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And why??
In my opinion he sucks 100%
Because hes caused the war, he hasnt done anything to solve global warming, he is moron, racist and ugly.

2007-03-11 12:18:26 · 28 answers · asked by hahahaX 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

I respect everyones opinion and thnx for telling ur perspective. GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL PEOPLE, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-12 10:15:51 · update #1

28 answers

Forget Iraq. Forget Global Warming. Forget all of that mess.

I'm not a liberal. I'm not a conservative. I'm not a democrat or a republican. So with that said, here's my unbiased opinion.

All you people that support GW Bush need to research on something called the trade deficit. Take a look at this graph.

We are trillions of dollars in debt and Bush's policies are going to bankrupt this country. What is going to happen when OPEC (where we get all the oil) starts taking the euro instead of the US dollar?

I'll tell you what will happen, total chaos and anarchy will ensue and we will all live in poverty.

2007-03-11 15:29:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Yet another dumb post by someone in the 4th grade who knows nothing about what goes on in the real world yet. :(

First of all the only thing that scuks here is you're post. You have no facts just you're own opinions wich most are wrong anyways.

Bush never started this war! It's been going on for the past 200 years. Bush only sent in the U.S. troops after 20 years of Saddam Hussein Killing his own people some with WMD's and not letting the U.N. in. There Courntry needed our help and we gave it to them.

No one knows weather or not global warming is even real. Some top rated sciences beleve that global warming is nothing more then a natural chage in the world. For example the ice age was not callage by global warming and before the ice age the earth was verry hot. We could be going back into one of those cycles.

But then again you're also wrong about Bush not trying to do anything about it I listed a url down at the bottom of my post. Just to name one of the things he's doing to stop global warming.

Just another one of you're dumb opinions. I bet you don't even know what the word lame means.


Oh god you did't just say that! lol, it's "he's a moron" smuck! If you're going to say it say it right! But then again it's just another one of you're dumb opinions.


You call someone a racist but bring no facts to the table. Now that would be lame.


Oh, please don't be jealous. I'm shore you're no George Clooney or even a George Bush. lol... :P

2007-03-12 10:09:38 · answer #2 · answered by hdchackz 5 · 0 0

the whole "Bush Sucks" answer shows a generic loss of understanding approximately politics and how the international is controlled. help for the Democrats skill precisely muting grievance for the sake of team spirit, and overlaying up the Democrat’s genuine nature. "Bush Sucks" is portion of this ideology. it rather is the act of mindless robots who, given each oportunity to, nonetheless refuse to study the information, come across who precisely is making judgements and why, and as a result, mis-directing thier anger to a touch guy who did no longer have a hand (or maybe a point out) interior the whole run as much as the war or the large plans of the neo-cons interior the 1st place. Bush is in basic terms a lap-canines. Donald Rumsfeld Dick Cheney Condoleezza Rice Ahmed Chalabi Karl Rove Paul Wolfowitz Norman Podhoretz Elliott Abrams Richard Perle Jeane Kirkpatrick Max Boot William Kristol Robert Kagan William Bennett Peter Rodman those human beings SUCK... and you may desire to a minimum of recognize who they are, so which you would recognize who's ruining your lives, and ruining the lives of many others on your call.

2016-10-01 23:15:33 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Hey everybody, Pedro KNOWS for a fact the Bush caused the war.
Was it to further his reach for the presidency? No, he was already president.
Maybe it was to gain him favor with the American people, hm, no that's not working.
Pedro, tell us why, Please.

Global warming, that hasn't been determined yet exactly if it is a result of a natural cycle or contaminants in the air but I'm sure that Pedro knows. Pedro also must know that China is now producing almost twice as much pollution as the US and I'm sure that he can tell us how Bush can stop China from spewing out pollution.

Forty percent of Bush's cabinet is a protected class but I guess Pedro will tell us why 100% isn't and how this makes him a racist.

Pedro will tell us how he comes to the conclusion that he thinks another man is ugly. Please tell us O'wise One.

A moron has an I.Q. between 51 and 70; I can't even find out where President Bush gets his green beans. Pedro, you're so wise, please tell us how you got the Presidents I.Q. results.

Let us all ask Pedro for more wisdom.


I would have to ask Mrs Bush if he sucks or bites.

2007-03-11 12:29:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

For all of you that think that President Bush sucks, that is your opinion and you are welcome to it. Now here is MY opinion.
All of those that think President Bush suck, are a brain dead liberal idiot that would welcome socialism with wide open arms. I got news for you people, there is no such thing as FREE. Freedom isn't free, the right to express your opinion isn't free. Coming on to this website and spouting your idiot liberal nonsense isn't free either. The very military that you want to stab in the back. HAS PAID FOR IT WITH THIER LIVES.
I hope that you will someday realize that global warming isn't real science, and a group of scientist that have come to an 'agreement' doesn't make it science either.
If Bush was a moron how did he get elected twice and attend Harvard?
I have not heard one specific thing about him being racist.
And the only ugly thing showing is your liberal attitude.

2007-03-11 12:59:11 · answer #5 · answered by card 1 · 4 1

You can have an opinion, But at least make it have merrit try to sound intelligent any way.Bush is a strong man as well as the right one for the job right now you should educate yourself about the Presidency a little more so you can understand the job.

2007-03-11 13:33:17 · answer #6 · answered by josh m 5 · 1 1

you neeed to get a life before you say something like that again. u should know more than two facts about him when you make an assuption too idoit. peopel like you are idiots, and reacist. bush is the only person right now who is try to keep america from being a commmunism. Democrat is another word for commie. so you should take a look in the mirror when you call someone ugly. or have you not seen your reflection cuz all the mirrors break before they can see u. he did not cause war, he is truing to prevent more from happening. and if your so unsatified, you do somehting about global warming

2007-03-11 12:26:02 · answer #7 · answered by a cool person 3 · 3 3

No.....and your reasons lack any merit whatsoever. Bush did not cause any war. Extreme Islam did. He has given more money than any other president toward environmental agencies. He is hardly a moron, he is an Ivy league college grad, he has put more minorites in positions of power than any previous president. ie. Condoleeza Rice and USAG Gonzalez, among others. His appearance has little to do with his job performance so that statement is just plain ignorant. Pull your eyes away from the liberal blogs and MSNBC and look for better sources of info.

2007-03-11 12:26:07 · answer #8 · answered by Johnny Conservative 5 · 3 3

You hit it right on the head, He is the dumbest person to ever steal 2 elections when he can't read or write, ride a bike , tie his shoes he just is a complete in my opinion a moron. He puts them on polyester slacks , that ole green shirt sleeves rolled up that old belt and look just a funky as he can be, He need to floss and brush his teeth. It would be different if he was street person but he is I guess by now a Billionaire. What creep he really is, just a nothing.

2007-03-11 12:28:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Yep, he's a complete failure, as I've explained many times over on here

By the way global warming is NOT being caused by humans

2007-03-11 12:21:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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