and evening extraordinarily, often for no reason different than that they are toddlers! that is not something you're doing or no longer doing, and opportunities are high sturdy that isn't the bottle or the formula or the breast milk or your parenting skills! Colic is in basic terms an severe version of this fussiness and jointly as numerous persons will inform you that it particularly is gas or an hypersensitive reaction or something, they are definitely no longer fullyyt specific what reasons it. Fussiness often peaks around 6 weeks and then receives much less over the years, and often by technique of around 12 weeks you have a extraordinarily calm infant (incredibly). My first one grew to become into colicky and that i spent lots time retaining her and nursing her because of the fact it grew to become into the only thank you to maintain her calm and get her to sleep. She actually does stay unsleeping till she grew to become into on me. It surpassed and by technique of 13 weeks it grew to become into like a clean infant confirmed up. carry in there. there is an exceptionally sturdy e book that stored my sanity - Your Fussy infant by technique of Marc Weissbluth. he's a pediatrician and sleep researcher. I study that e book for the final a million/2 of the colicky era with my daughter and it grew to become into this sort of alleviation to have somebody telling me that it wasn't me or what i grew to become into doing that grew to become into coming up a fussy infant. some toddlers are in basic terms extra gentle to the international, and numerous persons talk over with the 1st 3 months because of the fact the fourth trimester, while toddlers are in basic terms no longer particularly waiting yet. sturdy success.

2016-09-30 13:12:30 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I suppose you've tried rocking her, burping her, and all those things? Does she like the motion of a swing or bouncy baby seat to sooth her?

Does she appear to be constipated? Are her stools hard and dry?

I suppose if you have tried everything, call your pediatrician. It's been so long since I've taken care of a baby, but maybe one of those experienced young moms out there can help. Good luck.

2007-03-11 14:31:33 · answer #10 · answered by Joyce A 6 · 0 0

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